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Everything posted by AKRISONER

  1. these guys make me laugh. I recently saw one of the monstrosities posted on my local marina's for sale page. They had some boat with 1400 horses in outboards strapped to it. I asked its top speed and they said 70mph...A stock bass boat with a 250 will pass the damn thing. This is the equivalent of throwing the bugattis quad turbo W 12 engine on a chrysler 300. Just stupid.
  2. I wear a one piece nautilus. It needs replacing but the $1,000+ price tag of suits that quality sucks. It’s a shame nautilus doesn’t even seem to make them anymore. I think helly hanson makes something similar. That’s what scares me about those striker suits. They are advertised as ice fishing suits and come with picks etc. but they aren’t flotation devices. They are just meant to keep you warm not keep you alive if you go in. it sounds like you have their float suit version. Is it coast guard approved? my snowmobiling suit is an fxr floater, I should jump in with it now and see if it’s much different. the nautilus felt like I was wearing a life jacket I was super buoyant
  3. absolutely, that was 100% my mistake. The ice was so good where we were walking that I didnt consider that there could be spots that were that bad still that he would be able to easily access without totally running off to the other side of the lake. Turns out he just had to go over that one 10x10 spot of ice in the whole area. Next time he will be staying home for sure!
  4. I was going to be ok no matter what because I could see the bad ice. I got to make the decision to let him potentially drown while keeping myself safe or save him. I can honestly say that if i was not wearing the floater and didnt have picks, my dog wouldnt be alive today...thats hard to think about.
  5. Well guys I’m posting to tell you about my mistake and a scary situation I found myself in yesterday. ive been on the ice since early December, taking all of the precautions, wearing the float suit, carrying picks. Spudding around, measuring ice and of course staying extremely close to home <200 meters. with the wild weather I have fished on some absolutely atrocious ice this year but I made a mistake this past weekend and i should have known better. Basically anywhere right now that water flows on my lake was completely wide open. That also includes near any structure such as docks or boat houses. saturday night we had a cold snap up north and it got to -11 overnight which happily for me really solidified the terrible ice that we had and also locked up a lot of the open areas with a skim of ice again. here’s where I made a stupid mistake. Once again taking all precautions me and my buddy decided that we wanted to try fish about a 5 minute walk down the lake for the day. If you know me, my dog basically always comes fishing with me. He’s a 30lb cocker spaniel lab mix, extremely intelligent, an incredible swimmer, absolutely loves the water but loves running out on the ice even more. with there being 5 inches of clear ice on the lake now I thought absolutely nothing of having him come out for the walk down the lake to fish. Well sure enough just as we were arriving where we wanted to fish I hear my buddy say “oh $|-|!7” I look and cash had gone near a rock outcrop where water had been rushing down into the lake he was about 10 meters from shore, and he was swimming for his life. im very confident on the ice because I take the required precautions, and furthermore I know that when I’m close to home and wearing a floater with picks, if I go in I’m getting cold and going home no big deal. I never considered that my dog could ever fall through being 30lbs and on 4 feet. I sat for a second and thought first of all, ok what’s the situation, can he get himself out, can I safely get him out? And I thought about the people that have died trying to save their dogs. I calculated everything and knew that I could easily get out and home from where I was at so I dropped my sled rope, said to my buddy, “I gotta save him” I watched cash narrowly miss getting himself out of the water and as he fell back in backwards I could tell he was now really scared. It was a weird feeling walking towards that crappy ice. It started to crack under my feet. I was walking probably on half an inch of ice. I then got onto my stomach and started to army crawl closer to the hole and In I went. Adrenaline surging through my veins I didn’t even feel the cold aside from my boots noticeably filling with ice water slowly. Cash scrambling swam back to me and I forced him towards shore where I was then able to push him out. Now here I am swimming in about 5 feet of water. I was able to consciously decide. To hell with the picks I’m going to see if I can get out without them. Sure enough totally calm I got out no problem at all the float suit nearly launching me onto the ice as I kicked. made the walk home and here were my observations. 