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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

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  2. Dunno if you shop online Rick, but I found an even better price on the iFINDER H2O. http://www.emarinesupplies.com/index.asp?P...&ProdID=382
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  4. Is that a "Garden Hackle" fly you're usin' for bait???
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  6. Check this one out Rick... I was looking at it this morning for when my lumps of coal turn into diamonds. http://www.cabelas.com/cabelas/en/template...requestid=15717
  7. I got a dang bundle of switches and a stocking full of coal! I KNEW I should have been a better boy! Oh well, there's always next year!
  8. You're a lucky guy Roger! ya get to work in a candy store with discounts and meet some of the great people of this board!
  9. If we knew that.... we wouldn't really be men, now would we?
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  11. Cheryl, myself, and Miss Bubba wish you, Jo and Amy a Merry Christmas too!
  12. That's yeller as in "Hollerin'" Jed.
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  14. I'm with you on this one Carp!!!... every once in a while Ol' Yeller and I will treat ourselves to a Black Angus Sirloin or Fillet from the highend grocery store in town, there's really nothing else like it! As for Christmas food, I usually like to smoke a Long Island Duckling with wild rice, apple, and raisin stuffing... but this year Ol' Yeller is doin' a Beef Wellington... and it just wouldn't be Christmas without a nice Waldorf salad! Glen
  15. Excellent report, pics and fish Tom!!! I also am envious, love that ice fishin' stuff! Glen
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  17. I usually buy myself something for Christmas, but not because my wife doesn't buy me what I like. She knows the meaning and value of the "GIFT CARD"... usually Cabelas or BassPro, it's always the right size and color!!!
  18. I want to fish with all OFNCers... at the same time! I'm thinking hugeass charter boat on the Gulf of Mexico for a 2 day trip... would that be a party or what? BTW... I'll bring the "shine"
  19. Well if somebody could stop by and pick me up on the way, I'd really appreciate it!
  20. Happy Birthday T.J.!!!
  21. Happy Birthday Roger!!!
  22. Nice Trout Bubba! Function always comes before form in my book.
  23. ...
  24. LOL!!! I love their 12 days of Christmas song!
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