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Everything posted by BillM

  1. I don't think anyone is debating the fact that snow tires do a better job in the snow. My issue here is some people thinking it's going to magically turn bad drivers into good drivers. If you suck at driving, you suck at driving, what tires you have aren't going to make a lick of a difference.
  2. Reims definitely picked it up after letting in those 2 softies. Quick was the only reason the game was close. He stoned Bozak 4-5 times lastnight?
  3. If you can't drive when it's dry without getting charged with something, It's only going to get worse then the white stuff flies.
  4. Looks like some time well spent with your dad! What did those daily charter runs you? (approx)
  5. What about the new hard rubber studs they are using on tires these days? Do they really tear up the roads like the old ones?
  6. Man, these refs are missing a lot of calls tonight. I can't believe they called that one!
  7. Awful year? Are we watching the same guy? -9? He makes a bad play and everyone jumps all over the kids back, lol. Some of you guys are too funny.
  8. Those cars are going to sell for a lot of money, even in their current state. Especially the Ferrari.
  9. You're making some wild assumptions on what people barely scraping by can/cannot afford. You have a crystal ball you're looking into? Quit supplementing that disability pension with your thriving rod building business and we'll see if your tune changes when you're forced to shell $$$ you don't have.
  10. I love the depth the team has this year.. I think that's the biggest change. If the first line isn't on, you can count on a few from the 2nd and 3rd. That's why they've won a few games they could have easily lost..
  11. The problem is you aren't just legislating the incompetents, you're putting everyone under one umbrella. For the family that's just getting by, now they've gotta dish out extra $$$ for snow tires? 'No presents for Xmas this year Tommy, Santa had to put snow tires on mommy and daddys car!' It's too bad we can't teach common sense
  12. How about anyone with an accident or ticket In the past XX of years? That could work.
  13. You think roe is free? lol. And when it comes to roe collection, all of mine is done stateside (Sans for 1 or 2 chinook out on Lake O if I can manage it).. Stocked fish, put and take fishery, I don't lose any sleep over it at all.
  14. You'd be wrong. I've run winters on both my car and truck. I'd rather have a good driver on all seasons, then a bad driver on winters.
  15. I'd rather have mandatory winter driving lessons for new drivers and drivers over the age of 60.
  16. If you do this on Simcoe, the herring would most likely take care of those minnows in about 3 seconds Try it out though, get it on video!
  17. It's too bad people aren't 'outraged' when loads of fat hen steelhead are roped up and dragged along the bank all day.. Would people feel better if that was a pike instead?
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