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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. Now let's not be too hasty!!! That doesn't sound like anything a little silicone caulk, some baling wire and a good coat of paint won't fix Bubba!!!
  2. ...
  3. ...
  4. Ahhhh... wouldn't it be nice if ya could?
  5. Very nice report and pics Mike! It's about time you posted a report... slackard!
  6. EWWWWWWWWWW DUDE!!!... those are fecal chunks!!! Have you ever eaten too much fresh fruit.... should be good Carp fishin' there though!
  7. Cuban Rum attracts them better! MTP... I got yer whistle Bubba.....
  8. Now let's see... I caught a big one and it got away... the batteries died in my camera/forgot to take the camera,I unknowingly burnt up my trolling motor, my wife said if I went fishin' one more time she would kick my butt, my dog ate my homework... Come take my place in the 40' deep excavation and I promise I'll go fishin' and file a report Mike.
  9. One of them itty bitty dog whistles?
  10. That was just part of it Dan... lookin' up to Roy... well... it just aint natural!
  11. I hear ya doug!!!.. and that camera angle gave me the willies!!!!
  12. Keep prodding him Roy!!!... I'll bet it's not the first time you ever............... never mind.
  13. Excellent report and pics Cliff!!! It does my heart good to see die-hard fisherfolk fishin' in the rain!!! The fish don't care if it's rainin',... they're already wet! Congrats to Carole on the PB driftwood!!!
  14. You can tow a small boat with what you have, but be prepared for an accelerated maintenance schedule. Brake pads will wear out pretty quickly, you should have your transmission serviced more frequently and other things will wear out and fail sooner. An oil and transmission cooler will help. Your primary concern shouldn't be how can I tow this, it should be how am I gonna STOP this thing!!! Be very careful on wet and icy roads!
  15. Great report and pics Lew!!! That big Muskie smile never changes, does it?
  16. Amen Bubba! I won't lie, we've had a fairly mild summer here with highs only around 30 (85) which aint bad at all for this part of the country... by now it's usually gettin' real close to 40 (99-103) here, but we still have 2 1/2 more months of hot weather ahead (typically) and 4 months 'til our first frost.
  17. Excellent report and pics!!! Looks like a real mixed bag of fish and weather ya had there!
  18. I'm sorry, but if you don't have pics.. we don't believe any of that.
  19. Musky and Pike are both Esox and the easiest way to tell them apart is, Pike have a dark skin with light color markings... Muskie have a light skin with darker markings.
  20. Got money to burn?.. look at these, especially the Helium series: http://www.kistlerrods.com/
  21. You may want to consider one of these:
  22. Good mornin' Mo! Isn't it amazing how almost nobody is up at "our" time of the mornin' during the week when they have to work, but let the weekend roll around with fishin' to be done and they come out of the woodwork!
  23. How in the hell do ya post a pic backwards???
  24. Good mornin' Mo and the rest of the Earlybirds! It's s'posed to rain here all weekend
  25. ... preposterous!
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