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Everything posted by Gerritt

  1. Kevin, I have 9.9 2 stoke in awesome condition. I will send pics if interested. G
  2. You guys are nuts... he is within the law, he caught a nice fish and you come here to only to complain he kept it.... Nater you are something else... It is a nice fish and I am thankful for the report... I could care less if he eats it, mounts it, or purees it for a protein shake... He was within the law and it is a memory he will never forget I can think of alot worse things I have seen on the river from steelheaders then this fellow keeping a trophy pickeral.. Good on him and CONGRATS on a nice fish! DantheMan! nice to see you again brother! ... please if you have a report pm it to me! I would not bash your for keeping a nice fish! LOL... G.
  3. Good job Moe!! Once again it was nice to see so many friends out on the ice.. and a child in need gets a helping hand... I wish more tournaments were done like this, for this reason... To help out others that can use a leg up and not for personal gain. Thank you to all those that helped out and to the sponsors for your donations. I had a great day on the water and had a chance to catch up with some friends I have not seen in awhile. This to me is what fishing is all about! G
  4. Awesome vids! I too like seeing that ling skyrocketing to the surface the camara was blasted by chummed minnows awesome! Thanks again! G
  5. awesome pictorial series Marko! By any chance were there any Maybach's there? did you snap a few pics? G
  6. Awesome Job Tony! I was nice to see you again. I had to chuckle as you were walking around the prize tarp... then you saw the Trap beside the table.... Hey Mo is this a prize too? LOL your face lit up when she said it was... SCORES! Awesome fish brother be sure to include some dinner pics when you get a chance. Congrats again! G
  7. it was a great day to be out there... and seeing many familiar faces made it that much better... I did well well on the Perch today... but I have to thank Chuck and Pete as my auger was messed up... (rolled around in the truck for too long) I limited out out... and had two perch entered in at 10" + it turns out this took 3 place..... the Perch were pesky as we were looking for something a bit larger... but hey... I will take what I can get... and there is nothing wrong with a few meals of of potato chips... Errrr I mean Perch! It was nice to see everyone again... here are a few pics... Don plying his trade... some of the crew! and here is an early snapshot after a couple hours of cleaning.. (clean 5 have a beer) they are finally done... be back in a bit... Supper is calling. I would like to thank Extreme Angler for donating the St.Croix rod I walked away with Gerritt.
  8. Wow... Wayne.. I do not know how I missed these threads about your daughter!?! Sadly I dont read them all.... I dont know how the mods do it! The odd thing is I just heard about a study on Crohns today.. they took a whack of crohns patients and put them on the "regular" drug cocktail and gave the steroid's after as a last ditch effort this control group had a 32% chance of remission... the other control group they put them on a hefty dose of steroids before and the regular meds (more aggressive therapy) This control group had closer to 70% chance at remission! Funny how things work sometimes... first I listen to the news about this study.. then I find out about your girl... I wish her and your family all the best Wayne. I hope this becomes a distant memory for her and something she can tell her grandchildren about Gerritt.
  9. You going to Simcoe tomorrow? I am also in Hamilton.. I could pick you up and bring you back if you are G
  10. Niiiice... but I highly doubt it is anywhere close to 32lb. if I was a betting man I would say closer to 10lbs... perhaps you mean 32"? Nice fish either way! G
  11. I will be there, bringing a buddy G
  12. Anyone have recent ice condition reports? Bringing up a buddy and a sled. G
  13. why not just add a dehumidifier and keep your current Radiant System?.. Radiant heat is by far the best in a garage environment as Propane furnaces can cause flashback (Dust, gas vapours etc) Most professional shops use radiant systems, and the ones that dont would give their left acorn for one. G
  14. Cranky? how was I cranky? I just posted a news article about the Grand River and why people might want to think twice about consuming fish from it... and as a side note I know where my food comes from as I buy directly from the farmer. He is located nowhere near the Grand River Sorry if I came across the wrong way, but I see little wrong with me posting a news article that contains facts about the waterway. G
  15. Bernie.... you might have to double your hut plans... the smallest amoungst us was Currie! (I think that is how it is spelt.) Hobbs was a welcome addition to the crew and a fantastic mascot! and Karen... well she is way too nice be to stuck with the likes of you LOL! seeing as how were kissing butt... lol (joking joking) Corey once again we have had another memorable trip together... Joe.. after all you have helped me with... and after spending time fishing with you I should not have invited you... because there is no question that you belonged there... You were in your element my friend... all I did was provide the transportation. Nothing better then fishing with someone that keeps you in stitches the whole trip! I had a great weekend spent with great friends, how can a guy go wrong? Bernie, Once again you have have shown us all a great time and shown some patience @ times (ie...playing cards with guys definably over the "LETS GO FOR A DRIVE" limit) LOL Thanks to you guys for making this trip one to remember! heres to many more. Cheers, G.
