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Everything posted by Gerritt

  1. If people are that concerned with their spots being abused Then I say go for it! My personal opinion? If you want to have access to the information that is offered up then you also have to contribute. There are no free rides in life... Why should this be any different? at any given time there are more non-registered users then there is people that actually have something to contribute... I feel ALOT use this site and give nothing back in return based upon the numbers we have all seen... I say DO IT! those that would like to get information... also have to give something back to the community. That being said.... be sure that lurkers can still see the site... and see various posts.. and the ads. eventually they will get the hint and perhaps register and perhaps even contribute. The time for the free ride is over.. I am sure if we went through the logs from 5 years ago you will see alot of the same (or similar IP's because of DHCP) people using us. Gerritt.
  2. My personal belief is that during fire season human activity should be restricted when you know the risk of a blaze is extreme... That said I do realize that alot of fires are caused by natural forces.... but you guys up there are in crisis mode.. and unless something is done.. there will be very little tourist $$ coming your way.... The problem is people are thinking about the NOW rather then the LATER... The Lodge owners might not like it... but if one needless fire could be averted due to human activity??... is it worth it? Gerritt.
  3. Dang Tom.... that sucks! seems a little early for fires I certainly hope this is not a sign of things to come this summer. Make sure you and your family stay safe. Here to hoping for the best! Gerritt.
  4. Damnit! I knew I should have bought shares in the companies that produce camo fabrics!!!! LOL! Looks like a great outing! any pics with an OFC Banner I can except? Gerritt.
  5. I figured you guys would enjoy this.. <embed width="430" height="389" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" src="http://vid129.photobucket.com/player.swf?file=http://vid129.photobucket.com/albums/p224/gerritt_2006/Big_Deck.flv"></embed> Enjoy the laughs! Glad I could put a little smile one yer faces... after all Monday is almost here! Gerritt.
  6. Awesome I work on Hwy 7... nice and close should I happen to bring my rod to work, should I feel "ill" LOL... thanks for the heads up! Gerritt.
  7. All I can say on this subject is this..... If you sell it Sell it to someone that can do the repair properly... you have already been told how it can be achieved. If you half ass it you could be putting an entire family at risk.... do the smart thing, either sell it for scrap or get it fixed properly and sell it. Do the right thing as I am sure you dont want a needless drowning on your conscience. Gerritt.
  8. MM those are the Goodyear triple treads... rated highly.... However they are more $$$ then the Michelin LTX's Safe to say my new tires will be a set Michelins 235/70R16 Thanks everyone! Gerritt.
  9. Thanks guys I appreciate it.... so far these two are the ones I am looking at: The goodyears are a little more but have a great rating..... The search continues Gerritt.
  10. I will be replacing the tires on my truck soon and am looking for a few recommendations. I have a 2002 Ford F150 and it currently has BF Goodrich's While they have been adequate they are not what I would call a great tire. Any recommendations on brands? there is a ton of em and it is not like they will let you test drive them. I do alot of Highway driving (back and forth from work) I also tow my boat etc. Thanks in advance! Gerritt.
  11. Just found this site showing a whack load of vintage lures. I have a few old lures myself... http://www.flickr.com/photos/coop666/sets/72157600169351325/ See how many of the ones listed you have in you tackle box / put away Gerritt.
  12. Seems to be ok for the time being but this problem seems to be sporadic. It is definetly not ALWAYS slow... just seems to be at awkward times. it is weird... and no there is nothing any of the Mods here can do about it... other then move use to a new server...Internet slowdowns happen it is a fact of life... we refer to it as Bottle-Necking.... the sad reality is... if it is indeed a bottle neck there are only a couple of options...such as life on the internet......... wait till the host where the bottle neck is located, fixes it... reroute the way we access this site... (highly unlikely) or move the the site all together to a completely different host.. Yes it sucks when you are unable to access the mother-ship... and as much as I gripe about how slow the site has been there is little we can can do.... unless the server is moved.... which costs $$ and results in downtime as the dns servers update etc.... lets hope it get fixed soon.. but again there is little the site admins can do... Gerritt.
  13. If your doing it yourself Joe.... I nominate myself to be the watcher of the brew.... sound good? Gerritt.
  14. or check here (OFC has everything!) http://www.ontariofishing.net/fish-recipes/ Might I recommend mine? just mix all the dry stuff together in a large bowl stick it in a ziplock bag till your ready to use it Gerritt.
  15. Terry, using your computer to run a trace route is more accurate as it is your computer sending the packets. not sure if you know how to run a traceroute or not from your pc... Start, Run, Type in "cmd" and hit enter at the prompt type in "tracert website or ip" hit enter It will show you from your PC to the site you want info from, which is a good thing incase your ISP is to blame. You can also use "ping website" from the same command window. if you already knew all this, my post was a waste of time If yah didnt you know now Gerritt.
  16. CC, nice report! I have a question for you seeing as how you know your Rainbows (and for anyone else for that matter). After the Spawn are the fish lethargic at all? Do you think because they are weaker that post-spawn fishing increases the mortality rate? Do you find them easier to catch post-spawn therefor more are taken home for the table? (less chance of getting skunked) Thanks in advance! Gerritt.
