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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. Congrats on the new addition to the family!!! The prop doesn't look that bad, buy a new one when you get a chance and make a spare out of the old one.
  2. Use you imiganation old timer!... he was gone by the time I had my camera ready!! ... old people!!!.. they always want to see every little detail!!!
  3. I saw a Spotted Bass do a backflip, dive into it's butthole and disappear one time....
  4. Yeah, a week to 10 days is more realistic... aboot 3 weeks to full recovery. It's more or less a piece of cake, the first 3 or 4 days are "tender"... after that it gets a lot better!!! One of the best things I ever did was to have my knee scoped!!!
  5. Put your catch in a cooler full of ice, they'll be just as fresh as when you caught them when you start cleaning them!!!
  6. Oh Yeah!!! .. to hell with the words, just show us fish porn!!!!
  7. The next ime you're on an airplane (or jet)... look at the cleanliness of the vehicle!!!... If your experience is the same as mine, it'll be "not really"! I remember the first time I got on a commercial airliner back in the mid 80's... after looking around, I said "what the heck" is this... this doesn't look like the commercials!!!! The exterior of the plane was dirty, the interior wasn't much cleaner either!!! Just think before you board a plane nowadays... "where has this plane been?"... and where have these people been that are "onboard"... then... when you're in the crowded airport terminal "BF1"... think, where have all these people been??? the airplanes are nasty!!!... the airports are nasty!!!... and the people onboard your flight are even nastier!!!!!!! ... when does the season open in Wisconsin???
  8. Still steering your boat from the "trunk of the car" Mike???... haven't you learned anything from your cousin Dan yet??? You see he let the "tiller" go when he won the "console" in the "Over-Growed Minner" derby eh?!!!.. there's a reason for that Fat Boy!!!! ... tillerz sux and consolelz rule!!! ... give the little froglet 2 Tylenol extra strength before every trip and you won't have to worry aboot him "outfishing" you!!!... YOU may even catch decent fish!!!
  9. Wimpy! Wimpy as well!!! ... if it aint got boobs... it aint squat!!!!
  11. Sure!... go!... have fun!!! ... and when you bring the disease back and give it to your friends and family and help the global spread... just think how much fun you had while on your vacation!!! It doesn't usually kill normal healthy adults... but does have the potential to take the lives of small children and the elderly. ... and some folks like to get/be sick I reckon.
  12. ... just think where "Montazuma's Revenge" takes it's greatest toll Ox!... it didn't enter your body there... but dammit man, that's where you pay!!!
  13. Do y'all understand the meaning of Pandemic???
  14. ... a burnt motor oil and Tabasco sauce enema before you leave and upon your return should protect you...
  15. OK! .. all men that don't like to look at nekkid wimmins... raise your hand!
  16. ... another nondescript description!!! ... I keep talkin, but y'all aint a listening!!! ... we like pics!!!
  17. Mount the motor as close to the "nose" of the bow as possible!... following the mounting instructions would be good!!! ... keep the "shaft" of the tolling motor parallel to the port or starbord sides of the boat when stowed! ... maybe this will help eh?
  18. HA!!!... don't try to deny it "boat on the rocks boy"!!!... I'm sure you've been "BEST MAN" at more than you care to mention!!!
  19. ... can you say road trip??? ...http://www.thelandingstrip-club.com/
  20. ... only if yer G-A- yanno what!!! paintball and golf are for "same sex" marriage bachelor parties!
  21. Pics, pics, pics!!!... we want pics!!!!
  22. Yeah!!!... hot topless Nuns!!!
  23. You got dat right!!! ... anything less than Strippers for a bachelor party is just wimpy!!!... maybe you should checkout a nice Sunday church social???
  24. What??? ... the Dawg did it!!!
  25. OMG!!! Spielzes went oot and aboot for troot??? Good to see you got out... and that is a beauty Polky dotted troot!!!
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