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Everything posted by FinS

  1. wish i could help you
  2. its for sale for a cheap OFC member tooo much time on me and wifes hand
  3. actually it went well and it is now registered under recreational instaead of homeade a few hunderd later i dont take my chances
  4. anyways just a heads up everything is now 100% legit now i need to put her in the water for a test run to see if everything is in top shape but the weather man says different today
  5. well i got the tell tale working i changed the water pump and all is good thanks to everyone who tried helping out
  6. thanks man i appreciate that
  7. stellar report man your my hero
  8. where would one go? i have the bill of sale and the boat ownership signed and ready to transfer the only thing i dont have is the paperwork for the trailer what can i do for this thanks
  9. glad everything turned out
  10. well got on the lake at 520 launched out at the sandbar we got the planer boards set up running woodies trolled and trolled somemore but no slime switched up baits almost every 30 minutes anyways before heading back in i picked this nice little smallie up got off the water at 1030 it was nice just getting out lake was beautiful
  11. thanks dude a report will come quick when i get back
  12. quebec has the best fishing around if your willing to drive a distance its well worth it try the lac st jean area
  13. great report and i hope u enjoyed your friend aswell lol
  14. a buddy of mine called me up and asked me if i wanted to go out and troll for some muskies in the morning on LSC i said of course s0 430 is coming quick and i hope i have some pictures to prove it ill remember the camera anyways i guess ill take a day off from fixing up the smokercraft and enjoy a good day on the water happy fishing
  15. id like to see that on video
  16. i kinda get u there i was thinking of just taping the intake (copper pipe tighter and seeing what happens sometimes its just a kick in the pants and she works i will be doing some other tests on it earlier in the moring or sometime sunday ill post the results wish me luck
  17. any fish perhaps from junk fish to the elusive trout (that means any fish) no fish is for sale unless u have a proper license just like eveyone else states it
  18. did i mention im on a tight budget
  19. thanks coach thats a good one ill try to remember that one
  20. thank for the help cliff but i tried almost the imaginanable wish some knew what they were doing but we tried thanks
  21. thanks for the replys guys i was at it for a little bit today i bought a new impeller kit downloaded a diagram did exactly what was on the picture and still no water i think this one more time will do it im going out in the morning and buying a pump kit if that dont work then i give up happy fishing p.s it runs great but need the water to spit
  22. nice to hear dave but get your but up in lake abitibi and show us some reall fishing i dont wanna be rude or anything but i think u should look into it and then u can bring me ahah
  23. im in the market but just for vhf since i have the gps if you can find me a good used one that will be great pm's welcomed sorry for the lil hijack and happy fishing
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