  16. Marcus liked it... and was kinda worried after I told him... "see what happens on a bad day!" G
  17. I would think long and hard about keeping any fish from the arse end of the Grand... Good for sport and perhaps a mount... but little else.. this article explains it... Study finds it's the third foulest in the province December 11, 2007 JEFF OUTHIT RECORD STAFF WATERLOO REGION The Grand River starts out clean near Fergus but gets dirtier as it flows past cities and farms towards Lake Erie. By the time it drains into the lake, the Grand has degenerated into the third-foulest river in Ontario, a new federal study shows. "We humans are putting a lot of demands on this river," said Dave Schultz, spokesperson for the Grand River Conservation Authority, which manages the watershed. "We've been well aware for some time that it's under stress." The Environment Canada study reveals little new about the Grand but paints a big picture in comparing freshwater quality at 396 sites across the country. It found that: Water quality in the Grand is good in the north near Fergus but falls to marginal in the south at Dunnville, near Lake Erie. Only two Ontario rivers are in worse shape than the Grand River at Dunnville. They are the Don River in Toronto and Fletcher's Creek in Brampton. Both have a poor rating by national standards. Smaller rivers that feed into the Grand are generally OK. About 70 per cent are rated in fair shape or better, while about 30 per cent are in marginal shape. Measurements of water quality define risks to fish and plants. They are not drinking water standards. Mediocre sewage treatment is partly to blame for poor water quality because more effluent drains into the Grand than the river can easily absorb. The river is also damaged by urban runoff, such as animal droppings and lawn-care fertilizers, and farm runoff, including manure and agricultural fertilizers. The Grand River watershed agency released similar findings in September. It found the river is "very stressed" in Cambridge, downstream from two municipal plants that drain treated waste into the river. River damage includes low levels of dissolved oxygen and high levels of nutrients, related to human waste, animal and plant decay. Water quality improves between Cambridge and Paris, before deteriorating again as the Grand flows towards Lake Erie. Farm runoff is likely to blame for marginal water quality in the Nith River and Canagagigue Creek, Schultz said. Though stressed, the Grand River is in better shape than 50 or 60 years ago. "There were days when the river in the summer was not much more than diluted sewage," Schultz said. "We've come a long ways since then." Now, the Grand supports a revived fishery and recreational use. However, there's concern about how the watershed, with 900,000 residents, will cope with 500,000 more residents expected by 2031. "We're going to have to sort of work harder just to stay even, or to get ahead in terms of water quality," Schultz said. Improved sewage treatment is expected to improve river quality. Getting there is not cheap. "All the municipalities are working in that direction," Schultz said. "It just takes time." Waterloo regional council plans to spend $265 million, mostly after 2009, to upgrade sewage treatment in Kitchener and Waterloo. To help pay for this, regional water rates are expected to double by 2014. Only 27 per cent of sewage treatment in the Grand River watershed is at an advanced standard. [email protected] A new federal study compares water quality at rivers across Canada, using an index of 0 to 100. The best quality is 100 and 0 is the worst. Here's a sampling of local and Ontario rivers River or creek / Index / Rating Don, Toronto / 35 / Poor Fletcher's, Brampton / 43 / Poor Grand, at Dunnville / 48 / Marginal Avon, Stratford / 54 / Marginal Upper Canagagigue, Elmira / 62 / Marginal Nith, New Hamburg / 62 / Marginal Thames, London / 68 / Fair Speed, near Guelph / 74 / Fair Grand, near Fergus / 82 / Good Source: Canadian Environmental Sustainability Indicators, 2007. Note: Water quality measured 2003-2005. Gerritt.
  18. I am having one of those days myself Joe..... G
  19. All I know is I can hear my heartbeat when my evinrude is @ idle... Bwaaahahahahahaha G..
  20. How are you gonna chip all that ice to put into your drink? Still have the CRV .... and what is the truck?
  21. argh.... BPS "tourists" LOL! G
  22. Wayne... Quite the loser indeed! LOL.... funniest picture ever... To add to this thread... today was pretty interesting.... Saturday we have -26c Sunday +3 or so... then rain rain and more rain.... it was interesting driving to the landing from the cottage through 6" or water on top of the ice.... the wipers got a work out on the F150! LOL..... ohhh the free truckwash was nice too. G
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