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Everything posted by chickenhawk

  1. looks like you had an awesome time! BIG WHITIES i must say! great job!
  2. All I have to say is I told ya so to all you Pats fans out there!! HAHAHA Way to go Giants!
  3. Glad to see that i am the first to say Booths Harbour, on Long Point Bay, Lake Erie i just can't get enough of those summer smallies and of course the beer drinking we do at night. Fish during the day, drink as much as you can at night and wake up at the crack of dawn to do it all over again!
  4. Like I said Giants are looking strong!
  5. have to go with either white or chartreuse
  6. Who's gonna win? Do you think the Pats will pull off the perfect season? Or will the Giants pull another upset? My say is on the Giants, they have been playing amazing football lately and I also don't want Bill Bellichek to win another super bowl. So GO ELI AND THE GIANTS!!!!
  7. He would probably stop more pucks than Raycroft! GO WINGS GO Hawk
  8. by the way the above post is me, mike didn't go on saturday, i didnt realize i was on his account either, oops!!!! sorry mikey!!!
  9. Same with me! Pretty scary in there!
  10. yeah i think the the team will be fine, the first couple of games they are still adjusting to the time change, they will pick it up.....tavares definately needs to play more, both goalies are awesome though.....i think they can pull it off
  11. well.....thanks i guess! would love to know if they are frozen or not.....
  12. Anyone been up to the maity? or the nine mile? if so how we looking for New Years Eve?? Is the nine mile froze? I sure as heck hope not!
  13. I made out alright myself! Received a hand held Garmin GPS, a new camo jacket for hunting, some neoprene gloves, new set of polarized glasses, some ice fishing line and those white maggots or whatever they are. Also got a G Loomis hat and shirt, plus 20 bucks off any G Loomis rod and a free hat. Also got lots of clothes and a little bit of money. Merry Xmas everyone!
  14. Danny Alfredsson probably the best all around hockey player in the league and for goaltenders I would have to say Ryan Miller.
  15. How very sad.......best condolences go out to you and your family as you deal with these tragic losses. Hawk
  16. Actually Rick, coyotes have been known to take down deer, studied it this year in Ecosystem skills and I have also witnessed a coyote in pursuit of an adult doe one morning when I was hunting. It was pretty cool!
  17. Well, I'd say it was a pack of coyotes. I've seen a lone coyote chasing a deer so I can imagine what a pack of them would do.....
  18. Well this year I was introduced to completely new waters to me as I am originally from the Aylmer/St. Thomas area so I was uneasy as to what to expect. Well I have to say for the first time fishing these new tribs it was probably one of my best years to date but then again I still have a couple more trips planned for this year when I return home for a couple weeks at the end of my semester. Well Salmon season came and went this year and of course I witnessed just about every illegal thing in the book and even had some of the buggers bite my roe bag. Here is my first salmon of the year which gave me a nice hefty amount of orange roe. http://i224.photobucket.com/albums/dd148/c...dirtyfemale.jpg Next up was a big old male which I thought made a cool picture... http://i224.photobucket.com/albums/dd148/c...k11/bigmale.jpg I thought this one that grabbed onto my roe bag was different looking so I snapped a picture of her and sent it on her way. http://i224.photobucket.com/albums/dd148/c...ownsyndrome.jpg Then this ol girl was my next surprise of the year. Nothing like rainbow crack!!! LOL http://i224.photobucket.com/albums/dd148/c...femalebrown.jpg Which brings me to steelhead! and what a great year it was for them! They were in the rivers by mid-October and we were already putting big numbers of fish up with having more than a couple 10+ fish days in October. On this particular day the water was low and clear and it seemed that the only fish we would catch were the ones I caught at first light. http://i224.photobucket.com/albums/dd148/c.../puresilver.jpg http://i224.photobucket.com/albums/dd148/c...11/nicefish.jpg Once the sun came up we could see that the holes were filled with fish but all lockjaw not even looking at our roe bags. So we tossed in a handful of chum with a single egg on our hook and i'll just let the pics do the talking ended up landing around 10 fish each that day. Here are a couple of my favourite pics from that day. http://i224.photobucket.com/albums/dd148/c...11/102_2234.jpg http://i224.photobucket.com/albums/dd148/c...11/102_2239.jpg Here are a couple of just random pictures of fish I caught this year.. http://i224.photobucket.com/albums/dd148/c...11/100_2227.jpg http://i224.photobucket.com/albums/dd148/c...11/100_2228.jpg http://i224.photobucket.com/albums/dd148/c...11/102_2233.jpg This big boy I nailed under a tree on single egg once again....seemed to be the hot bait this year when the water was still warm. http://i224.photobucket.com/albums/dd148/c...0lbercloser.jpg http://i224.photobucket.com/albums/dd148/c...11/SSPX0004.jpg http://i224.photobucket.com/albums/dd148/c...wk11/10lber.jpg Which brings me to my most recent outing and man am I ever glad I have rainbow crack because that is what produced these late November steelhead...... I was surprised to see how dark this male was....I actually thought it might have been a dirty old late salmon when I first hooked it because of how dark it was..... http://i224.photobucket.com/albums/dd148/c...11/SSPX0002.jpg http://i224.photobucket.com/albums/dd148/c...11/SSPX0001.jpg And now finally all from the same day my new PB and what a gorgeous fish I must say..... http://i224.photobucket.com/albums/dd148/c...11/SSPX0003.jpg So there you have it my 2007 Steelhead season but like I said I still have a couple more trips planned but after that time to put away the waders and the 9.5 ft and bring out the ice rods and floater suit! This year I am looking forward to jigging lakers on Lake Simcoe so I am sure I will meet some of you out there and I have also met some of you on the river. Good luck in 2008 or in this years hardwater season!!! I also should mention that all fish in this report were hooked in the mouth and were released to swim another day except for the first salmon and of course the brown trout....sorry guys!!
  19. Just as Danc put it
  20. Remember who's in college here......7 o clock is HUGE deal i dont think i've seen 7oclock unless im going fishing....lol
  21. Geez we went balls deep into this thread....
  22. Just thought I'd say good morning to all you early risers.....
  23. Gonna have to agree with trout guy! I have had a fantastic fall , I have landed over 100 fish this fall....been excellent! There is plenty of fish to be caught still in the rivers, heck last week my buddy landed a couple loose browns so they are still there and still biting! Still got a couple weeks left, then its time to pack up the waders and 9.5 ft and get out the ice gear!! Good luck out there everyone!!! Hawk
  24. the thing that bothers me is that you actually need a licence to go fishing...see i think licences should be meant for operating something as in a car or a firearm rather than a fishing pole.....its the governments way to get money out of us thats all it is and if we started paying for a lifetime well damnit what are they gonna do in three years? i really dont think fishing licences are neccessary its just a government rip off. Hawk
  25. thought they might have been hot until i read bly's link......still....guy could be lying
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