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Everything posted by FinS

  1. 2lb test and a 5 foot ultra lite its a hoot lol dont forget the canned corn
  2. Wynn was open last fall but is gonna be closed for the next 2 years
  3. just a quick note aurora trout is closed all year in 2008 and 2009(wynn lake zone 8) just before you get into esker provincial park your better off to rent a canoe if you want to get into some good fish there (esker park) but there are plenty of small lakes surrounding the outskirts of the park that have good shore fishing for most species
  4. i like those flys wanna sell?
  5. congrats on the ride hope you have tons o fun on the water bet ya that hurt the pocket book have fun dude
  6. wtg i tried mine out today and it is definitely going back to the store
  7. walleye opener down here is open all year zone 19 but it started today for me anyways went 5- 9 was a good day with the biggest being 26 inches
  8. fantastic
  9. gonna start it off with some Detroit river jigging tommorow morning ya baby hopefully i have something to post about just gotta make sure i dont forget the camera
  10. some nice fish there congrats
  11. nice setup and congrats on the nice gills i just bought one today at canadian tire for 349 its the backpacker model weighs 42lbs took me 2 hours to set it up lol i plan to try it out in the morning sometime to see how i like it before you did the mods was it good and stable
  12. congrats Mike awesome report and tons of pictures just what we like keep it up
  13. thought i would share this with who ever is interested its the nascar of airplanes takes place May 31st and June 1st in Detroit Michigan on the Detroit River tickets are pricey heres the link Red bull air races
  14. hey guys just wondering if there is a way to test an outbouard without it being in the water thanks and happy fishing Ren
  15. its that time a year have fun boys
  16. just deal with it and go with the flow
  17. i gues all i have to say is a little rant mother nature does what she is best at and expect a little more
  18. sorry to hear about your lost ill keep my ears and eyes open hope u had good insurance
  19. just wondering if anyone is interested in a last ice. fishing trip up to the kirkland lake area targetting pike and pickeral ill be leaving in a few days for 2 days half of gas expenses would be appreciated heres the weather forecast http://www.theweathernetwork.com/weather/CAON0354/ are u up for it but i would have to say april fools
  20. i dont have a fly rod but if i did i could teach you
  21. NO DOUBT
  22. i find its more challenging to land a fish without a net most of the time i dont use a net and when i do is mostly shore fishing off of breakwalls where i can only get the fish in by a net
  23. Torpedo's a new revolution of downrigging
  24. been there done that its an amazing fisherie u forgot one thing mooneyes and ling are plentiful
  25. FinS


    thanks guys 2 more days and im off
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