1. my feet were soaked and boots were full of water it felt like walking in ice buckets. That hurt and was miserable. 2. My hands really started getting cold after the 5 minute walk and a bit of the adrenaline cut out. 3. My hiking hard 5 minutes home completely zipped up in my survival suit, I started actually warming up. This was incredible to me. Those suits with the wrists cinched and the zipper done all of the way up I could feel the heat building in my body incredible 4. when I got home and took my under layers off, my undershirt was actually fairly dry! I couldn’t believe that the cinches on the suit kept a lot of water out. Sections of my sweater were also dry. Pretty incredible considering I had literally gone underwater for a second when I first fell through the ice. 5. you can literally feel yourself dying after you plunge. The first thing I noticed was that I tried to tell my buddy that I’d be ok and that he could meet me at home but even in my calm relatively warm state it was very difficult to talk. As I marched home my breathing was heavier from walking fast and my chest felt super tight as if I had a chest cold. Warming up made that go away entirely. my dog didn’t like the feeling of the cold water on his fur so he scandanavian bathed the whole way home rolling in the snow to try and dry off. lesson learned. Don’t mess with sketchy ice unless you have 100% control of the situation. Never ever go on bad ice without a float suit (I never will again) stay calm and the act of falling through and getting out is actually nowhere near as bad as the horror stories seem to make them out to be. If you are prepared, wearing the right clothing, calm and carrying the right tools, you will most likely survive to post about it here another day. ive heard people suggest it but it’s true, if you spend a lot of time on the ice, go in and then get yourself out. You’ll see what if feels like, what getting out is like so that when it unexpectedly happens to you you’ll be an old pro. last but not least, I don’t give a damn what you hear, the ice can be 5 inches and clear, with people snowmobiling etc etc, if there’s snow on the ice all bets are off. If you can’t see what you are walking on at all times, you gotta be checking. The switch in quality in a spot that I would have never imagined to have bad ice was incredible. Lesson learned I should have been more accountable for my dog myself and my buddy.
  6. Just read a twitter feed where isles fans were begging Lou to get some goal scorers! Lmao isn’t that rich...John Tavares “we don’t need you!!!” I can still hear leaf fans crying about the fact that Dubas sent Komorov and Martin packing so that players like kapanen and Engval could actually have a chance. id like to see komorov and martin pull off that toe drag through the legs snipe at 100mph
  7. I’m up in point au baril and the ice is a bloody disaster. We are carrying picks and treading lightly and staying within 50 meters of home supposed to get cold tonight and there’s no snow on the ice so much better tomorrow
  8. It was always suspicious to me that some guy comes along that’s a sens fan, only posts in the hockey thread, has an “anonymous” account, and uses the exact same language to describe the leafs as matt (laffs, blue and white disease etc etc) and then comes in this thread and specifically uses bad language that’s not even aligned with board rules as if it’s a burner account to protect the users main account from being banned. judging by how worked up matt is I guess I’m wrong, but I think you can understand my suspicions sorry matt
  9. It’s just Matt’s extra burner account where he spews his most vile language. That way he doesn’t get banned.
  10. Eigers are even warmer for people like me that always have cold feet!
  11. That 6 is now 14 and that 4 is still a 4, that’s good right?
  12. Don’t forget that the system requires stupid 16 year old me to know exactly what I want to do for the rest of my life including where I will need to live and work for my career. ive had a job since I was 13 years old I went to school and got a useless graphic design degree. At 16 I thought that’s what I wanted to do. Has nothing to do with laziness. In fact we were actually told by the school system that the trades were an option for those of us who had bad grades and couldn’t cut it in school. So everytime I hear about “getting a real job” and the hard workers...most trades guys I know that entered into them right out of school got the job cause of nepotism where their family member bailed their flunking butts out by giving them a job making good money because they were going to be stuck working at McDonald’s for minimum wage as a career. the guys that worked their asses off in highschool all went to university and got degrees because that’s what the system told them to do. And sure enough the absolutely cream of the crop make more money at 30 years old than any foreman or journeyman tradesman will ever make especially union ones that have caps on their wage.
