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Everything posted by johnnyb

  1. So, is there any characteristics you look for in a potential speck lake? Or is it just the harder to get to, the better? And when you do get in, and don't catch anything...how do you know if it's just that there's no trout in there, or that there ARE, and they're just being picky?
  2. I'm just not familiar with Hay Narrows....do you stay at a lodge? You could always ask the operator...and I'm sure you don't need to be told to watch out for rocks! My 2 cents is...a half hour boat ride is worth it just for the change of scenery and the shot at some bigger fish....just head out early, watch for rocks, and give'er!
  3. I love the internet...even more helpful info...thanks M or S
  4. Better late than never...here's a helpful LINK
  5. Amen to that!! Glad you enjoyed yourself...looking forward to the next one...just not looking forward to how much buttering up the wimmens will require
  6. great feedback guys....thanks!
  7. I understand that this is deemed a provincial park, and has a section of the Ganaraska trail running through it.....I figure it looks to be a nice little region to drop the canoe in for a one or two night excursion with my son...who wants to camp this year, but not take on anything too grueling. does anybody have any experience with this area? Any research I've done comes up with a lot of hiking trail info, but not much for water travel, even though there's a pile of lakes in there. Any info/experiences/feedback is appreciated, as always
  8. I think you will be really frustrated with the spinning combo...ultimately you will just be pitching. To flip, you want the pendulum action so the jig enters nice and quiet...to do it with a spinning reel, I find that I get slack line around the handle every other time. But of course, trying it out is free...no harm in that.
  9. Seemed fine this morning...but just took a whack of time to load....I guess everybody is checking the board on lunch
  10. crazy multi-species action!! With a brother like that..... Oh, and, Wind from the north, you gotta troll back and forth!
  11. Wow...very impressive country up there...awesome report! One day....one day....
  12. Thanks for the replies, guys...to avoid confusion, I was told the results of the ultrasound...no birth yet! Due date is not bad, at Oct. 17th...the most I'll have to worry about is missing out on thanksgiving walleye for a year or two
  13. Noice!!!! Send us more pics like that
  14. LOL -- we looked at every plane we could, but never saw the flying Irishman!!!
  15. Beautiful trip!!! One day I will get the brookies dialed in Can't wait to see the bear video, too!
  16. Last Tuesday, my cousin (Bicephalic on the board) and I headed up north for a long anticipated trip to the Temagami area. The idea was to tow the canoe behind the tinboat, so that we could fish our main destination lake in comfort, while dragging the canoe into one or two back lakes. Ultimately, we did a pretty darn good job of sticking to the plan, even though we ended up bailing out on a couple of back lakes. What we also did was learn a lot about early season pike, backwoods trails, and the finicky nature of brook trout. Words can't really do it justice, so here are the straight facts and pics: Lakers were in the 18-22 inch range, extremely spunky, hitting consistently in the top 15 FOW. They had a very clear preference for long slender minnow baits in the Mercer's Magic pattern...and didn't mind hitting a nice gold Panther Martin #20 every now and then. Most had nymphs in their bellies...stone or mayfly, I assume. Pike fishing was pretty cool, once we found a nice, shallow, WARM bay on the north end of the lake. I've never seen pike get spooked by the boat, but, we learned quickly to get their attention on the lure before they saw us...got my PB at 37 inches We moved lakes altogether for the last two days, where we couldn't locate any similar water, but, my cousin and his Mercer's Magic found the pike in typical coves/points out of the wind, bordering on deep water...nailed HIS PB with a very fat 27.5 incher that we had to weigh for curiousity's sake...came in at just under 4.5lbs. Not too shabby. As for the backlakes...some helpful hints from fellow OFC'rs had us focusing on one lake in particular, even though the original plan was to hit two. Poor access and poor reviews kept us on a track to one lake in particular, which was nice, but, apparently so secret that not even the brookies knew about it! Still impressive getting back in there...and most notably, we had a cell phone signal, which allowed me to get a VERY important message from Laker Jessy at home, who was at the 19 week ultrasound All in all, we fished from morning till night, ate trout and pike for breakfast and dinner, and came home feeling like we had been living in another world for a week. What more could we ask for If you're still reading...here's some scenery pics to send you on your way..tight lines!
  17. Definitely worth calling his bluff..but hard to think calmly in a situation like that. Sounds like a nutjob that needs to have his reality adjusted by the law. Sorry to hear it.
  18. Dang I wish I had Discovery Channel....stupid basic cable...
  19. in the summer, I also like the term "largemouth basswood"
  20. Awesome stuff!!! I'm leaving next Tuesday/Wednesday night/morning for Temagami area...good luck!! Hope to see a good report when you're back
  21. Windermere Marina (on Rosseau) charged $5 in and $5 out last time I checked...2 years ago. In case you're looking to save some d'oh on Rosseau.
  22. Hey...at least the bugs aren't too bad
  23. Awesome way to take advantage of the weekend, KF...thanks for sharing
  24. Well you're not wasting any time....good show! I don't think I've ever heard of someone getting carp on surface baits...what's the trick?
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