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Everything posted by BillM

  1. So those people in rural areas don't have phones either? Can't call up the MNR and ask about the regs? Anymore excuses you'd like to share with us for not knowing the regulations in a FMZ you're fishing? If someone wants to figure out the regs they will, if not they won't. You're crazy to think a judge will toss a case out of court when the guy who was 13 walleye over his limit stands up and says 'Well the Canadian Tire didn't have a copy of the regs and my dial up internet was too slow to download the PDF' If anything, the regulations are even more available today then they were 15 years ago.
  2. My buddy ordered a GMC extended cab almost exactly like that.. No floor mats (just rubber) base model LT with 4x4.
  3. Are those the same people doing 80km/h in 50km/h zone because they didn't see a speed limit sign? Zero excuse for not knowing the regs in the zone you are fishing.
  4. If you want a copy that badly, download the PDF, print it out and put it in your truck. In a perfect world there would be unlimited copies, but access to the regs are readily available.
  5. You should know the regs well before you're on the water...... Just sayin'
  6. It's too bad common sense isn't all that common. Here comes the slaughter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And people are going to wonder why in 3-4 years the fishing sucks.
  7. He knows mother nature is going to screw us again real soon, lol.
  8. For that shot, I'd just light up the boats to grab your focus point, then figure out which shutter speed works the best.. Trial and error. There would be no point in trying to get the stars in focus, they'll look just fine. Run a lower aperture and a increase shutter time to reduce the noise...
  9. Buy the biggest battery that will fit from Costco.. When it dies in 3-4 years, return it and get another...
  10. Then you'll get charged for having a fire on the ice, lol!! I think there should be a 2 week grace period after the dead line then the MNR goes out (or whoever) and does whatever they've gotta do to get them off the ice.
  11. I still think one of your main issues is the prop.. I can't even believe there's a 15P on there. 17-19 at a minimum like ctered mentioned above. I put my spare prop on last year for a few weeks when I dinged the other one, and that was an identical prop pitch - 3/4.. The difference in the hole shot was pretty crazy, I can't even imagine a 15P...
  12. If you want some extra capacity, run two in parallel!!!
  13. It's too bad the MNR can't change the opener when water conditions call for it.
  14. Yeah, we ended up just going for an extended boat ride (while dodging iceburgs )
  15. Can't blame him for either of those 2 tonight... D man standing around watching the game instead of playing.
  16. You shouldn't have your gas tanks near the back of the boat.. The main bladder should be centralized... (It's this way in our Lund)... But yeah, I'm sure the dealer has sold this combo before and should have known this *might* happen.
  17. You'd still have to use an aperture like f22 to get both of them in focus.. Flash doesn't make much of a difference. Although I guess it really does depend on the pic and how many stars are actually in it.
  18. Great shot... The sun can be your friend or foe Some light above that bird would have really made those wings 'pop'!
  19. I'd like to see Montreal win, but I'm not going to ignore the crappy calls that were made during that game.
  20. Nice job Mike, got out to my local spot, back bays are still ice covered, lol!
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