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Everything posted by denisk

  1. Fished Lots of new water and ended up with this for our efforts http://fishinniagara.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=2343 Any fish anywhere
  2. Nice fish Bob Hopefully you get into some of those in the MWC championship next fall
  3. I beleive there is bad batches of line like everything else you find these days, I've had customers tell me the same thing the siglon they bought snapped like 2 pound tippet but I've yet to hit one of those spools. Personal preference obviously because i've been fishing the Niagara with siglon 10lb and it hasn't failed me yet. However like you can see in this post everyone has their own opinion and preference.
  4. Actually I was placing an order and well I guess you already know the rest. Glad you like the carp any other fish you'd like to see
  5. I spoke with the Raven rep today and that he told me that he only runs Raven Main Line on his float reels (and never ever told anyone to purchase a different line). Not only that, but one of his customers landed a 54lbs Chinook in Alaska using Raven Main Line - and any line that can take that kind of abuse has to be awesome! I find it funny how things can get posted on the internet and be taken as the truth when it really boils down to a bunch of crap. I've fished all kinds of lines in all kinds of conditions and I find that in the WINTER nothing beats siglon F, but raven fishes fine until the temp drops.
  6. Just what the doctor ordered
  7. I should watch what I say because we do have some fish thanks to NY PA and Ohio. I'm only speaking of salmonoids for the most part. If it wasn't for the states the Niagara river would be a very different animal.
  8. we don't have enough fish
  9. put it in baby food jars and freeze it
  10. Barbless 100% for steelies It's so much easier to remove scarf and spent bags not to mention removing from rag wool and cold fingertips. Try it you'll like it. The best hook I've found is the Kamasan B981 Specimen
  11. Does the bad day fishing is better then a good day at work phrase still apply here I think your steelhead trips are much more forgiving but crap happens bet your just itching for some chrome
  12. We have about 30 ppl showing up They do look dead don't they Here is this one better Going carpin right now.
  13. No we caught them in lake erie
  14. The weekend weather looks awesome for both events. Last night we went walleye fishing and got a couple limits so for anyone attending the Maco match you are invited to a fish fry after the event. Fresh Walleye with some Chronzy batter mix it should be pretty good
  15. If any carpers are interested there will be a carp only tourny at the Pier 8 Discovery centre in hamilton this Sunday. If you would like more info you can check the following link. www.matchanglingclub.com Could possibly pay out $1000 bucks for catching old rubber lips
  16. Nice fish
  17. I'll be fishing the casey cup with my dad and putting the new olypmus camera to the waterproof test
  18. It's been good for me
  19. From Port Colberne to Fort Erie you will have no troubles catching eye's
  20. here's my PB
  21. Big Bob's corn won me a couple bucks on the grand river the other day. If your in Niagara Big Bob's is also Available here, let's not forget Top-Mix as well as D.A.M and many other carp products.
  22. It's always rockin if you fish where the fish are
  23. How bout those 20 foot legends should be called titanics
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