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Everything posted by denisk

  1. That's alot of fun when you jog those up. That dinner sounds good to
  2. I'd extend my arms like that for a 5th place WTG Gaspare and PEte
  3. Beautys congrats on the win.
  4. My opinion is either talk to the guys that do it in person or visit a tackle shop like ANgling Outfitters, Natural Sports, Fishin NIagara, Hook Line and Sinker or others that specialize in float fishing. Get as many different float rods in your hands as you can and then look at what water you will mainly be fishing. Now you ask yourself how many of these damn things do I need Like golf you will find different situations (rivers) require different clubs (float rods) and the same thing applies with reels. A safe bet would be to wait a little longer and visit ifloatfish.com it will be all you need to know and everything you need to order.
  5. Hopefully it wasn't a 620 or 621VS.
  6. what about the alligator? that's a spoon
  7. That does look good
  8. Shore lunch is the best part of his show.
  9. Try a beetle spin spinner get rid of the bait and instead replace it with a 1/0 straigh shank gammy worm hook. I like to thread on a small orange exude mister twister worm on that rig. It has worked very good in the K-lakes. If your down on erie any time soon check out the jig bite on the NY side lots of these to be had good luck.
  10. Maybe try the night bite in your favorite spots and also try fishing slow with a husky jerk. If you can troll pull some boards and try spinners. The walleye are still there but they are one of the toughest fish to catch the more you try the more you learn and maybe eventually the more you catch
  11. This saturday is the M.A.W and weather conditions look awesome. It's trophy season in NY State for more info check out www.milleniumbassmasters.com
  12. I believe it's 60 bucks for the licence. 11.97 for those 2 fish
  13. They just updated forecast and it's gonna be sustained winds @ 30 gusting over 50mph. In other words don't bother this weekend, next weekend is the make a wish. First prize is 4000k I think and you get a chicken dinner.
  14. Awesome speck, hookin up while casting is quite the thrill Looks like you guys had the food situation under control also. Nothing half ass about it in this report.
  15. Burtess that was very funny. Did you keep the testicles, man I'm still laughing probally the funniest thing I've read on a fishing report so far in my life. Thanks for that
  16. The wind tomorrow looks ok but saturday is calling for west 30mph with gusts up 50mph, I guess it's a coin flip for saturday.
  17. It goes like this Jig Jig Jig........... PiG big PiG net......... Bonus Walleye FOr a little while now and again in fall there's no place I'd rather be for HUGE smallies.
  18. We start at 7am and fish until 1pm, we fish the welland canal in a few weeks.
  19. Anyone interested there is a few pegs left, this is a panfish venue expect to have non-stop sunfish. Giant carp are cruising around but they don't seem to be feeding however if you can figure them out you'll win it all... www.matchanglingclub.com
  20. Nice size on those specs, love the crystal clear water shot..
  21. www.milleniumbassmasters.com good luck
  22. Are you guys fishing the Millenium tourny out of small boat harbour May 1st. I think there's gonna be quite a few 20 inchers this year
  23. Fishing the hairrig and getting a run with your buzzer screaming when your half asleep is almost as good as a float dropping under a log while fishin steelies ALMOST
  24. DAve no shamrocks and NY bass this year the ramp in crystal beach is wide open
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