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Mister G

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Everything posted by Mister G

  1. Question: Is there a way to change the "skin" of this new format to lighter, easier to read screen for weary old eyes ? ? ?
  2. HUH, 3 years..........and no one missed you..........LOL........JK..........welcome back.
  3. The things some of these companies do to "TRY" to catch up to the G22 E-TEC's...........
  4. I wish they would be eliminated. Seen way too often newbies being ignored because they are not super regular here notice by post low counts. And some post the most ridiculous subjects to attract attention and drive up their numbers. Just saying.
  5. Is that first pic one of those monster black bass I'm always reading about.......
  6. If you like balsamic vinegar then try this stuff........it's a balsamic reduction and it's even GREAT on Ice Cream......others make it too. https://jet.com/product/detail/a556e21fa802441081e6dd8033a36c9d?jcmp=pla:ggl:nj_cons_gen_grocery_a3:grocery_pantry_sauces_marinades_a3:na:PLA_786070962_46630688088_pla-377920258773_c:na:na:na:2PLA15&pid=kenshoo_int&c=786070962&is_retargeting=true&clickid=b1d8b795-1349-4ae0-8ee4-a0d68622d74a&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI6dGxvvbF1wIVCZ7ACh1OCAr-EAQYBCABEgJ1gPD_BwE
  7. Many Loons have caught on to being winterized and some not so much. I heard they prefer bathing is Sea Foam over many other winterization practices before heading south. It makes their journey much easier with their feathers treated and that's why many look so brown. By next year the Sea Foam wears off and it's back to black and white specks again. You can't beat Sea Foam with a Ugly Stick . . . . . . .
  8. YES, but you have to heat the can up first in the microwave.....then just pour it in the bilge and let it do it's thing. Makes good toothpaste too . . . .
  9. We always use our pizza stone in the oven and it's the way to go......... We sometimes like to make a WHITE pizza and if we are near Sam's we buy one of there take and bake pizzas but we have it made with no sauce and just cheese on it. Once home we remove the cheese and bag it, then rub seasoned EVOO on it and then add some of the cheese, cut tomatoes, hot pepper and sweet peppers from the garden and whatever else looks good that we have in the kitchen/garden like fresh basil and oregano . Sometimes even slice of pineapple which until you try it you would think NO WAY. Another way to make a GREAT pizza for little cost is to use french bread cut length ways and add pizza sauce, pepperoni and cheese.......we did this alot when we first got married and couldn't afford to eat out. This was our Friday night meal in front of the TV way back in the day.
  10. On the old can of Sea Foam I have it also says it will fix blown engine and improve radio reception......
  11. 2+4 is a Evinrude fuel treatment and will BLOW UP your black anchor.........LOL......jk
  12. But how many members here really fish ? ? ?
  13. I am always amused at this time of year with all these winterization procedures that people have. Hey if that's what gets you off go for it but 99% of these procedures are not necessary. This is what has worked for me during the last 33 years of owning a boat with a bilge pump and livewells. Crank the trailer all the way up so any water in the boat drains back towards the transom. Turn on the bilge pump and livewell pump so if any water is present it pumps out. Leave boat like this for a few day and turn pumps on once more. If no water present you are done with winterizing your bilge and livewell pumps. If water is still present repeat this until now is pumped out. Now this is the difficult part and you might want to pay someone to do this. Get some moth balls and put them in various locations within the boat and MOTOR. However, trying to catch moths and dissecting off their balls can be challenging.
  14. Yep, there is a HUGE difference from a boat that is used all it's life on smaller inland lakes compared to those who live on the Great Lakes for decades. Bottom line, if I had to choose it's rivets every time because it's much easier to replace rivets compared to actually getting someone who is really qualified to properly weld a crack in the boat.
  15. I would add a good dependable drive train . . .
  16. Many vehicle include VSC and it saved my life or at least from running off the road with boat in trail hitting shoulder stones one time while returning with the flu. I would never turn that off in my Tundra.
  17. Ignore the stupid light, it's a Dodge you should be happy that it starts up and that light probably makes up for a tail light that does not work. . . . . . .
  18. All braking hard does is bring all that junk stored under the back seat of my truck forward . . . . lol Cleaning and lubricating properly is the key.
  19. Looks like you need to re-bleed them walleye fillets out again.........
  20. I kiss fish all the time but that's after I retrieve them from the hot oil, before that is just plain stupid.
  21. Play nice boys . . . play nice....
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