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Everything posted by PUMP KNOWS

  1. My buddy caught a musky this year that was half and half... https://www.instagram.com/p/BWTn0XAg4vR/ Click the right arrow for a better pic
  2. That's cool. Can you post the other pic? try using tinypic.com
  3. Thank you, I finished watching it last night. I like how his son is so relaxed catching all these fish. I would be be the total opposite.
  4. Did he remove the vids and pics of the monster brookies? I wanna see why this individual was so thirsty.
  5. Looks nice http://www.cabelas.ca/product/45244/cabelas-advanced-anglers-tackle-bags-w-utility-boxes That's a good move
  6. I'll have to check it out next time I go. I remember it being a black bag with 4 storage boxes and always on sale. Looks nice but outta my price range. Looking to spend no more then $50 I shore fish and I try to go as light as I can. I usually bring out one plano 3700 box each trip I go with what I want to use that day. But some days I wish I could bring out more baits. Sucks going fishing and you leave something behind that's working for everyone else. That's not bad. Do you know if they go on sale?
  7. I've never eaten bass before and don't plan on eating it ever but I do have a friend who loves it and only eats lmb. He brings his catches to a Chinese restaurant and they steam or fry it for him. He says it's amazing. Also do yellow grubs make you sick? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Otu8ghUBqaY
  8. I'm in the market for a tackle bag for bass. I'm leaning toward the smaller version of the Plano A Series Last week it went on sale for $39.99 What are you guys using? EDIT: I'm a shore angler and wanna keep it light https://www.sail.ca/en/plano-quick-top-bag-3600-302320 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U2nncQzxHwY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-5dsRH7QBEg
  9. Confiscate their fishing gear and impound their vehicles
  10. If that's the case, shouldn't the fines be more?
  11. Did they keep any fish or were they just fishing in a sanctuary?
  12. That's crazy. I thought people bought boats to fish away from other people
  13. I heard it gets very heated with the marina people at bluffers
  14. I'm glad the perp was caught. How did you know they were missing?
  15. I got burned by the weather the last 2 weeks. Sometimes you just gotta go and hope the rain and wind don't mess up your fishing outings.
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