You see its guys like FloatFisher who sign up to the site a day ago and think they know it all about river fishing, and come on here and make comments such as the one made in this thread, that take the fun out of it....look at the real steelheaders on this site like Solopaddler, Chrome Catcher and Canadian Copper....they go out and catch fish pretty much every time they go out and provide us with some fantastic photos.....just because the fish is dirty does not mean it is dead.....GREAT JOB CC!!!! I understand that you were by yourself and had no one to take a picture of you holding the fish so the fish had to sit on the ground and did not want to cooperate.....a little mud is not going to hurt the fish and I am sure that it swam away just fine and he explained that the hook was deep inside the other fish so he had to keep it....cmon guys show some respect and appreciate the fact that these guys take these pictures to show us on here....once again EXCELLENT JOB CC!!!! I hope to see you on the river someday and maybe I will learn a thing or two.....
till then,