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Everything posted by Beavertail

  1. Great way to spend a day off school! Your son is getting to spend some serious time outdoors, nice.
  2. Haha! That's funny!! Here kitty kitty.... That video has to be a joke.
  3. Looks like an ideal day to be walking the woods, love the light dusting of snow. Your brother looks quite pleased.
  4. That pic really is the "cats a--". Not a great shot but at least it has a long tail, is the right colour, and looks feline. Definitely not a dog. Comparing it to the size of the trailer tire, it does look quite small. If only you could see the head of the animal!
  5. Cool video. I don't like birds crapping on my vehicle, couldn't imagine those two brutes wrestling in the driveway!
  6. Polishing ponds are part of lagoon systems, quite simple and effective. Biggest problem is land requirement...not really applicable in bigger, urban centres.
  7. It does happen quite often, most times it's partially treated however. Don't think people would be happy with the alternative though...ie backed-up sewers and flooded basements. It has to go somewhere and treatment facilities can only handle so much.
  8. MJL, those little hammered half and half spoons look dynamite, nice little collection there.
  9. Gramp's old 303...love it. With so much emphasis these days on powerful Short Magnums, I like to see old guns/calibers still in service and taking game. Wonder what kind of stories that gun could tell?
  10. Nice deer. Cool to see your daughter in the pic.
  11. Nice going. Good to hear that numbers are up in your area.
  12. Sorry to hear about your loss. Sounds like fishing has been an integral part of your family for a long time, and the torch has just been passed. You must be very proud of your Grand Father and his legacy.
  13. Very cool! When you're in your stand or blind and hear foot steps coming through the brush, you just don't know what it's gonna be!! Sure keeps things interesting. If all goes as planned looks like you could be in for a good season.
  14. Looks like a fun weekend, despite the cold and rain. I know those make for some of the longest nights, dawn just can't come soon enough!
  15. I don't understand the aversion some people have to wearing PFD's??? Especially this time of year, in bad weather, in small boats ....seems like a no brainer.
  16. Sorry MB2, but those aren't Bobcats either. ?
  17. You're referring to the store records/bill of sale?
  18. Bring back the registry, great idea!!
  19. Am I missing something here? Are the gun crimes in this country so out of control to warrant drastic changes? I personally have never been involved in one, or know anyone who has. I feel very safe walking down the streets and living in my community. I tell you what though, I'm sure everyone knows at least one person who has been affected by a traffic accident, possibly caused by drinking and driving or just as bad now - texting. What about heart disease, obesity, smoking and how terrible our diets are these days with all the fast food available 24 hours a day. I know it's easy to single out gun control, and it gives some voters a false sense of security but people make so many poor choices DAILY that are a far greater risk to their lives than worrying about getting gunned down.
  20. Do the majority of Canadians really feel that way? Or just the majority government?
  21. That's gonna leave a mark. The guy obviously put some time and thought into the slingshot and camera/light set-up...did he not take into account the possibility of ricochet's??? He's using steel ball bearings and the back stop doesnt look too soft. I guess he learned the hard way! Better his skull than his eye.
  22. Thats amazing you got to witness that in person, those predator/prey encounters are such a rare treat. Thanks for sharing!
  23. Cool pic of the bobcat, you have a nice assortment of critters in your neck of the woods! What was the outcome with the fawns?
  24. Len Thompson hammered gold and orange spoon. I wouldn't exactly call them junk, but they are one of the cheaper spoons you can buy, especially compared to one of my favourites - the EGB. I once found one on the river bottom and tossed it in my box. Didn't try it out until my next outing, and in desperation tied it on after a fishless morning. Got a salmon shortly after that. Thought it may have been a fluke but it has continued to catch salmon and rainbows for me...it is now my go-to spoon when casting for salmon and rainbows. Eventually lost it to the same river bottom where I found it and promptly replaced it with a new one from CT.
  25. Bobcat's (and Lynx) have a short tail...imagine a dog with a docked tail like a Pointer. Cougars are long, like on a house cat...a 200lb house cat.
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