Why Raven?
- I’ve only broken off once above the float in the 9yrs I’ve been using it – Even then it was my fault for casting in a tree...Can’t say the same for other brands of lines
- It floats OK
- It’s inexpensive at $12 for 820 yards
- Also comes in low-vis...Don't like hi-vis
Why 10-12lb or higher?
- Why not? Why handicap yourself with something more prone to stretch, abrasion resistance and strength by going lighter?
- 10-12lb Raven doesn’t stretch and dig into itself compared to 6-8lb Raven...After getting a big fish or pulling out of a snag on 6-8lb Raven, getting line to come off the spool naturally is an exercise in futility - It just digs in.
- I don’t like super limp lines...I prefer stiffer lines for pull casting
* With that said, 8lbs Maxima doesn’t break at 8lbs...I’ve tried