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Everything posted by Gerritt

  1. B... that is for sure a tough pill to swallow.. Many of you're friends (myself included) have interacted with Hobbes and knew what a special family member he was.... He sure loved the water! sad to hear that he needed you to make the right decision for him... He will be missed by many that is certain.. He was a great dog. G..
  2. Ohhh that is one SWEET looking ride!!!
  3. Sonny... regs state March 15th.... so many dang exceptions for the Grand.... G
  4. perhaps they are rounding the exchange rate.....
  5. yup things are bad @ USS... I feel for them boys down there... and the pensioners at home wondering when the cheques will stop after giving so many years of service... one giant crap show if you ask me... I wonder though if the executives still get their bonuses?..... G
  6. Great report! thank you for posting!... would have been better with pics though! G
  7. As Canadian as coloured money... Leave the CBC be. is nothing sacred¿ Rob... knowing how you are VERY Pro-Canadian and Anti-everything else.. I would have thought you would embrace a made in Canada station... I will bite my tongue for the rest of my reply as it will serve no good.. G
  8. Awesome report Bernie!! damn I am envious of that hunt camp! Looks like a TON of stories have been shared there.... man if those walls could talk!! Thanks for sharing G
  9. Check out this link... http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/20...ture/index.html G
  10. I was up there a few weeks ago.... the fishing was sloooow.... but we did manage a couple.. 2 Pickeral and a couple Pike.... even the hut operators that stopped by said they caught nothing... G
  11. That is awesome!!!! be sure to post pictures of your new fishing partner! and be sure to take care of the misses... G
  12. I took well over 5k @ Casino Rama playing blackjack... Even asked them to raise the table maximum! I walked out with 5700.00 and have never been to a casino since.... that way the odds are always in my favour LOL! G
  13. I have always thought I would like a simpler way of life... I spent alot of summers on my Grandparents farm as a kid (same ones that took me to Lake St. John) and I will remember those times till the day I die.. Hard work, a commitment to your livestock and co-operation!! Farm life is alot different then the ME ME ME attitude of the city... resources are shared, be it machinery to get the crops harvested (if you come and use your combine on my crop... I will till your earth)..... or use of the kill floor, and the manager/owner gets a few roasts... things are "different" As for surviving in a total economic collapse? I think I would be ok... I am too stubborn..... Besides and I hate to say it I would do what I had to, to ensure that my family and I survive, and god help the person that tries to take something from me for which he did not earn honestly.. I think the important thing is to not be afraid of hardwork! Them Bay St. boys would be in for a eye opening that is for sure! G
  14. I have had Roo jerky and found it delicious! Gator Jerky was good too! G
  15. good on you for doing the right thing.... but are you certain they were breaking the law? and if so do you have pictures showing their floats in the sanctuary? if not... well i hate to say it but the MNR will do nothing... But good on you for helping to protect our fisheries! Did no one say anything to them??? G
  16. Well I picked up a new Digital SLR type camera... and am wondering if there are any really cool features I can perform with it... It is a Fuji S1000FD .. I realize this camera is not top shelf.. but it is a HUGE upgrade to what I had before... http://www.fujifilm.ca/x16201.xml <--- the specs... Right now I have been taking shots of the pup and a few scenery shots... Here are a couple.. (Hunter is 6 mths old now!) Soooo I guess I am looking for a bit of guidance on how to get the most from the camera... IE.. fast moving objects etc... We have a ton of hawks and owls in our area.. (Wooded) and I would love to shoot them... seems they turn out blurry though... Thank you everyone for you're replies! Gerritt.
  17. Don't worry Brian... I still love yah.. in a non-homosexual way... sooooo.... I need some more recipes man!!! G
  18. Looking for a boat???... Have I got a deal for you! G
  19. Billy Bob... you are a firefighter? if so my hat goes off to you and all those that put their life on the line for someone elses.. Said to hear the news about the plane and all those people.... I hope they believed in a higher power... G
  20. LOL Pure... have you seen the ice flows? they were pretty brutal yesterday!!.. I live right across the road from the river... 3 Minute walk across the street! G
  21. Just on the news... severe warnings about some areas in dunville.. lots of localized flooding as the ice is flowing from as far as Kitchener..... I would be VERY wary.... On CHCH News as I speak.. the pictures and video look brutal!! I also know what I saw flowing over the Caledonia dam... not a pretty site... Be safe out there folks!!! Many homes,trailers and cottages flooded.... Some with bad damage from the ice flowing down the river..... Hope they had insurance! G
  22. After looking at the damn in Caledonia and the amount of ice flowing down stream....right now the river is a bloody mess... But steve's marina could be safe...
  23. Very cool indeed!!... it is actually part of an introduction to a tv show.... I remember seeing it on the tube... I want to say something on Discovery or The National Geographic Channel....
  24. Wow.... not for me.... but hey each they're own.... Makes me think of Balut for some reason.... *Shuddder* G
  25. Well said Misfish..... not to mention how the kids at York U. got screwed... declare our educators an essential service.
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