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Everything posted by 1leggedangler

  1. Really terrible news. Very sorry for your loss Gary. Take solace in knowing you did all humanly possible to help Amy along. Sincerely, 1leg
  2. Thanks Doc! Thought she was a 50' but 54" is a monster fish. BEAUT!!!
  3. I have used the Mizmo tubes in dark green with red fleck, deadly for smallmouth and largies. Try different weighted jig heads and keep contact with the bottom.
  4. Congrats to the both of you on your 50th Anniversary. Hope to be so lucky myself, just 40 more to go. Looked like the perfect way to celebrate! All the best and many more. Sincerely, 1leg
  5. Wow Doc, that is one impressive G-Bay Ski! Did you get a chance to put a tape measure to her? Looks like a true love affair the way you are hugging her!!!!lol Good luck this season. Cheers, 1leg
  6. Wow! Very nice Eye to say the least! Congrats and thanks for the report. Cheers, 1leg
  7. Horrible to lose a good buddy. So sorry for your loss. Great pic of him! Sincerely, 1leg
  8. What a CARPTASTIC Day!!! Those are some big freaking fish. Congrats on a awesome report! Cheers, 1leg
  9. Keep contact with the bottem Fish slow with them and you'll have a bend in the rod in no time. Good luck and congrats with trying a new presentation, always a challenge! Cheers, 1leg
  10. How'd did you get so lucky! Early presents and all fishing related. So jealous! Congrats and hope you have a great weekend with the three generations all together. That's what's Father's Day should be all about. Cheers, 1leg
  11. So sorry to hear about Mom and good luck with your personal situation. Wishing the best for you on both fronts. Sincerely, 1leg
  12. Thanks for posting. On the history channel tonight they will have a couple shows remembering our Canadian hero's taking Juno Beach and our often not mentioned huge push inland. Never forget what our veterans have done for this country! Sincerely, 1leg
  13. I'll second the Cliffs of Mohr(town of Lahinch) you can even surf there and anything along the Southwest of Ireland is a spectacular drive. Especially enjoyed the town of Killarney. Have a great time and look forward to your report and pics. Cheers, 1leg
  14. Thank you very much for the pics. Definitley could be a feature for National Geographic! Love the people out east but they can keep their SCREECH and kissing the COD tradition.LOL Cheers, 1leg
  15. Give the man his $500.00 a game and move on with it! Would never be same without it, usually the best part of the games especially for us leaf fans.
  16. Thank you for your service to this country!! Sincerely, 1leg
  17. Awesome report! Great memories from Key West, got engaged down there. Gotta love the main strip with all sorts cool different people mixing together. Didn't see one drunken bar fight. Had a great time at Fat Tuesday's and Jimmy Buffet does make one hell of a cheese burger. Thanks for the report Jamie. Cheers, 1leg
  18. Love those GTA hidden gems. Congrats! Cheers, 1leg
  19. Great report Mike! Sorry to hear about the prop, hate that feeling of being a drift with no power. Congrats on that mess of eyes TASTY! Always great to come home to a greeting like that. Cheers, 1leg
  20. Beauty Gators, congrats on the win! Cooks bay? Cheers, 1leg
  21. Extra special Mother's Day! Wishing your Mom a speedy recovery! Sincerely, 1leg
  22. Like they say any publicity is good publicity. She has just been rehired by another Tim Horton's!!!!
  23. Beauty small jaws!! Love the colours. Do you mind me asking what colour of tube you were using to entice those brutes? Congrats! Cheers, 1leg
  24. Congrats! Some nice looking pike. This time of year some of them do look a little beat up from agressive spawning activities. Thanks for the report! Cheers, 1leg
  25. Beauty opener! Nice colours and markings on those GB pike. Congrats! Cheers, 1leg
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