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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. I think that's more of a suggestion than a rule.... kinda like the legal drinking age in Canada!
  2. That's what the tourney is all about Simon!... The "Trash Talk"!!! .... there aren't any prizes except "Bragging Rights"! Try not to be so darned polite and join in!!!
  3. OOS fish count like half as much as they would if they were in season. If you really want to catch a worthless fish, catch one while trolling!!! Any fish!... no matter the species, aint worth a pinch of Possum poop if ya catch it while trolling!!! Real nice report and pics Governator! Sounds like a great morning of fishing!!! What did you catch them on?
  4. A "Dandy Fine" piece of equipment there Simon!!! I'm sure all the Wall-ices in your neck of the woods that're reading this are cringing in horror!!!
  5. We don't have any closed freshwater seasons down here! ... but then, we're not the poaching/environmental rapists y'all are either!
  6. Great report and pics Simon!!! It won't be too much longer before you're giving those fish the Dickens!
  7. If only we had just "a little rain"! The thing floating in the middle of the pic is the floating end of the launch dock.
  8. Welcome!!! Do you own a camera, and take pics of the fish you catch? ... we love fish pics here!!!
  9. Great report and pics Pokey!!! Sounds like a fun couple of hours!... and that tourney entry is a beaut!!! I hope Dan appreciated your refresher course on how to catch the Salmoons. I'll be going out for some Atlantics if the water will ever clear up.
  10. If you think your wawa is screwed up Jeff... you should see mine!!! Lake Henry is liquid mud and is having the bottom sucked out of it Quickly!!!... a good 2' below full pool!!! Logan Martin is a raging torrent of liquid mud, 3' Above full pool and moving at Mach 3!!!
  11. ... nah, it's always plan "B"... plan "A" should be slightly more specific...
  12. ... and who Doesn't have a weigh scale and exit sign in their livingroom???
  13. Plan "B" Early to bed Early to rise Fish like hell ... and make up lies!!!
  14. So you're saying you're a submarine Captain?
  15. Looks like you caught that thing in your livingroom if that's the case!
  16. I really like the Deep V's too, they feel like a safer boat to me!
  17. Jack went fishing and caught fish???... Holy Hog Snot!!!... I shoulda bought lottery tickets that day!!! ... back to the topic, Yes, if there were 9 boats there "bailing" them... the school could've been fished out. ... but Crappie don't stay in one place all the time either, they will rove in suspended schools and follow the bait!
  18. Those Turkey's aren't nearly that ugly when you buy them in the store.... and there sure does seem to be a lot of them all bunched up there... were you hunting in a pen??? Those are some real purdy Troots!!!... how do you cook them? Excellent report and pics Sinker!!!
  19. Doesn't look like anything more than 30 minutes of pickup time and a bic lighter couldn't handle! ... check back next week, i'll bet it's still there.
  20. Tear a hole in the seat of your pants.. it'll keep them out of your face!!!
  21. I guess you posted this here because you figured that an OFNer (or group of) did this??? This is nothing new, we've seen this in all parts of the world! ... how much of it did you pick up or destroy?.. if you left it laying there, you're no better than the person that dumped it!!!
  22. Consoles RULE eh!!!
  23. Excellent report and pics Tony!!! Good on you for taking OFC members out with you, present and past! ... tell Jello he has a PM!
  24. Yup!... Great report and pics!!! We all have those kinda days, you were just paying dues for that killer fish you landed... some are more expensive than others! So how'd you like your "fishin' nekkid" experience?... pretty cool eh!!! The fig trees are coming out in my backyard and I'll soon have my new summer wardrobe! ... you may want to consider painting your net handle fluorescent orange!
  25. Isn't the noise part of the attraction???
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