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2 tone z71

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Everything posted by 2 tone z71

  1. Moose after reading your adventures I'm glad you chimed in ..as known you spend lots of time out there ..thanks for your input
  2. That's amazing man..what a beauty spot ..sounds like there's lots of trades on here including myself ..we could get that done in no time with a few days left over to fish ....congrats on a sweet camp
  3. Sweet looking camping spot ..nice fish
  4. That Honda will be running for many yrs ..long after your beloved E Tecs in a box under a workbench somewhere
  5. . Great ideas ..I'm building the ditch kit that's why I created this topic ..the handheld VHF has my attention as well as compass ..my floater suit is always in the boat
  6. . How does that handheld VHF work for ya ? Good signal ?
  7. that's what I am after Joey...compass is good too.. I am usually several miles offshore in a boat ..
  8. porn eh lol...wifes usually with me I can cross that one off the list
  9. that's probably one of the toughest things any man can face..I couldn't even finish reading the above poem without tearing up...so sorry for your loss ..they are without a doubt mans best friend
  10. the older I get and the farther I seem to wonder offshore the more I start to worry..ive recently invested in a first aid kit from crappy tire for starters..was wondering what type of things/stuff you fellas are carrying for safety etc
  11. aint that the truth ...murky waters..shoals ..sunken logs
  12. sorry to hear .. great news your up and coming thou..hang in there..majority of us are all approaching that age we defiantly need to start taking better care of ourselves
  13. absolutely ...that incorporated with the full moon ..makes for a tough fish
  14. X3 wouldent wanna stray off from the general population of sheep..opinions are like ass holes everyone's got one fellas..tight lines
  15. Lol nice ..at least there's some humor about
  16. Lol all you tighty whitie wearing lil do gooders should really settle down ..all the internet police are out today
  17. Call me what ya like wear your pink shirt ya freak ..be a mans man
  18. Gay ..like I care what ya wear
  19. Let's see some pics of the new ship
  20. Still is Gay ..why would a male choose to wear pink
  21. Dallas rapids ? Where French meets G bay ?
  22. My peace of mind is worth more than 300 bucks ..the last thing I wanna be concerned with is are my 10 yr old battery's gonna make it another season
  23. She don't complain to much..she loves fishing as well..got her a avid pearl combo last weekend I'm in the good books for a bit
  24. Always been a Chevy guy ..but if decisions had to be made tomorrow..the new F 150 has my vote..like stated earlier if I won a dodge it would be on kijiji immediately
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