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Everything posted by e-z-out

  1. mentally ill well i guess i'm going in since the wife always says that. Anyone need a room mate hahaha
  2. Why dose this always happen after i've already spent money
  3. Well if the wife lets me out again i'll have to sneak a rod or two and pray she dosn't find out
  4. i keep hearing about the site nothing but good reviews. I'll have to check it out for myself. Good to hear that there are sites out there that have no hidden shipping fees.
  5. I hope to get out but where i have no clue where to go. I guess I'll head up to Rice and do a little bit of fishing with my pops
  6. Damn if i had known this i would have gone there not Le Baron insted. To late now how long is this sale going on for steve?
  7. i was working till now who wants to go fishing
  8. 13 Menonites and not one with a fishing licence i bet.
  9. e-z-out


    LOL that just put a smile on my face lol
  10. Well my mother i got her some day spa passes and dinner for her and my pops at some ritzy place down town. The wife in the other hand i had no joice but to buy her a new SUV now i'm broke any one have a few dollors for gas lol
  11. bass catfish cisco (lake herring) darter ling (burbot) minnow perch pike pumpkinseed sculpin stickleback sturgeon sucker trout walleye (pickerel) whitefish You'll find all of them in algonquin hope that helps Rock lake is a nice size so most to all of the fish species on the list should be there
  12. Now thats a beautiful background congrats
  13. congrats and have a blast free trips are the best happy
  14. Got to love the suckers they do put up a fight. Good job angler
  15. Yes there will be lots of pics of Karma and a few of the fish lol I dont mind the delay as long as they got out.
  16. Yes more parents need to ask for help my pop did and look what happend i'm a good father and i became a man. It's hard for some kids thats all they know since they are never heard so this is the only way to lash out to the world. If more parents ask for help this wont happen as much.
  17. Sweet can't wait to have them thanks again Jamie. Cant wait for the long weekend to put the bucktails to the test
  18. There are a few guys on the site that fish the islands. Great fishing from what i've been told. Give it a try and do a report after
  19. I got new fishing gear and she let me buy a boat that i wont have for this long weekend I took some time to find the right boat and set up for my needs but i did it lol
  20. well take a look at the list i just posted and you might find a shop on the way up that stocks minnows
  21. Well i'll keep adding more to the list i know it's hard some times going to a new place to fish and not knowing if they have bait shops. Just want to help out and give the guys and gals a herads up.
  22. I know some of you out there would like the numbers and websites of your shops in your citys so here are a few. Al Flaherty's Outdoor Stores Toronto 416-651-6436 www.alflahertys.com Angling Outfitters Woodstock 519-539-5494 Angling Specialties - Central Concord 905-660-9707 www.anglingspecialties.net Angling Specialties - East Scarborough 416-609-0804 www.anglingspecialties.net Angling Specialties - West Mississauga 905-275-4972 www.anglingspecialties.net Angling Sports London 519-649-7429 www.anglingsport.com Anglers Pro Tackle & Bait Shop Orangeville 519-941-4218 AV Fishing Tackle Scarborough 416-293-8228 Bass Pro Shops Vaughan 905-761-4000 Big Catch Fishing & Archery Paris 519-442-0077 Bill's Bait & Tackle Hamilton 905-388-5873 Bronte Outdoors Oakville 905-827-4009 Burn's Fishing Supplies Burlington 905-681-8803 Caledonia Bait & Tackle Caledonia 905-765-3215 www.caledoniabaitandtackle.com Catch'Em Bait & Tackle Kitchener 519-748-5346 First Choice Fishing Tackle Ltd. Guelph 519-837-8333 www.firstchoicefishingtackle.com Fish On Bait & Tackle Brantford 519-756-5165 Fish On Line Canada Toronto 416-242-4310 www.fishonlineca.com Fish On-Tario King City 905-832-9566 Fishin' Niagara Fort Erie 905-871-3888 www.fishinniagara.com Fishing World Outdoor Centre Hamilton 905-573-2288 www.fishingworld.ca Fish-On Tackle Delhi 519-582-8758 Fletcher Sports Owen Sound 519-371-8587 Gagnon Sports Oshawa 905-725-5798 www.gagnonsports.com Goderich Bait & Tackle Goderich 519-524-7910 www.goderichbait.com Grimsby Tackle Grimsby 905-945-0399 www.grimsbytackle.com Happy Fishing Tackles North York 416-630-8075 J & S Tackle Port Elgin 519-832-2827 Jay's Flyshop London 519-878-3811 www.execulink.com/~newell1/ JB's Fishing Depot Etobicoke 416-614-7222 Kingsway Sports Guelph 519-824-7223 Lambeth Rod & Tackle Lambeth 519-652-5598 Lucky Fishing Tackle Scarborough 416-609-8838 Natural Sports Kitchener 519-749-1620 www.naturalsports.ca Peter's Tackle & Live Bait St. Catherine's 905-934-2512 Port Albert General Store Goderich 519-529-7334 www.portalbertgeneralstore.com/ ProLine Taxidermy, Bait & Tackle York 416-244-0315 Rainbow Sports Waterloo 519-746-2650 Riverside Outdoors Thunder Bay 807-627-0698 www.riversideoutdoors.ca/ Rock and Reel Outdoors Oshawa 905 576-2626 Simcoe Bait & Tackle Barrie 705-737-4819 Shift Outdoors Guelph 905-339-0096 www.shiftoutdoors.com T & T Sports Brantford 519-751-2671 Tall Tales Live Bait & Tackle Cambridge 519-650-3465 www.talltales.on.ca/ The Fishing Store Stratford 519-273-6226 Tightline Fisherman's Warehouse Pickering 905-837-0544 Tons O Tackle St Thomas 519-637-8487 www.tonsotackle.com U Catch'Em Bait & Tackle Meaford 519-538-5333 Wally's Bait And Tackle Windsor 519-256-2841 Watson's Tackle House Owen Sound 519-371-0090 Western Automotive Sault Ste. Marie 705-949-4812
  23. I should have done that damn now i feel sad i got her that and got myself nothing. Ok braking out the visa watch out La Baron here i come The real trick will be getting the SUV here for sunday since the dealer ship will be closed.
  24. Angling Outfitters Woodstock 519-539-5494 give them a call and find out they always have live bait ready to go
  25. Thats what you feed them
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