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Everything posted by BillM

  1. They pick the higher of the two, what you paid or the book value.
  2. I never understood them running both Best Buy and Futureshop after they merged to be honest. Surprised this didn't happen sooner.
  3. Those look pretty good. If you end up trying them out, let us know if they work!
  4. You're legally allowed to target them. Same idea as fishing for a species in a FMZ with no possession limit. Get them in the boat, unhooked, back in the water.
  5. I don' t know if the fish is enjoying the moment too much though. You need to get these fish in and released, you're not making much of a headway with 30lb braid and a spinning setup meant for bass. Can you land a muskie on this? For sure.. Should you be chasing these fish with a setup like this? No. All that heavy gear isn't just about not losing expensive lures...
  6. Just a sec... You don't fish for steelhead, but you're in here telling us that stocking is the answer? And that if we don't stock, the fishery would crash hard? That's a bit ironic no?
  7. Boat is patiently waiting in the garage for some shallow water brownies!
  8. Graham isn't going to give up his spots to his guests, don't fool yourself. Best part about the Notty is all the private property.
  9. It's going to be muddy for quite a while. Lots of melt still to happen.
  10. This is why you should only fish Topraiders!
  11. No fish in the Notty. Try the 'Geen instead.
  12. Let's hope this continues until they've straightened themselves out. I'm all for the ACC being empty, lol.
  13. Most guides made in the last 15 years will handle braid just fine.
  14. PRO STAFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. Improve the spawning habitat, the fish will take care of the rest. If you want mutant stockers, New York is a short drive.
  16. Op thinks 9 hrs is a long haul, you're talking a good 21+, lol!
  17. Yup, nothing beats a plug and play install, worth the wee bit extra for that adapter.
  18. Install it yourself, it's probably got mounting holes already drilled in the frame. Pretty simple job.
  19. I think Nonis will be gone at the end of this year, Shanny is running the show. Let's hope this is a good playoff season! We need some teams in the east to stick around.
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