The next ime you're on an airplane (or jet)... look at the cleanliness of the vehicle!!!... If your experience is the same as mine, it'll be "not really"!
I remember the first time I got on a commercial airliner back in the mid 80's... after looking around, I said "what the heck" is this... this doesn't look like the commercials!!!! The exterior of the plane was dirty, the interior wasn't much cleaner either!!!
Just think before you board a plane nowadays... "where has this plane been?"... and where have these people been that are "onboard"... then... when you're in the crowded airport terminal "BF1"... think, where have all these people been???
the airplanes are nasty!!!... the airports are nasty!!!... and the people onboard your flight are even nastier!!!!!!!
... when does the season open in Wisconsin???