  17. C:\Documents and Settings\HP_Owner>tracert ofncommunity.com Tracing route to ofncommunity.com [] over a maximum of 30 hops: 1 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms 2 151 ms 12 ms 11 ms eth-0-0.cncdon02gw0.iasl.com [] 3 48 ms 50 ms 69 ms 4 208 ms 52 ms 90 ms FA0-0-457.TORON02GW3.iasl.com [] 5 107 ms 79 ms 60 ms 6 176 ms 142 ms 108 ms 7 121 ms 143 ms 108 ms 8 181 ms 110 ms 97 ms ge-6-12-222.car2.Detroit1.Level3.net [64.152.144 .77] 9 165 ms 73 ms 79 ms ae-11-11.car1.Detroit1.Level3.net [] 10 104 ms 78 ms 81 ms ae-8-8.ebr2.Chicago1.Level3.net [] 11 96 ms 99 ms 133 ms ae-2.ebr2.Washington1.Level3.net [] 12 * 139 ms 139 ms ae-24-52.car4.Washington1.Level3.net [ 9] 13 132 ms 135 ms 148 ms GIGABIT-1-6.COLO2.ASH1.PTPTECH.NET [ 7] 14 98 ms 111 ms 108 ms INVISION-POWER-GW.CX.PTPTECH.NET [] 15 108 ms 93 ms 103 ms ips-208-67-212-52.ipslink.com [] Trace complete. C:\Documents and Settings\HP_Owner> C:\Documents and Settings\HP_Owner>ping ofncommunity.com Pinging ofncommunity.com [] with 32 bytes of data: Reply from bytes=32 time=300ms TTL=44 Reply from bytes=32 time=223ms TTL=44 Reply from bytes=32 time=95ms TTL=44 Reply from bytes=32 time=112ms TTL=44 Ping statistics for Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss), Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds: Minimum = 95ms, Maximum = 300ms, Average = 182ms
  18. Niiiiiiiiiice! Way to go guys and beauty pics to boot! Awesome! Gerritt. Congrats on the anniversary!
  19. Joe awesome report brother! killer pictures too! No football pose with the fish though? What is a striper like to eat? Similar to Bass? Gerritt.
  20. Firstly congrats to everyone that got out today! I wish I could have.. but my son is sick and wont let his dad leave his side... soooo anyone going to watch Pride tonight? it should be kind of cool... it is Termed "Decade" should be interesting! PRIDE Fighting: DECADE PPV Premiere Date: Saturday, April 28th, 2007 DIRECT TV PPV All Day Ticket(ADT) Premiere Time: 6:00AM ET/3:00AM PT Note: DECADE will be broadcasted all day, from 6am to 5:59am ET.Replay Schedule (ADT): April 28, 30 & May 4,6,11,21 ALL OTHER PPV OUTLETS Premiere Time: 9:00PM ET/6:00PM PT Don't miss out on this retrospective on the 10-year history of PRIDE Fighting Championships, featuring interviews from such PRIDE fighters and icons as: Nobuyuki Sakakibara, Nobuhiko Takada, Renzo Gracie, Chuck Liddell, Mark Coleman, Quinton Jackson, Mark Kerr, Kevin Randleman, Frank Trigg, Don Frye, Matt Hume, Gilbert Yvel, plus many other legends in MMA! Gerritt.
  21. Heya PH, I broke a couple bones in my wrist that have not healed as of yet... 6 months and counting... I was unable to work in construction any longer (I was off for what seemed like forever) and wound up taking a new job and a new path in life.... perhaps this was a blessing in disguise as I love my new job and the people that come along with it! I honestly could not ask for a better boss that being said.. I just want this whole thing behind me.. I was nervous last night and have been nervous from the day I got the appointment but last night was the worst (as were the other nights for the other appointments) I wasnt able to eat or drink and was up all night... (Yes my nerves get the best of me) only to be called 45 minutes before I was supposed to arrive there. The tough part? not being able to have my morning coffee... man was I miserable! LOL I asked why my surgery was cancelled this was the answer" I ahve been seeing alot of this lately" this is complete crap I have talked to a few government officials today and have tried to talk to the president of HHSC (Hamilton Health Sciences Corporation) and will hopefully gain a bit of headway over the next little bit. Like I said I just want to be better and have full use of my hands. I am not one for taking pills and have dealt with this without the need for painkillers (No beer is not a pain killer lol ) but I am starting to crack a little bit as the constant pain and discomfort is becoming a little to much.. While I am strong willed and hate pills... the need for relief is starting to creep more and more into my mind. have a great night PH and thanks for asking! Gerritt.
  22. Thats a nice one.... but I am partial to this one...She is a one of a kind called "steampunk" Gerritt.
  23. LOL... That was my bad hand Clamp-it and I wasnt trying to squeeze yah! As for why I was able to shake your hand.... It is my wrist that is screwed not my fingers or palm when you shake a persons hand you generally use the whole arm (in an up and down motion) therefore putting very little stress on the wrist. Years of hard work do that to a guy I guess. Thanks again everyone! Gerritt.
  24. http://www.dogsincanada.com/ Listing of reputable breeders Gerritt
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