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Everything posted by musky666

  1. Hello, looking for a place to launch my boat to fish Musky on the 'Pool, preferably in the southern part of the system. Could be public or a good marina ramp as well, thanks
  2. Circuit breaker most likely, needs to be reset, but the fact that it popped signals another problem I installed a MInn Kota 60 amp circuit breaker in my bow compartment with the batteries this spring. Used a new MK bow plug and 6 gauge wiring from bow plug to batteries, with crimped lug terminals- no issues so far. Your system 12 or 24 volt? make sure wise are run correctly if more than one battery. Mine run from red of trolling motor to positive on first battery, another cable from negative terminal of first battery to positive terminal of second battery, then black or negative cable from my Terrova to negative terminal of second battery.
  3. I love Revo shades, wear them all day with no issues, and since switching to amber lenses will never go back to darker shades.
  4. Will be on Balsam next Thursday, likely too busy this weekend, then heading to the near north for the Ski opener...
  5. I puled my old MotorGUide w/ 4 pin round and replaced entire system with new, set up for MInnKota Terrova. Sold old motor with all wiring and batteries and charger, new everything for me. Terrova is simply a two wire as it is 24V only ( not 12, 24v) Pretty easy and straightforward swap- new marine cables in 6 gauge from now bow plug to batteries. You can buy an aftermarket plug most places, West Marine, BassPro and wire it up...
  6. Believe my local bait shop lady said maximum 120 leeches per person, so the days of buyin em by the pound are over...
  7. Believe the only public access is from Kirkfield Road (road 6) from 48, or road 46 from 169, down beside where the road crosses Upper and Lower Dalrymple.
  8. Re-reading the Pearson book now, details Canadian 'shield' lakes and I imagine the french is similar in nature to that. Talks about classic Musky structure- points, reefs, spines and saddles but he is a big proponent of current in lakes- either wind induced or natural. I haven't been to the French yet, but I would think any obvious structure like I mentioned, and current breaks- back eddies etc could hold fish.
  9. Hopefully it will have some effect and we can learn from the experiment. Not likely to eradicate the damn things, but we gotta try...
  10. god read and good work by them, I got to believe every little bit helps. I know there are some big issues facing that waterbody, issues that wont likely be resolved anytime soon, but good to see folks still trying. I am learning more about the North Bay area all the time, could be a final destination for me in a few years when I retire. Hopefully I will be able to contribute my time as well.
  11. Wow, we used to catch some on rocky shorelines of Oxtongue Lake when I was a kid, never seen anything like that however. I am sure that like all amphibians they are under stress, hope no one is using them as bait, legally or otherwise.
  12. There are plenty of big Pike in Cooks, and don't forget that you may catch the occasional Musky as well. MNR and MCI have been hard at work to try and re-establish this once present species. Several big girls were recently electronetted at the Talbot ( Beaverton) which have yet to be identified as stocked fish or resident, but plenty of fingerlings have been placed in Cooks as well. Ensure you know the difference and let any Musky go....
  13. Our society is becoming one of 'not my responsibility' not the parents responsibility to know where,when and what their kids are up to, not the drivers responsibility to always be alert and drive according to conditions, not mine, not yours. I see it all the time in my municipal worker world- towns are sued all the time- not my fault my child fell down the stairs, tripped on the sidewalk, hurt themselves on the park slide etc, its the new way of life in Canada- blame someone else....
  14. I just mounted a removable base for my new Terrova on my Starcraft but had an access panel near the small bow platform- still had to have my girl reach in and work the washers and all while I tightened from the top, I think there are speed nuts or a fastener that fits into a hole in the deck- and is squashed when you tighten a bolt into it- causing it to swell and hold tight...
  15. Drove by on the highway yesterday Irish and thought the same thing- why not use the locks to flow more water downstream? Talbot is sooo over its banks...
  16. My father used to scrape and touch up my steel trailer every summer for me- got me this far at least but now I am looking to replace the 16 year old trailer- about $2000 for a galvanized ride from Excaliber- gonna bite the bullet and not worry about rust anymore. I trailer too much to worry about repainting etc and stone chips just start the process over again.
  17. I use Gulp saltwater trailers for my spinnerbaits- cant hurt to have scent as opposed to not- even in faster applications like trolling...
  18. I wanted to do the same for my Starcraft- bought a swivl- ese power pole and bike seat at Bass Pro, took a spare base from my boat and test fit the size- it is a similar design but wont latch- fits snug enough I think and looking forward to using it this season.
  19. Uncut Angling on youtube- trumps em all...
  20. I am replacing my Motorguide Brute with a new Terrova as well,, and I will be looking at hooking up a plug similar to what I had. I always unplugged the Motorguide when not in use, or at the end of the fishing day, so it was always unplugged for charging. More of a safety thing I think- never any fear of motor accidentally turning on perhaps. I am using a removable mount so I can remove the Terrova entirely, so a plug makes sense for a couple of reasons.
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