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Everything posted by Gerritt

  1. June 12th to 19th... however this may need to change.. a family meeting was held today @ the hospital concerning my wifes grandmother... they plan to remove her from life support... so as of right now the date is tentative.. Thinking of bringing up the family? G
  2. Nancur373 & JohnH, I would be more then happy to take both of you out in my boat infact it would be my pleasure. Please consider it a done deal. G.
  3. None is interested in @ week at Lakair?? ahh well more room in the boat for me! LOL Can a mod move this to the hook-up section for me please G
  4. Justin, Absolutely awesome report! Those pictures are amazing! Looks like you had quite the adventure and made alot of memories What happened to your hand? Did you get a chance to wet a line at all? Again an awesome report and thank you for sharing it with us! Happy Canada Day! G
  5. Count me in! I was disappointed I could not make the June G2G.. September sounds PERFECT! G
  6. Awesome report! Nice to see a family having good clean fun! G
  7. Great thread! Happy Canada Day OFC! G
  8. Randy, These threads generally go down hill... as history dictates... People just cannot seem to leave their hate off the board. I am surprised that this thread has not exploded to be honest.. If this thread was in the general discussion area it would have probably been deleted by now... That said, While I do not agree with what is happening, I would rather see it out in the open and transparent then what has been happening in the past..... This is not good for the Lake Nipissing fishery... but then again I would like to see a halt on ice fishing operators on Nipissing as well for 5 years.... so perhaps my thinking is skewed G
  9. woot! good job fellas! have fun on you're trip! G
  10. Hmmm how long ago did you receive them? Nice Bass!
  11. Happy Birthday! Being 32 myself I dreaded turning "old" G
  12. Ryan have the lures been sent out yet? would not mind trying them on the Nip in 12 days G..
  13. Hmmm Crown Land, with a boat rental and within 3 hours of Toronto... Sorry Hoops but I do not think you will find anything.. If you can forgo the crown land part you should find tons of lodges etc that allow camping w/ boat rentals.. or perhaps a provincial park? G
  14. Peter... Dude Karma is on our side.. I fixed mine right up too! it was not the potentiometer that was pooched.. it was the slider that makes contact with it!.. heated up the plastic a bit.. pulled it a touch while it was semi soft... make solid contact now! and I am off to the races! G
  15. Awesome report TJ! and a nice catch for the Misses! Congrats Monique! Wow... it is amazing @ how much Avery and Jaden have grown since I last saw them.. Avery is becoming a Man...What is that on his upper lip? forgot to wash up after dinner? And Jaden is becoming a lady in her own right... if she is willing to kiss a slimey green fish... I imagine them boys in Sturgeon Falls are in trouble! Awesome family report TJ, thanks for sharing you're adventures with us. G
  16. Looks like I am talking to myself again! G
  17. I know where the locals fish on the west arm... on the way to the monetville tavern G
  18. Just had to bring up the stain eh Cliff?? LOL.... now my blood is near boiling again... I have picked up some stuff that should do the trick... this stuff might eat a hole right through the floor! but should do the trick I hope.. Westley's Bleche-Wite If this does not do it.... nothing will! G....
  19. Well our plans have been scrapped for heading to Ivanhoe.. My wifes grandmother has been in ICU for awhile now... and they do not expect she will be coming out (she has contracted C.Difficile while in hospital)... So needless to say heading 12 hours north is off the books.. We were to head up with my Inlaws... and would not go without them. But it has been decided that since the week is still booked as vacation we will still go albeit closer to home... That said we have booked with Lakair for the above week.. We will be camping (As my son LOVES it!) If any other families are interested in a weeks vacation @ Lakair please chime in! Cost to camp is 10.00 a day per adult... While my wife likes to fish, having a 2 year old takes up alot of her time... So she would like to have someone to chat with or go site seeing/shopping with while the boys are out fishing I have a boat with all the toys, So if you're boatless but still want to bring the family out for a fishing adventure this is you're opportunity! Just thought I would throw this out there... G
  20. Peter, Have you tried a different controller? I too am having an issue with mine exactly as you described.. It turns out the potentiometer is pooched.. I am going to take it apart and see if it is repairable.. I know this to be the case because I tried a different controller.. and if I put the "throttle" in just the right position it will work.. another DIY project in the works today... G
  21. Hahahahahahaha!! Nice Fish tho!
  22. Finally... The Liberals have done something right for a change!. G
  23. Sinker, I will give it a shot today.. heading out CT anyways and will pick some up. Thanks for the suggestion! I will also grab a degreaser like Glen mentions as well, What I dont get is the stuff Paul suggested is made to remove tar and it did not touch it!.. Mind you it work well for the exhaust marks @ the stern G
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