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Everything posted by AKRISONER

  1. which to me is hilarious...totally different breed of human i guess. I could also go fish spinning gear and roe in my local river, but opt to get skunked mending flies instead lol
  2. lots of hope that some restrictions will be lifted by July...i kind of personally believe that the July long weekend is the governments target for restriction reduction. I do however not forsee the large gathering restriction being lifted for perhaps a year or maybe even more. Depending on the size of your bass club, I think this may be a bit of a pipe dream. if the weigh in involves a crowd of over 50 people, not much hope! Ive personally given up hope on any chance of fishing tournaments this year. Im simply continuing to pray that i will be able to launch my boat and fish bass at all!
  3. is it just me or are river and walleye fisherman consistently the nastiest poachers of all. I guess part of it is that these two species always have the tightest regs against them.
  4. an update. Im still waiting on parts to arrive from the states. Canada post says they are due tomorrow. I originally ordered from yamaha in canada but they are shut down. I then had to go order from the states. I read lots online and everything recommended using high grade ATF so thats the plan! I bought a spanner wrench off of amazon but the fingers on it were too wide and i could not fit the pins into the holes without touching the actual Ram arms. luckily my old man has a grinder wheel. Ground down the wrench and tested the fitting and it works nicely. Now whats frustrating. I figured I would check the caps to see how seized they may be as everything online i read said that its common for them to get jammed up. I put the wrench in the holes and pushed ever so slightly and the things began to spin...aka my seals were not tight at all. The one specifically that is noticeably leaking being almost hand tightened lightly...no wonder the damn things are leaking! Ugh Oh well, changing the seals is probably a good maintenance thing to do anyways. The parts are already bought so it is what it is! Turns out I probably could have just tightened them properly and refilled the reservoir and been done with it. Ill update when the job is finished. Changing a couple of seals shouldnt be anything too crazy anyways. Im more interested to see how refilling the fluid goes.
  5. lol used some old stelco language on me. What does that mean? Im not surprised you heard what happened. My dad had a crazy story about doing work in on of the furnaces when he first started as a junior engineer. Basically as he described it, the furnace was lined with brick hung on pipes tessellated together. After a certain amount of time the fire was so hot that the bricks would wear down and need to be changed. When that work needed to be done it was basically all hands on deck to get the bricks re-hung as quickly as possible to minimize shut down time. Every able body person worked the graveyard shift to hang the bricks as quickly as possible and then get the hell out of there. As he described, the work needed to be done so damn quick that they actually wore large blocks of wood on their feet that the soaked in water to insulate their feet and keep their shoes from lighting on fire. He said his feet smoked when he walked. Well in my old man went to work when suddenly he realized he was beginning to feel faint. He says all he remembers is thinking, holy crap if i faint and land on this floor, im dead. Thats the last thing he remembers. He woke up in the hospital. his co workers described that they began to see him run and then he dove off of a 6 foot platform down onto a concrete floor below the furnace floor. He walked away basically unscathed. Turns out he had gotten food poisoning from the mess hall after they provided them all dinner before their work for the night. They were eating the leftovers from the day shift. A mixture of that hot environment and the sudden onset of food poisoning nearly did him in. I feel like I am safe assuming that this kind of crazy dangerous work doesnt occur anymore.
  6. Uncut Gems on Netflix was very very good. Its a rollercoaster and makes you feel really uncomfortable. Thats what makes it awesome. The girlfriend and I have dove into The Wire...we didnt like it for the first 5 episodes and then all of a sudden we realized what the heck was going on...and weve been hooked ever since.
  7. Ya I think I would try and stink them out and hope she moves them. youll feel far more guilty if you handle them and she rejects them and leaves them to starve to death. A sudden death would be more humane for them then.
