Couple things.....
Dr Sal did hit that nail several times.
Last night I watched John Duncan---minister for Indian affairs say to the world that Charlie Angus NDP for attawapiskat region should have brought this up sooner
This is a crock-----I personally watched Angus bring up the Attawapiskat issues on numerous occasions for the last couple YEARS in question period.
I lived on Northern reserves back in the late 70's early 80's working for the Hudson's Bay Co.
One being Black Lake< Sask. up near Uranium city----one thing I recall is the town maintenance worker coming and dumping javex bleach into the town's drinking water to purify it---ta da---guess we're good
This is not a new story and emotions run high on both sides----education and understanding is what is needed.
That's bout as nice as I can say this.