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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. ... but what if the 50 Ukrainian Boy Scouts aint around to save yerass again??? uh!... sorry canadianguy33... Slopmaster Tandem spinnerbaits in black/orange and the new saltwater Shad X-Rap in black/silver!
  2. Maybe youy should put some pontoon/outrigger/ stabilizer thingies on that one too... just incase eh? pink/white X-Rap worked while talking to someone else in the boat is a Pike catcher!
  3. Did Roy stick you with a hook??? Ya gotta watch out for those dwarves, what they lack in height... they make up for in sneakiness!!!
  4. ...at least I didn't fall my dumbass outta the boat eh?
  5. ... or maybe you should take a dose of "the medicine" and then sick Granny on yer bossman! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tf8AqS7BS4w
  6. Take your mittens and Mukluks!!!... I hear it starts gettin' cold up there sometime in July!
  7. I think you need to go to the doctor and get an excuse... or tighten your candyass up!!! Seriously, they can't argue with a doctors excuse... if it wasn't bad enough to go to the doc, you should've walked into your bosses office and ripped off a triplet of "cheese cutters" that smelled like a fetid 'possum that'd been lying in the sun for 3 days... I'm sure he'd have sent ya home after that! HOOF-ARTED???
  8. What?... no Milt???... Beauty fish eh!!!
  9. Excellent report and pics!!!... nice way to fight your way out of the Bermuda Triangle!!! Been there done that with the hook thing... a treble thru the jeans and imbedded into the knee. I prefer to weave a Tapestry of cuss words than risk my dental work on anything... cussin' helps!!!
  10. The characteristics of a good Musky rod are the same as for a good broomstick! ... but seriously, they're Heavy- Med Heavy action. When I was looking for mine, I was more concerned with find one that could handle the heavy lures. Finally decided on an Ugly Stik Tiger Lite with a 1-5 oz. lure weight, it was only $60 and I can't wait to catch my first Mucksie on it!!!
  11. 1.Never try to help me land a fish by grabbing my Sabiki Rig!!! 2. Wearing a Lindy glove will save wear and tear on your hands when handling toothy fish. 3. Always have the throwable PFD within plain view and easy reach.
  12. Excellent report and pics!!!
  13. L M A O !!! that would be john "what's his name! Great report Cliff!!!
  14. Now that was an Epic report... fatboy!
  15. They all taste like crap... throw them back!
  16. If I volunteer, will somebody come pick me up?
  17. On my deep sea charters, we tip the deck hand 15% of the cost of the trip... if he's a good deck hand. That means there should be plenty of live bait, he should keep the fish picked up off the deck and put on ice, he should help unhook fish, and untangle lines. He should also be cheerful... if he's lazy and abusive, he don't get squat!!!... but if he's a good deckhand he'll get $225 cash for a 12hr. days work, plus he'll make 30 cents a pound on the people that want him to clean their fish... that's the weight of the uncleaned fish, adds up to $90 for 300 lbs. of fish... about $315 cash for a long days work.
  18. Sure you can!... but if they catch you, they'll cut your pee-pee off.
  19. ...
  20. ...
  21. The Oily Boid gets the Woim! That'll teach ya to sleep in slackard! In my opinion it was perfectly ok for them to be fishin' there the next day! What were they supposed to do?... wait around for half a day to see if you were going to come back??? I don't think so. Like others have said, if you had invited them over to fish with you the day before... you could have fished there 2 days in a row. BTW... a secret spot is only a secret until somebody sees you fishing it.
  22. TILLER!!! Sorry Bubba... I couldn't resist. If it was me, I'd use the exterior grade construction adhesive on the base before I screwed it down, if I didn't drill out all the rivets... I'm pretty sure somebody will come up with a better solution.
  23. I volunteered to scub out the insides of all (about 12) the Port-O-Lets on the jobsite... 'cause sometimes you find loose pocket change!!!
  24. Go buy a Zebco 33... put it on an Ugly Stik, and buy a box of live crawlers... you'll break all kinds of fishing records!
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