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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. Yeah, I'll take that slow day... any day!!! You can keep that cold weather with all those clothes on though!
  2. Here's the link! http://www.albinoblacksheep.com/text/victories.html
  3. I beg to differ... everyone's liberty was at stake back then, it's just that some were more immediate than others... and everyone knew it too! That's why they fought.
  4. I heard it's always windy in Ontario because Manitoba blows and Quebec sucks.
  5. Looks like you're ready for Salmon trolling on Lake O to me!!!
  6. Two words... inline spinners!!!
  7. I think you and the Addy should buy it and donate one of the 95 lots to me and Ol' Yeller... we'd be much obliged yanno!
  8. Sounds like a fun day!!! ... the Penguins suck by the way!!! (in case you hadn't noticed)
  9. If you can't remove the hooks from a fish in a safe and timely manner... maybe you should practice on Bluegills and Perch until you can!!! ... or better yet, the next time (or the first time) you hook yourself... just cut the hook off as close to the skin as you can and see what happens!
  10. That happens to be the proper "American" way to do it!!! ... I'm also right handed and cast with my right arm and crank with my left hand!... changing hands is for gurly guys!... wait a second, I'm retarded and can't make a little circle with my left thumb and forefinger! ... and don't get me started on left handed people!!!
  11. You edit too fast Hosette!
  12. Hey Hey Hey!!!... excellent way to slime the new boat!!!... Congratulations to you and Paul!!! I't looks like that new boat is going to be a real fish magnet!!! Great Bozo story!!! ... kinda reminds me of the story about the guy that puts his motor home on cruise control and goes to the back to make himself a sandwich... then wonders why it crashed!
  13. Shop around, especially online... it's a little early for deals right now, but a little later in the season and you should be able to pick up something nice in your price range. Are you left handed or right handed? Where's that new boat you're going to pull with that new Ford Flex???
  14. Great report Bruce!!! I don't know how clean that water is, but if you're eating some of the fish out of there... you really should take home some of those catfish! They is goooood!!!
  15. I got a great chuckle out of that pic Cliff!!! ... another one "suitable for framing"!!! When are you going to let Sydney start fishing for a little bit bigger fish?... maybe some Bass when the season opens? Thanks for posting that, I always enjoy your family fishing reports!!!
  16. You almost got it right... ... it's " Hold my beer... hey y'all!... whatch this!!!"
  17. Yes, that's what this thread is about... How to properly hold a fish while a picture is being taken.
  18. PM Daplumma or Aplumma, they have pretty nice ones on their jet boats... I think it's the Tiny Tach, but I'm not sure.
  19. It sounds like you may need to take up Golf.
  20. Does this mean you're going to go fishin' now???
  21. Have anudder beer Bubba!!!
  22. Me so sorry!!! ... butcha yanno, any reply will bump this back up to the top eh!!!
  23. ... wouldn't that make this an announcement?
  24. You gotta problem with that Big Boy???
  25. Mmmmmmmmmm! Mercury!!!.. goes well with PCB's and Dioxin!!!... we call it seasoning down here!!!
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