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2 tone z71

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Everything posted by 2 tone z71

  1. That's fantastic ..congrats..sounds like a awesome time
  2. Thanks fellas I fired off a email to Rob ..ya showed momma the bunk with a sliver of foam ..conversation got quite lol
  3. Looking for walleye or ? Any good recommendations ..pleasant stays ..just wife and I
  4. Two strokes are becoming a thing of the past ..they are history
  5. Down right shame to tarnish a good solid name like Ranger ..by hanging that junk on the back of it
  6. That's sad ..on many levels ..but yes quality is big proper installation is a must ..heat is horrible for shingles ..proper venting is a must..put steel on the family cottage last sept I'd never look back ..gotta handle the asphalt one too many times if you ask me
  7. Yep there's a few toons with 300 yams on em on the bay too
  8. Majority of them are good guys ..doing the job required ..the rest are no better that a pedophile out picking on the public
  9. Love it ..makes ya proud forsure ..I sent ya a email thru the website about pricing ..interested in a few double cowgirls a shirt and decal
  10. That is awesome ..love to fish/ spend a day with that ole chap
  11. I think our government has more to be concerned with than micro plastics in the Great Lakes ..always pinning stuff on the consumer..let the lil man make all the changes ..they will be adding a tax for us now ..for wearing and using water polluting products
  12. I'd like a 01 700 SRX " devil in a blue dress" Yammie hit it hard with that one..that thing was fast !!!
  13. I always thought Loomis was Canadian and custom ..sold to Shimano in 1995 ..Jesus what do I know
  14. I have nothing but good to say about BRPs "other" products
  15. Not angry at all ..and no I don't work for any manufacture ..I make my living contracting on islands for the rich ..so I really put faith on the workboat to be dependable ..which these products are not..they talk about them like there superior ..there nothing more than old tech choked up with emissions crap to try and keep the old 2 stroke alive ..self winterizing lol..do you think that motor fogs itself properly in 45 seconds ? Lazy way out for simple minds
  16. Yes at first I was pretty impressed by her choice ..but after a few days my needs kicked in ..and we sent it back for the gold combo ..it only makes sense
  17. Sik video ...thanks for sharing
  18. All the E tec is is a glorified Ficht..I bought a new in the box 115 in 08 biggest Pos ever..there's twin 200 ho on the one work boat..and a 150 on the other ..and a 250 on the bosses brothers boat ..on it's third power head ..so ya speak from a lil experience ..I had plugs go in less than 80 hrs ..then the engine would not shut off with key or tether..sensor went 18 miles off shore ...trim unit caught fire ..could go on....the local marina only sells evinrude and he's got 3 full time mechanics..and just what kind of two stroke SIPS oil uses no oil ..what do you figure provides lube..it's the lifeline of the engine ..says all the E tec power heads in cardboard boxes under benches.
  19. I'd paddle my Yamaha before I bought another E Tec
  20. Thanks Fellas ..I'm sending it back today ..I'm trading it for the 7 gold combo ..I want the Gps
  21. Anybody using one..got one for Christmas ..pros cons
  22. Communist Country ran by a bunch of spineless thieves
  23. id be pissed ...nothing worse than taking care of your equipment then having some idiot abuse it...did you pay before or after you seen the repair..I would have refused or negotiated,and I totally understand that sometimes crap happens...but they could have at the least explained to you and offered to touch up the paint
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