  8. Lol sale needs to chill a bit. I got their email offering huge discounts on clothing along with the deal on fishing gear. They even specifically referenced heavy discounts on Simms gear and apparel. I was intrigued and then had to laugh when only clearance xxxl items were actually on sale with the rest of the stuff or anything worth purchasing (and this includes just plain t shirts) was available only in store. don’t advertise that you are doing a “Simms sale” and then make anything that you actually have in stock “only available in store” the original fishing sale was pretty decent, I think the issue with the megabass stuff is that they actually don’t keep any stock in their warehouse In quebec because they are allotted a minimal amount of their lures etc. they would then distribute the product out to their stores and it basically sells out over the course of a fishing season. It’s apparent that these sales are just them making an attempt to liquidate absolutely everything that is tied up in their warehouse. best deal I found was simply on yamamaoto senkos. You’ll never find them cheaper anywhere but they sell out fassssst
  9. As with most things, the cottage angle has a lot to do with supply chain and available resources. The average cottager is not the type that can sneakily head to the lake and be self sufficient. The average cottager in my parts and I would obviously assume in muskoka (I have a friend that fits directly into this category) needs help getting their boat out of a marina’s winter storage. They need help getting their boat running again, they need help having their docks put back in in the spring, they buy their boats gas at a marina, they have a plumber empty their pipes in the fall and shut their water off etc etc, you get my point. The last thing you’d want the government to do is to tell these people that it’s a good idea for them to flock up north to hang out and buy up all of the groceries in the local grocery store. or even better, start partying like they always do, going island to island getting drunk. I am “next door” to “the moorings” in pointe au baril. The owner Brian called me When the order came from the government to shut down marinas he was actually somewhat thankful because the decision was now out of his hands. He was feeling immense pressure from island cottagers for him to open for business and allow them to come and use his property as normal. Brian and his wife are over 70 years old. On one hand he of course would like to make the income that he makes from his marina, on the other hand he realized the danger of the entire scenario and was not sure how he could manage to keep his docks clean and provide the required safety measures that would be needed by himself, while also keeping him and his wife safe. I even asked him what his thoughts on me simply launching my boat using his driveway without using his docks or touching anything on his property and having someone drive my truck away, and his reply was that while he understood how I could do it without posing any danger but the pressure he was feeling from island residents was too strong and therefore I wouldn’t be able to launch. One can appreciate that without the government shutting marinas down the owners are then required to make life and death decisions for people. That is wild.
  10. Anyone passing by me in a boat at closer than 6 feet while I’m fishing is getting more than coronavirus from me lol
  11. Interesting because up in my parts it’s as quiet as I’ve ever seen it. i think in large part that can be attributed to the fact that a huge portion of the cottages in pointe au baril are owned by Americans. with the marinas closed, I went out into a commonly travelled area and saw 1 boat in 3 hours on a Saturday afternoon. It’s crazy quiet.
  12. Jesus, your story sounds exactly like an accident they had in Flin Flon in what my dad called “a reverb” in the smelter. hes not sure who got the idea, but rather than waiting for the slag to cool enough to perform maintenance work, someone decided it was a good idea to use water in an attempt to cool the furnace floor off faster. A crack formed in the slag floor and water poured into the molten slag below making a combination of steam and hydrogen. It blew up like a bomb killing a bunch, burning the rest. One of the guys was my parents friend’s son who was a summer student doing grunt work over the summer to pay for his education. A horrible story. went fishing again today in the old tinner. Kinda funny how I spent two years taking that plain 14 foot Starcraft with an 88 suzuki Into a fishing machine. Using fairly minimal resources When I finally finished tweaking stuff and fixing it up getting the thing rigged exactly how I liked it,I bought a bass boat lol. who would have thought that all of that work that I put in a few years back would pay dividends some day. There’s no way I would have ever guessed that there would be a day where I couldn’t launch my boat, yet here we are. With the contractors home for the weekend I saw one boat in about 3 and a half hours. Fishing wasn’t as good today, the bait maybe moved a bit but more importantly the wind was just absolutely howling causing my float’s drift to be a little quicker keeping me out of the strike zone and struggling to mend my line to stop the wind from pulling my float all over.
  13. Wait until your sense of smell comes back. A key for a family friend that recently quit said when he realized how friggin much he stank he was disgusted and vowed to never smoke again. we all know alberta is going to go first. I hope dougie forgets his political alignment and continues to do the fine job (if I must say so myself) that him and his team have done so far managing this thing. imo any roll out should simply begin with allowing some people to go back to work, with no social restrictions being lifted at all. Test the waters with that and then go from there.
  14. And just like that he’s gone again lol. not sure what ticked so many people off about manitou. Maybe it’s cause the guys that hate him also hate me lol
  15. Holy jeez, If you were smoking a pack and a half or more...give it 3 months you are going to feel like an entirely different human being. I thought that kinda smoking was only for the hardcore, one of my best friends being one of them. When he’s fishing there is almost always a cig lit. i think about that sometimes...I have a few friends that I would consider “close” even fewer are the type that prioritize fishing like myself. Sure enough both of them smoke like chimneys. One takes care of himself though, goes to the gym etc etc (I have no idea how you work out as a heavy smoker...I guess he’s still young) and the other doesn’t take care of himself at all. My brothers joke that he’s going to have a heart attack before the age of 30. The crazy thing is that unless he does make major changes to his life he definitely could. the most ironic thing, is that both do these guys are also conspiracy theorists and go on and on about how evil elitists are out to take their money and kill them...you get my point lol. Back on topic what did I do with my boat today? The skeeter nothing, I can’t launch it, but today today i am going to modify the spanner wrench that I bought off of amazon to fit my ram seals so that I can fix them once I finally get my parts from the states. It’s been 2 and a half weeks and they are still in the mail. I’m trying to have some understanding that my boat parts aren’t technically essential at all and it’s a blessing that we still can order things and have them delivered to my door. got out in the tinner yesterday and caught a whack of perch and a few crappies too. Think I’ll head out again this afternoon at some point. Trying to get as much fishing in as I can before they potentially close it on me.