  13. 90% of guys that “fish” fish 3 long weekends a year and that’s it
  14. Lol anything that puts the dreadfully screwed toilet seats at the top of any hockey list right now is basically worth throwing immediately into the trash. Montreal doesn’t even have a chance to try and start a rebuild until 2026! Lol they may be relevant again next decade. And we haven’t even started the actual next decade yet lol!
  15. Lol they should show playoff appearances over the past 5 years too be fair as well right? Winnipeg and Toronto are going to be the only Canadian teams to make it once again this year
  16. This is relatable in so many ways. Funny enough I do both and for the most part one of the main reasons I come home to the gta from the lake is so that I don’t miss my hockey games lol I think the only difference is that people perceive hockey to be exercise while they perceive ice fishing as sitting in a shack drinking beer. Which in a lot of people’s cases that’s exactly what ice fishing is. That’s the thing there’s a total misunderstanding about fishing in general. People think that during bass season that I sit in a tinner with a worm on a hook under a float waiting for something to bite 10 hours a day too. People ask me all of the time when I tell them I fish a lot “with worms?” that’s why we catch flack, people don’t understand the sport at all. They think it’s taking one rod and a reel and a worm and sitting and waiting. That’s the average persons perspective on fishing.
  17. I’ve literally already decided that will be my next truck when my dodge inevitably prematurely explodes
  18. Just a friendly reminder that auston lazy matthews is on pace for 53 goals
  19. Someone somewhere asked about my own problems with my ram and now I can’t find it to reply so here it is 1. Brand new 2 months old <1,000km on it it got cold one October morning and I went to put my window down and the frost had caused the window to stick a bit. I didn’t know this until later but attempting to put the windows down when it’s a little frozen up causes the clips to break every single time. Here’s the catch. When you press “up” again it seems to go back to its original position but it doesn’t. So what happens is that if it that’s during the day, once the ice lets go your window falls down to its position on the broken clip. This literally happens to me regularly. My favourite places this has happened is a go train parking lot and downtown Toronto. I park my car and come back to find the windows wide open. It became a tradition for me to get the clips fixed every single time I was bringing my truck in for other warranty crap. 1.A) my cab fills with exhaust if I’m idling and the heat is on. So when I auto start my truck my entire cab is full of exhaust I have to open the doors to let it vent. When I drive not on the highway in the winter I also have to drive with my windows down and turn my heat off everytime I’m not driving fast enough for the wind to blow the exhaust away from the fan intake. I know I have an exhaust leak somewhere near the fan intake. I took the truck into dodge 3 seperate times under warranty and every single time they told me that “they fixed it” they didn’t do anything at all, I live with it to this day. 2. 20,000k I’m sitting at a stop light and go to take off and the truck makes a horrible noise and it turned out my turbos couplings had flown off. 3. 30,000km electronic shift control fails 4. 35,000 k wouldn’t you know it, the turbo’s couplings fly off again 5. 40,000k mad check engine lights go off, my EGR is totally plugged and needs replacement and the EGR cooler is dumping coolant through my entire exhaust system causing soot to pile up everywhere. Including my intake manifold which also needs replacement. I’m told that I should also do an entire not covered by warranty de-soot of my entire engine that costs $700 I tell them where to shove it and that they can have fun replacing my engine if it blows up. 5. I pull off of the dealership lot hop on the highway and the turbo couplings fly off again but downsview dodge is now closed and I am supposed to be in Georgetown for an event. I limp it to dodge in Georgetown and they say they won’t touch it because another dealership just fixed it. So I call dodge and tell them they have a dead truck sitting at their dealership in Georgetown. They then proceed to tell me to use road side assistance to get it towed back to the dealership at downsview. So I oblige and this is one of my favourite moments of owning this truck. I’m on the phone with road side assistance asking them to tow my truck back to downsview for service because Georgetown won’t work on my under warranty truck. Road side says a) their policy is to only tow to the nearest dealership but after explaining the situation b) roadside will not tow my truck from a parking lot due to the chance of them damaging other cars. I legitimately said on the phone “no problem I’m about to put my truck into neutral and push it out into the middle of highway 7 and leave it there for you to pick up” they decided that wasn’t a great idea and got in touch with downsview who I guess somehow arranged for a tow truck. But they also fail at that because the tow comes and says that they didn’t realize the truck was 4x4 and they said they couldn’t tow it. I told them to feel free to break my truck and that downsview dodge would fix it. I think they sorted it amongst themselves. 