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Everything posted by 1leggedangler

  1. Beautiful work! You should be very proud and kept a lot of money in your own pockets! So jealous of people who have these skills. Cheers, 1leg
  2. Awesome report, thanks for posting. Love the pic with the mist, some beautiful stretch of water you have found. Congrats on a great opener! Cheers, 1leg
  3. Solid Fish. congrats on the PB! Cheers, 1leg
  4. Looks like a couple of great days on the water! Sorry to hear about the sun stroke, been there, no fun at all! Awesome pics, thanks for the report. Cheers, 1leg
  5. Nice pics! I had a buddy of mine who was sick with "Beaver Fever" for about six months. Nasty stuff!
  6. Congrats with the new addition to the family. One awesome looking Pooch!!! Cheers, 1leg
  7. What a report!!! Thanks so much for sharing that awesome day on the water with us. I have been deep sea fishing a couple of times with no where near the results you guys had. Congrats to the both of you!!! Cheers, 1leg
  8. Awesome Bass!!! Have fished Toho a couple of times and you are right about all the hydrilla. Congrats on breaking the double digits!! Cheers, 1leg
  9. Best wishes and a quick recovery for your Brother's surgery. Thoughts and prayers being sent.
  10. Awesome Pup, congrats!! So jealous. Cheers, 1leg
  11. Awesome news Jack!!!!!! Thanks for the update. Sincerely, 1leg
  12. Hope they get the word out on some radio stations so they can get the attendance they need to cover expenses. Love the Spring Show!! I would say Al's an honorary Canadian anyways Lew with the amount of shows he shoots up here.lol Cheers, 1leg
  13. Very sorry for your loss. Sincerely, 1leg
  14. Thoughts and prayers on the way for Mike's Dad and Tony's Grandma.
  15. PLease thank him for his service to this awesome country. Thoughts and prayers for all the boys and girls that are serving overseas. One of the ladies that works with us got her boy home safe and sound after his tour just before Christmas. Sincerely, 1leg
  16. Solid gesture Tony! Cheers, 1leg
  17. Thanks for the update Cliff, sure am hoping everything works out for the best and Jack gets home sooner than later. Sincerely, 1leg
  18. One of the most original posts I have ever read, especially the recovery of the lost items. Ingenius and congrats! Now I know why they call you SNAG, Great pike also! Cheers, 1leg
  19. Glad to hear they got Jack into a room. Being stuck out in the hallway in emerg is no place to get better. Hope they get to the root of the problem soon. Thoughts are with you Jack and Jackie. Sincerely, 1leg
  20. Awesome news! Congrats to you and the Miss's on your new bundle of joy. Cheers, 1leg
  21. Competely awesome tribute to your Pops!!! He sure knew what spending time outdoors with the boys was all about. Thanks for sharing. Cheers, 1leg
  22. Wow! Terrible news. Wishing for a speedy recovery for all involved. Sincerely, 1leg
  23. Thanks for the update Jack, hope they fix the plumbing sooner than later! All the Best, 1leg
  24. Hope the surgery goes well and wishing Jack a speedy recovery. Sincerely, 1leg
  25. That has to be one of the coolest outdoor fireplaces I have ever seen!! Cheers, 1leg
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