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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. I think he was referring to something like the "stump broke mule"! Joe, take the vehicle to a qualified mechanic!!!... you're taking the bread out of their mouthes by fixing it yourself!!!
  2. Ok, these are my real thoughts on the subject. The best way to hold a large fish is with both hands!... I'm not a big fan of the one handed gill plate hold... but it's better than holding it by the eyes. This is not a bad vertical hold: I am supporting part of the fishes weight with my left hand around the tail. The best hold for a large fish IMHO is neither a vertical nor horizontal hold... but on a 45 degree angle. I've held C&R fish both vertical and horizontal and on an angle, they have all swam away none the less for wear and tear! I think the worst thing you can do for a fish if you plan to release it, is to have poor hook removal skills... this kills more fish than anything I know of in C&R fishing. Thanks for all the replies and I'm glad we could keep this discussion fairly civil!
  3. Yesterday I couldn't even spell hypocrite... and now today I are one!!!
  4. Have you ever seen of the Bass fishing shows where they hold the fish by the lower lip and then turn it up into a horizontal position so the mouth pops open while they pose for the camera with it? If that doesn't break the fishes jaw, nothing will!
  5. Maybe that's like a chiropractor adjustment and actually feels good to them? Maybe their vertebrae are just popping back into place from when you sling-shotted him into next week when he struck your trolled lure?
  6. Does it really matter? Is the vertical hold tabu just propaganda contrived by MCI/P3TA??? Is there any hard scientific data that proves the horizontal hold is better? Why is it ok to hold a Bass vertically, but not an Esox??? Is it really better to turn an Esox in a big "U" shape by trying to hold it horizontally than it is to hold it vertically and straight in it's natural form? Does it really matter for the short time you'll actually be holding the fish for the picture? (usually less than a minute) What do you think?
  7. I hope all goes well for you Harry!!! Having my knee scoped was the best thing I ever did!
  8. Get a good lube job!!!
  9. Some real nice Gators there!!! I don't know if the vertical hold matters that much, it's only for a few seconds while the pic is being taken and the only thing I've found about it is the fish tend to poop on your boat more... there are some "purists" on this board that are vehemently against the vertical hold and may some flack about pics of large fish being held vertically. Posting a fishes weight on this board can be an invitation to insults and bickering.... especially with Pike and Musky, posting the length in inches is a much better way to go. Thanks for posting that nice Pike porn!!!
  10. The more important question is... where's your Cue-beck fish slime report Big Boy???.. or can you only catch fish in Ontario??? I know... I know... you wanna know where my 'Bama fish slime report is, truth to be known.. I've been sidelined with a sprained Tallywhacker!!!... I can send you the full res pics if you'd like...
  11. Do you know how many Wall-ice Parfaits and Flambes that fish would've made???
  12. Blah Blah woof woof! ... what're you going to do aboot it??? Go buy a 2010 Camaro... you'll score some leg with that thing for sure!!!
  13. Because 90% of the Canadian population is huddled around the border trying to stay warm and the fishing pressure would be too great.
  14. So you always have to post about the bad in everything? ... take a Prozac and eat an ice cream cone, maybe that will cheer you up!
  15. It's ok if the Pro's do it... because they're fishing for money yanno!
  16. Beauty fish and great pics too!!!
  17. That was an excellent report and pics with some beautiful fish!!! It's trips like that, that make great memories for family!!!... a trip you and your dad can cherish for the rest of your years!!! ... now drop and give me 50 push-ups for forgetting your sign!
  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KsM_K1sChi4
  19. Being a multi-species angler Rules!!!
  20. Only if you don't get caught .... our "open container" law applies to the road and the water.
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