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Everything posted by denisk

  1. Just wondering if anyone is planning on fishing this? Captains meeting is tomorrow night at SugarLoaf around 6pm, It's $250 per team plus optional calcutta's. The weather looks half decent and the best part is the fish are biting Hope to see you there.
  2. Bruce I have lots
  3. Stop in an see me I have the tackle shop on the Blvd. Lots of great fishing to be had year round
  4. Nice size for the area your fishing definetly keep that spot hush hush, I drive many miles to get into fish like that. Well Done!
  5. I'm just killing time with everything else waiting to get the pin back out
  6. Nice lakers, can't wait to see the bass pics from erie
  7. It's match #3 on the grand in Cambridge and there is still pegs available if anyone is intersted in a day of match fishing. Full rules and what to expect are posted on our website matchanglingclub.com. Just a friendly invitation to anyone who likes a little change up and a little challenge to the floatfisherman who enjoy just fishing. Last year a good number of carp where caught on the pin.
  8. Lots of boats again today. Weekend looks prime. Walleye drift is also starting to happen.
  9. Seneca shoal lake erie US water 35 fow go now it's awesome
  10. Did it fight pretty good?
  11. I'd say as long as you let the dipseys out slow (try using the clicker) you will have no problems but I'd also probally run a longer dipsey rod in that situation .
  12. Raven had a matrix combo and right now I have a sweet kingpin combo with either a 11'6 or 13 matched with your choice of kingpins. You can combo up any thing you'd like really I almost forget that okuma puts out a combo to. Shop around you will find exactly what your looking for.
  13. The second edition cover quite a bit more like fishdawg mentioned. It also has a snap weight curve with varying amounts of lead and speeds, it is well well worth the investment. However if you don't find yourself trolling under adverse conditions and generally stick to the same rig then I'm sure you can find most of your info online. Myself I'd never be without it and it will put more fish in your boat
  14. If you want walleye harnesses I'll have literally thousands of them at blowout prices. This show will be well worth the visit I will also have lots of topmix carp bait along with salmon spoons and various jets and dipseys not to mention the new trolling bibles. Stop by and say hi If your a steelheader then you will also like the selection of king pins I will have something for everyone and it only costs $5 TO GET IN. Paul from cast adventures will also be doing a seminar and I'm pretty sure walker has somebody puttng on a seminar also not to mention Melanie Frost with some bass tips
  15. I ran the terrova last year with AP and US both worked perfect.
  16. No tracks Beauty Specs YEah that's awesome!
  17. You guys need to get Jack to fish in his backyard more often, everyone else is
  18. I used one all last season and it's AWESOME. Pulls the 621 with no issue what so ever and the autopilot is SO MUCH EASIER to keep a track while trolling eyes in rough water. Consider it the wheel man, your gonna love it
  19. The upper is back to normal winter conditions Crystal clear and freezing cold. Shore ice in the morning will be a problem all season as it is constantly breaking and flowing down. It's usually all clear by lunch time
  20. Also check out the RAM rod holders they seem to work good for me and are quite popular among walleye guys.
  21. Any bets on how many huts will be in the next picture? How thick is the ice?
  22. There is no vis on the upper and lots of shore ice heading down
  23. I have all kinds here in Fort Erie.
  24. copy that
  25. If anyone has old Ontario Fisherman Magazines that they want to part with pm me. I'll pay the shipping
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