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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. ... not really... but you should consider upgrading/dating your camera old man, what were those shots taken with... an old Brownie???
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dxspCn1uKu4
  3. Happy Birthday Bern!!! .. yer sooooo much older than me now!!!
  4. Excellent pics Paul!!! ... but what the heck?... no fishing pics???... you wasted a trip! ... did they not have any Green Trout for you to molest?
  5. The first rule of a street fight is... there are no rules to a street fight! If you want a fight with rules put on the gloves and get into a ring with a referee. If someones trying to hurt me, I'm going to do everything in my power to hurt them and it ain't going to be pretty... and they aren't going to want to try it again.
  6. Hey Rick! How about a "who's in chat button" on this next go 'round... to keep the phonies and pretenders out. I know some on here find it great sport to pose as someone else and mess with the minds of the extremely gullible. Like the rich and famous actually have the time and desire to grace us poor, pathetic, gotta-getta-life, chatroom losers with their magnificent presence!!! Hey Tom!... are you really sure you were chattin' with Sarah Palin the other night?
  7. It was good to see you in there last night Rick!
  8. A very clean SWINGER Rob!!! Beats the hell outta waynes super chicken any day!!!
  9. You should prolly be at work if you don't have anything better to do than look at the time on the board! I think the new server is out of Virginia and something like this would be quite typical for them!... 2 hrs. behind time.. a day late and a dollar short... can't spell.......... can you see where this is going?
  10. Excellent report and pics Holdie!!! .. and some real nice Pike too!!! That little rascallion Spike is a cutter eh! ... it looks like you've got him trained real good now without a leash, he's gonna be your best buddy for life now!!! Thanks for taking the time to post that real nice report!
  11. I agree that winter and snow get old real quick, but ice fishing can be a blast!!! It felt like I was ice fishin' last week when I pulled in this nice sized little Blue Cat! As far as warm weather fishin' pics go, here's a couple.
  12. Go outside and either have someone hold the end of the line or tie it off to something, the flip the bail and start walking backward until all the line is off the spoolthen have the person holding the end of the line let go, or go back and untie it. Then pinch the line between your thumb and forefinger and reel your line in (there should be nothing on the loose end). Make sure to pinch the line between your thumb and forefinger to properly load the spool under tension. You want your line out in a straight line so it can spin and untwist itself as you load the spool (just like letting it out behind the boat). Hope this helps!
  13. Sounds like an excellent trip! How many Ling were caught, and was there any size to them?
  14. Whut the hail?... y'all wear tennis racquets on yet feet??? ... don't tell me how you get the ball up in the air to serve it!!!
  15. Have y'all ever heard of duct tape? Silence is Golden... but duct tape is silver!!!
  16. The Sissy/Pansy fis of the GWN?... gimme a break!!! For once I think you're actually right!!! Say it aint true!!!... I thought there could only be one!
  17. Wouldn't that actually be would've? Common misspelling of have; Belonging to or associated with; Containing; comprising; made from; About; concerning (poetic); Connects a quantifier with the thing quantified; Connects a noun derived from a verb with the object of that verb; Before; Connects a jurisdiction to its name; Indicates ... en.wiktionary.org/wiki/of It sounds like would of, but is actually spelled would've... it's short for would have
  18. Is it just me?... or does that Carp look kinda like Roy in the face???
  19. Actually, I believe that's a caricature of a Marmoset.
  20. Yeah, if you leaned forward another inch.. you'd fall flat on your face!!!
  21. Yer such a big Sissy!!! ... not that there's anything wrong with that...
  22. Have you noticed his avatar lately?
  23. I hate "special baits"!!!
  24. The IGFA world record Walleye is 25 lbs. from Old Hickory lake in Tennessee, however... there seems to be a bit of controversy surrounding it... ... the story: http://arkansasroadstories.com/nature/walleye.html
  25. 5 went thru the ice and 2 survived, just imagine how the 2 that survived are feeling after watching a 3 year old and her mommy and granddaddy die!
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