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Everything posted by Dutch01

  1. FYI, it's actually pretty rare to have a President who lost the popular vote, it's only happened 5 times in US history (1824, 1876,1888, 2000 and 2016). Just did the math, there have been 56 Presidential elections, so just under 9% of elections have had this outcome.
  2. Art, I hesitate to speak for SirCranks here but I think what he was pointing out is that he had one post knocking Trump and was scolded, while this thread is a literal pile on against anything perceived as "liberal/democratic" or "millennial". EDIT: a literal pile on is hyperbolic I admit. Could have chosen my words more carefully there.... I don't want to make your job any harder, I like visiting this site and I appreciate what you do to make it possible. I'm only saying if we don't want to chase *any* members away, then you have to swing the banhammer both ways. And please not at me for this post ?
  3. Uh oh - now the pressure is on to produce ?
  4. Great job! Looks like a fun time and that's a nice mess o' fish.
  5. Thanks guys, I can't wait to get back out there tomorrow....
  6. Technically a majority of voters did not vote for Trump, HRC is winning the popular vote by 400,000 votes last I saw (they're still counting even though the electoral college votes are in). I understand that's how politics works and it can cut both ways, but it is a fact that more than 50% of votes were cast against Trump. As for the protests, that's as much a part of democracy as elections. When they become riots I don't agree, but lawful protest is protected speech in the US as far as I know.
  7. I took today off so I could stay out late last night and it paid off. I hit two spots and got 5 fish in total (65cm, 55cm, 53cm, 45cm and 41cm). Night pics are never great on an iPhone but here's a picture of the big girl. She weighed in at 5.4 pounds. Fish were caught on bobber and minnow or Pickerel rig/drop shot. It was a nice night out but that wind was something else. I'll be out again Saturday. Good luck!
  8. Proof positive that there's a sucker born every minute.
  9. This is my modus operandi for tomorrow night ?
  10. I love my android/kodi box. It's awesome, I see all the tv and ppv i want to. There is a learning curve, it's not as simple as point and click like cable, but it's not hard by any means. Mine was $110 on kijiji fyi
  11. This idea has been shot down many times before but I still like it. The argument usually put forth against it is that it will fracture the board. I don't see that myself, I'll just check two forums here instead of one. Of course it's management's prerogative in the end but I don't object to the idea.
  12. I used to love the old two strokes like the RZ but there weren't many left in good shape by the time I was riding. My Dad use to tell me stories about watching the 750 triple two strokes race at Mosport before I was old enough to start going with him. Those must have been insane to ride! Here's a (really) old pic, it might be the only one I have of my bike - this was before digital pictures....
  13. Someone I know works at the Chevy dealer nearby and he hooked me up with a "test drive" in a 2016 Camaro SS. 455hp/455ft-lbs, six speed manual. What a beast! I almost traded in my truck on the spot ?
  14. Art, I did 215 k once on my GPz 750. It always feels twice as fast on a bike....I miss that thing, but my riding days are done....
  15. Here's the Berkeley gripper holding up to a 42" muskie I caught on Balsam this spring. That fish went crazy too, my hand would have been mulch if I have been "bare handing" it.
  16. I have the Berkeley gripper with the attached tape measure. It worked great the first year, second year the tape measure rusted through and broke off. The gripper still works great though. Just don't bother with the attached tape.....
  17. I encourage you all to watch The White Helmets (Netflix) and then tell me if you support the bombing being done in Syria. I just watched a one month old baby pulled from the rubble of a building, thankfully still alive. As a parent, it's heartbreaking to me to watch this. Neither Russia nor the US stands on high ground here. To tie it back into this thread, I would rather have any one of those Syrian "white helmets" as my next door neighbor than Donald Trump.
  18. As of last weekend they hadn't come into shore at my spots yet. I'll be back out there Saturday night and/or Sunday night to have at 'er again.
  19. I actually enjoyed Jessica Jones. Killgrave makes an interesting villain. Just keep your expectations in check and you shouldn't be disappointed.
  20. I'm loving this one too. Netflix is really killing it with their Marvel adaptations if you ask me. I'm on episode 10 already, and trying to pace myself with only 3 left.
  21. I have a 7' Rapala Magnum that I like more than I thought I would. It has held up well so far, I would definitely buy another.
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