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Everything posted by FinS

  1. that mountain has some great scenery those are memories for sure another great report for the books
  2. great report Mike like usual wtg
  3. the okuma dipsy rods are a good deal the same with the okuma magda line counter reel check on ebay for the reel they are fairly cheap for the rod bass pro carries some start off with what you can afford then go from there just to see if u like the whole dipsy thing good luck
  4. have fun and have a safe trip
  5. great job to the chapter and yourself Mike a big kudos to u i was gonna bring my 3 boys out twins 2 and older guy is 4 but we had a family thing that day im sure my oldest would have loved it there should be more and more things like this for the kids next year i am certain i will attend with the boys congrats again
  6. great shots dude dont you love the great north minus the old stinker cabin but again it was a good place to keep out of the storm
  7. Another great report Mike thanks for sharing
  8. mind you if u ever catch a silver pike (grass pike) in the 10 lb range i wanna see it
  9. thats a northern
  10. silver pike or as known as grass pike
  11. ive done what you are talking about im too cheap to buy dipseys and downriggers the key is the speed you troll ive caught lakers 40ft down using 5oz pencil weights doing 2.2 mph with a 3 way swivel running a spoon and a raplala just like they do on erie try it and let me know what happens ps dont be shy to experiment
  12. nice fish a bonus for the team wish i could get out sometime soon
  13. have a safe and fun trip take alot of pics
  14. great report thanks for sharing
  15. hmmm your making me hungry small coldwater specks is no 1 for me
  16. good luck and have fun guys
  17. Welcome to the club Jacques great pictures
  18. beauty fish steve congrats
  19. thanks just thought she would go faster for some reason ok if i put a hydrofoil on it will this speed things up a bit espeacially getting on plane quickly
  20. hey guys thought someone on the board may be able to help me out i took the boat for a run today and at WOT i only get top speed of 23mph i know that isnt right its a 4 cyl it runs fine idles good put new plugs any ideas maybe run a little sea foam thru her but how do u do this since ive never done it before any help would be appreciated 23 mph is not enough for a 50
  21. great report and i hope more is to come
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