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Everything posted by Gerritt

  1. Odd. I am also looking at replacing a Coil..... one thing to try try a different set of plugs. I know you stated they are new but I have seen more then one plug act up new from the box, Make sure it is also properly gapped. Try a Decent plug NGK's are probably the best out there. worth a shot brother. Also check the wire from the coil to the plug for a short. Good luck! Gerritt.
  2. I certainly fish ALOT less since getting married and having children there are just way to many things that need to be done. I used to be able to put things off etc when I was young n' single... that just simply is not possible now. Do I wish I was able to find more time to fish? absolutely! but would I trade spending time with my family? not a chance. I do get out fishing don't get me wrong... but I cant cant take off for a week on a whim like I used to. Has life gotten in the way of the things I enjoy? YES! Gerritt.
  3. Jef, That sucks for sure brother...Magnum is an awesome dog and a wicked boating companion. I am sure you will find someone that will give him a loving home. Gerritt.
  4. Just an FYI... I went to my regular Place to fill up THATS RIGHT PETRO CANADA and they were out of FUEL! get ready for a good screwing folks. (PS I use a corporate Petro Canada CC Card) Gerritt.
  5. That second pic is awesome! nice report too! but one question? Why blur out the boat behind you? Gerritt.
  6. Yup that sign has defiantly seen better days! Gerritt.
  7. Yup.... it has happened again.... 'We heard explosions' Witnesses see thick, black smoke as fire takes hold of Esso refinery By AJAY BHARDWAJ, SUN MEDIA An explosion, flames and a plume of thick, black smoke rose from the horizon on the eastern outskirts of the city yesterday after a blaze at the Esso refinery. "We saw a black plume of smoke," said Chad Fisher, who was headed to Sherwood Park along Baseline Road near 34 Street after attending his granddaughter's high school graduation at the AgriCom. "It started cracking and banging and we heard the explosions," he continued. "There were a lot of oohs and ahhs. "You never expect something like that in Edmonton." Edmonton emergency response department dispatched eight units to the scene, which is on Baseline Road in Strathcona County, said Capt. Darrell Payne. "We had so many calls on it," said Payne. "It was a large fire but it had all the potential in the world to be a larger fire." City firefighters were first to arrive following the 10 p.m. blaze, where a crude oil line in a pump station was on fire, Payne said. From early reports, no one seemed to be injured. City firefighters were about to stand down and let their Strathcona County counterparts handle the blaze but decided to battle the fire because of the potentially explosive situation, Payne said. Police blocked off Baseline Road at 34 Street as the conflagration was being fought. Dave Armstrong was taking part in the Northern Alberta Canine Association dog show when he and other competitors noticed thick, black smoke coming from the Esso refinery starting around 8 p.m. Thankfully, he added, the wind carried the smoke south and away from exhibitors and their 2,000 dogs, who were situated west of the refinery. "That smoke was pretty thick," said Armstrong, 42, who works in the oilpatch. "I just seen lots of black smoke, it was pretty bad. I wasn't really scared." Once firefighters got the blaze under control, they turned it over to Strathcona County and Esso counterparts, Payne said. Firefighters were waiting for excess oil to be burned off before putting out the blaze around 11:30 p.m., said Payne. Alberta Environment was monitoring the air quality following the blaze. Gerritt.
  8. Yeah yeah yeah.... 22mths...... 31years.... albeit mine are a little larger! LOL... I did get a pic of the cat but it was so blurry due to my sons amazing accuracy, that it bolted! all I caught on the digi was a streak of orange n' black LOL.... my kid has wicked aim it appears... now.... when will daddy have venison in the freezer courtesy of Liam? Thanks for the kind comments all! we had a blast today! Gerritt.
  9. Well today was a hot one! the family and I figured we would hang out close to home to enjoy the indoor weather! Yes that's right Central Air LOL... We did venture outside for a couple hours though as the lawn and gardens needed to be tended too. that when we found our prey..... Dad!! Meow Meow! Look at my Belly silly cat! Can I Dad? Figuring out the angle and wind speed... Ready, Aim, Fire! That was fun Dad! Wheres another Meow?!? Just thought I would share a couple images with you all. Enjoy your weekend! Gerritt.
