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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. Is that how you got your "frozen" Perch last year?
  2. Yeah, I figured the "outfishing the other guys 4-1" was a crock last year!
  3. you got it bassackwards... it goes: What does a redneck bride and a tornado have in common? ... they're both hoping for a double wide!!!
  4. Humminbird is the leader in sonar technology!
  5. Snow???... that must be terrible!!! It's sunny, 72*, and the winds are light and variable down here in 'Bama! Our water temps are up to 50* ... and the turtles are starting to come up out of the mud! Daffodils are starting to come up in the gardens! Spring is right around the corner folks!!!
  6. Sorry Dude!.. I thought it was a Port-O-let ... too many Timmies and Pepperettes out on the ice doncha yanno!
  7. I see the bait.. but where's the fish??? I figured y'all would be targeting LM Bass. That ice looks unstable with all those waves in it dude!
  8. I'm gonna do my damnedest to be there! I'll be bringing my own boat and may even talk the Coonass into coming if that's ok with da plumma boyz?!
  9. OMG!... OMG!!!... they turnin' left!!! Y'all yankees (anyone that lives north of the Tenessee/Kentucky line) and Hosers should come down for a Talladega race some time! I'll take y'all down to the dam and show ya what a Spotted Bass looks like!
  10. ... and you have to have a credit card, no cash or checks!
  11. Define soon. Is that what you wanted me to say Art?
  12. I second that motion!... just because I'll talk to ya doesn't mean I necessarily want to see you! I heave either met or seen pics of most of the chat users, and while you won't find any nicer folks anywhere.... I just gotta say... y'all is damn ugly!!! ... except for Fidel... I think he's kinda cute.
  13. Now that Ol' Yeller is working for Johnson Controls, I'm banned from using any Honeywell products.
  14. Prolly time for a level check Bubba douG!
  15. It works for me Ben! ... maybe you should use the black Dacron that they use on tip-ups eh!
  16. I'm sorry Jacques, but something that stands for extra limp can't be good! XT= Extra Tough! Vanish = More Fish!!!
  17. I don't see a problem with cash if you have a proper and timely bank withdrawl reciept.
  18. 4-6 lb. Berkley Vanish!!!
  19. Well then, seems like a certified check or bank draft would be in order then.
  20. Go in with a wad of Maple Leafed backed dollars instead of the credit card tomorrow and see what they say.
  21. Have a good evening Bubba!... we'll rub palms soon!... don't mind the hair eh!
  22. WE LOVE SPIKE!... WE LOVE SPIKE!... WE LOVE SPIKE!!! The hyper activity of a Jack Russel and the endurance of a Beagle makes for an active little dog eh! Those choppers could do some damage to an ankle, then he'd be all over you like a green blow fly on a pile of manure!... everywhere at once! Thanks for posting that Holdie!... it made me smile!
  23. Do you ever use it? ... sorry, couldn't resist.
  24. I was hoping you'd massage my bunions in chat with your soothing words! ... shouldn't be out knee deep in a riva naming a Salmon Flint?
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