  16. Only boats I saw were contractors heading in after their day at work. Construction guys haven’t slowed down during this thing.
  17. Parkay flooring? thats at least what I know it as. My first house had it. 48 hours? You’ve got this!
  18. I don’t really leave my batteries on the charger long enough to boil them down that bad...plus it’s a brand new noco genius which specifically are supposed to not overcharge by monitoring the voltage to ensure they don’t overcharge. I think it’s more likely that my batteries are just showing their age (11 years now!)
  19. No meat shortage here today. Felt good to cast again. buckshot tipped with a minnow head under a float. They are still deep and staging. Caught close to 20 perch too but we don’t get those simcoe giants.
  20. Stay the course! We’re collectively doing a fantastic job! Looking at the numbers I’m now feeling far more confident that we can probably be doing very well by the beginning of summer. It’s going to take 100% commitment to our current restrictions. does anyone else get the feeling that we are pretty much at the “limit” of government restrictions without the expectation of additional ones unless a specific hot spot fires up? i noticed a pattern since this all started that every week they tightened the grip allowing for the gradual tightening of restrictions. We now haven’t had any additional ones for a few weeks and we are basically approaching what was the hopeful peak of transmission numbers. I’m hopeful that we are directly on the right path. total normalcy is IMO many many months away and sports concerts that kind of stuff is probably years away. But maybe we might be able to go visit family and friends in a small gathering by summer. I’m trying to remain hopeful.
  21. ...I want to reply...but I promised I wouldn’t 😂 theres now huge protests in Kentucky with people waving trump 2020 flags begging to go back to work. ohio, art, please stay safe guys, sounds like this is going to get way crazier for you guys down there.
  22. it’s true, they are nowhere near as good to fish in barefoot for those that like to. I know Johnny, you give me poop everytime you see a photo of me fishing barefoot lol. the alumacraft floor is light coloured so it’s not so hot on the feet. It still isn’t nearly as cushy as carpet so your feet end up getting sore after a few hours. johnny, you know that high end bass boats now have padded front decks? I fished on one in South Carolina...I definitely broke a commandment that day...I was coveting my neighbors wealth big time!
  23. Quality post Dutch, I’ve also now seen some people playing the “travel, work, gathering and other covid related government implemented restrictions impede on constitutional rights and freedoms” card, yikes!...but I won’t say anymore lol see post above! Lol in other positive news, the head of health canada believes that we are finally about to hit the curve towards the peak of the virus meaning that if we stick to the good job that the large majority are collectively doing in canada that we have a chance to get past the peak and back on the decline in the number of cases. Death tolls are still higher than expected due to the outbreaks in nursing homes, but overall recovery rates and transmission rates are actually some of the best in the world!
  24. Well first of all, didn’t the municipality of port Hope just close the river access anyways? most of the ramps are closed in Ontario. I personally think any public dock should also be closed to avoid contact with moorings. but to stop fishing entirely for people with private access to lakes, or that can access via some other means...use your common sense. im not holding my breath though that the river rats ruin it for everyone else next week when they flock in droves to park accesses etc that are closed. what’s strange to me is that fishing regulations have no problem applying wildly different rules for various bodies of water and species but the fishing debate is somehow singular all or nothing? call me crazy but joe blow going out in a canoe with his kid on a lake somewhere is far far different than everyone stacking up on the pier at port dal. I’ll be fishing softwater for the first time in 5 months tomorrow, the tinner is rigged and waiting to be pushed into Georgian bay. And I sure as hell won’t be interacting with anyone lol, and definitely far less than the tim Hortons drive thru!
  25. thats what confuses the heck out of me. The faction of folks that think that the economy will do better by simply making everyone go back to work...im not sure how just letting the virus run its course and kill everyone will make the economy run better? Very confusing. Some models suggest that 100,000 people would have died in Ontario alone if we didnt take any measures at all...I have no idea how that would be a good thing for the economy ?
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