6. 95,000km An injection system sensor fails they replace it and attempt to tell me to spend $800 doing a fuel filter replacement and oil change. The fuel filter I had just replaced <10,000km before but they didn’t know that. I tell them to replace the sensor and that I will do the half an hour Labour and buy the $120 worth of parts myself. 7. A “service electronic shift control” warning randomly appears every few months and puts my truck into limp mode. But then randomly if I get home and let the truck sit and then turn it on again it’s mysteriously gone every single time. 8. From new my 4x4 doesn’t disengage. When I put it in 4x4 and then shut it off it basically randomly decides when the 4 wheel lock will release. Sometimes it’s Instantly, sometimes it’s a couple of minutes later sometimes it takes me putting the truck into park and turning on 4x4 over and over in neutral until it releases. 9. From new, When it’s really hot outside my rear window over the box will open but it won’t close until it’s cooled off. Luckily I don’t worry much about security with this one cause If you can crawl through that little hatch window more power to you lol. 10. The eco diesel law suit. Turns out my truck doesn’t get the advertised mileage that it claims, it also required a total reflash of the Ecu to meet admissions standards because they also made a cheating system like VW. Since the reflash my truck now gets worse mileage and has less tourque. (It was gutless to begin with but I knew that buying a small diesel) the Americans settled the law suit and got paid 3,000us plus had their warranty’s extended out to 120,000k as part of the class action settlement. This doesn’t apply in canada so what dodge did was use the reflash from the states and sneak it through the canadian system via a “recall” here’s the kicker the GM then tried to push through that if you had the “recall” completed (they never asked me to do it they just did it when they were fixing one of my other problems) that you were no longer a valid member of the class action suit because your truck had been “fixed” the lawyers responsible for the class action quickly had the courts toss that out. So here was GM who had just lost a class action suit in the states trying to screw every eco diesel owner in canada through the courts as well! 11. since new my truck has been eating coolant slowly. I have told the dealership in Brampton Georgetown and Toronto multiple times and had them check it under warranty every time and they couldn’t seem to find the problem. It’s still a problem but no one ever could figure out why. 12. from 2 years old rust is forming underneath both back doors as well as on the hood. The paint just cracked?? I regularly wash my truck thoroughly by hand any time it gets salt on it 13. 100,000km Two exhaust bolts broke off and I lost the gasket on the highway somewhere. Had to have a new gasket and exhaust bolts installed. there might be more problems with this piece of junk joke of a truck/ but I can’t think of all of the annoyances from new that this truck has brought me. All I will say is never ever ever again. It’s a total bloody joke that in 2016 a truck company could honestly put out such a piece of trash and think that they could get away with it.
  20. This is a funny thread stolen from the bass boat central forums. There’s some great ones from the guys that owned cars in the 70’s and 80’s 90’s fords also seem to be legendary. My family had a 96 explorer that my brother dubbed the 96 exploder Bunch of guys talking about gremlins (I mean what do you expect) my personal one as you all already know is my current 2016 ram eco diesel. What’s yours?
  21. I quit after 3...I had been out ice fishing and came in to watch, and went right back outside lol the fishing was crap too but still better than that game
  22. I second the comment about the boots. I wore sorrels with double socks and wool and everything and my feet always ended up getting cold by the end of the day. I switched to some Baffin Eiger boots which are rated as some of the warmest boots on the market and sure enough my feet aren’t cold anymore. And my feet are almost always cold even when inside!
  23. Not a fan of the captain being disrespectful during the anthem. That’s bushleague
  24. Jesus look at that handle. Glad you aren’t like my friends that buy high end gear but then keep it hidden in their basement while they fish with canadian tire gear its insulting to not keep that blank bent
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