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Everything posted by PUMP KNOWS

  1. My first fish of the night was that carp and it was on a orange/yellow reef runner. It's funny how it happened, I was telling my buddy how I couldn't feel the bottom so he gave me his setup with that lure. First cast... I tell him yup I can feel the bottom... then I feel a grab... "Fish On!" I gave back his setup after and I start catching all my fish on the other lure.
  2. Thanks guys. On saturday night we went back and I was able to catch a over slot and a small slot size. Not bad for a novice walleye angler. I did notice not that many people catching, maybe the water is still too high? What's your Ig?
  3. Yup, it's nice they have these but would be better if they patrolled the waters more.
  4. That looks bomb, fish taco's for my next catch
  5. My first walleye opener and I limited out in just over an hour. 5 walleyes landed and 2 carp My first time catching a carp on a lure before
  6. I got to try the lure out yesterday for a few casts. It has a clean swimming action to it and I find it also has a nice wobble to it as well. I didn't have any follows but I do see this lure catching me fish in the right conditions. I was talking to a person who owns these lures and he told me to watch out for the plastic tail. He mentioned how the two plastic points would break off. Anyone have the same problem?
  7. hahaha thats awesome. Thanks Would've been funny if you captured the time when he let go of the string.
  8. How do you like to retrieve them? Very slow and let the lure do the work?
  9. What's the lowest prices you've seen them for? I ordered the herring lip lure hardbait for $9, the last ones they had and it was the sexy shad colour. Retail on these are expensive.
  10. Awesome, hows the sturgeon population over there?
  11. Anyone have any success with the 4 play? I recently ordered the 7-1/2" version on sale. I've been very fascinated with swimbaits this year and started to pick up a couple different swimbaits to try out. http://www.cabelas.ca/product/77280/savage-gear-4play-herring-liplure
  12. I just received a email for Free Shipping with No Minimum Order. Ordered some lures on sale. woot woot
  13. You got pics of the mount?
  14. I was wondering this question myself, thanks for clearing that up.
  15. Can you make a vid of setting and collecting your minnows.
  16. Congrats! What was the longest pike in the tourney?
  17. Nice ones. Very clean looking pike.
  18. I wish we had a Cabelas in Toronto. I wanna buy something off their tent and tackle sale but shipping would kill the deal.
  19. Awesome shots... I can't wait to see more
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