  10. awesome pictures brother! I have never seen a bacon rapped fish quite like that! I will haveta give it a shot!! Looks yummie! Did you not scale your fish prior to frying them whole? and if not were the scales bothersome? I ask because I would like to try it if that is the case. Chrome Hen I cook my fish with the heads on often, especially with pike there is alot of meat in the head that you just suck out same goes with pickeral Mmmmm Cheeks! Again awesome report and pictures! thanks for sharing. Gerritt.
  11. Funny.... just found this article... perhaps your not alone?!? http://www.winnipegsun.com/News/Columnists...02/4228448.html Gerritt.
  12. Steve awesome report brother! where abouts is your cottage? how far of a drive from the city known for the Elephant? Good job on the kids getting out there! That is what it is all about! Gerritt
  13. ehg, makes a VERY valid point here... how do you know that that young person asking for money is not from a broken home and experianced years of physical and mental abuse? or even worse sexual misconduct from the people they are supposed to be able to trust? Perhaps that person on the street is undergoing Mental and Emotional challenges that prevent him/her from trusting anyone with a position of authority based on previous abuse and life experiences. It would make it hard to trust the "Man" Something to think about before you go telling someone to get a J-O-B Gerritt.
  14. I WILL NOT give money. I have no problem buying them a sandwich if they are hungry, or a coffee from time to time if it is cold out. But I will never offer up cash.. Helps to weed out the people that really need a helping hand vs. those that are looking for their next fix etc.. more then a couple of times I have seen guys eating out of the trash and I offered my services at that point.. Some sad cases out there for sure. Gerritt.
  15. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20070531/ap_on_.../spam_arrest_10 Ahhh...the joy of not having to eat spam... Gerritt.. PS Fry in Hell punk...
  16. http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/20...coelacanth.html A Cool piece of Prehistoric history... like 65 million years worth! Gerritt.
  17. the Mighty RockBass would have to be my hands down winner! Gerritt.
  18. After hearing your job title I still have absolutely no clue what it is you actually do. you might manage people????... but what else? gonna be hard to change your career when all you say is you manage people, I manage cows, not milk production, not butter consumption, not analysis on weather or not the white farmer rappers doing the milk commercials are increasing revenues and profits.. I just manage cows...... am I qualified to manage the TSX? because I manage cows? understand my point? "Want Milk?, Drink Milk..." Gerritt.
  19. LOL! I found this article extremely interesting.. http://consumerist.com/consumer/features/w...sive-263887.php Enjoy the read Gerritt.
  20. a demarcation point is where Bells line ends and connects to your inside wiring... Bell is only liable for the line up to that demarcation point.... any issues after the demarcation point are your responsibility ... it is where Bells liability ends... all they have to do is provide service to the demarcation. it is the box where the outside lines connect to the inside lines of your place. Gerritt. Ohhh.. and being a rental... I doubt you can run another line... Better hope that you have 2 pair coming into your rental from the demarcation or your screwed.... only other way to have two numbers on one line is indent-a-call... and it sucks.. Gerritt.
  21. DSN you need to run new lines to your demarcation point. the demarcation point is usually located in your basement and it is a small box where all the lines in your house run into. Phone systems use one pair on the line coming into your house. you should have 2 or 3 pair coming into your house. you will wire to one of the spare pairs. you can then goto Home Depot and get a multi-jack receptacle. it allows you to have multiple jacks using only one box. As for your internet? the will send you a splitter and some filters. put the splitter and filter on the line that you have signed up for internet access. Or my preferred method for the filter... I suggest locating it on the demarcation point itself. it saves having to filter every jack in the house. Hope this helps clarify things for you. Gerritt.
  22. If only I could find maps for my GPS enabled BlackBerry.... now that would be cool Gerritt.
  23. GO TEAM 3!!!!!! 17 days boys..... 17 days! Gerritt
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