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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. I was thinkin' Dumbass!!! No PFDs.. that's just beggin for a Darwin award in that heavy surf!!!
  2. I am I am!!! would be proud to fish with a brother nudist!!!... Can ya swing by and pick me up???
  3. Sorry to say, but all the Temagami reports I've ever seen always end up showing more scenery pics than fish pics for some reason... I wonder why that is?
  4. Excellent report and pics!!! Very handsome lookin' family!... and I hate Granny strapped it on yer butt with that Wall-ice! ... NOT!!! Looks like Paradise to me, so it must be a Redneck Paradise!!!
  5. NEVER leave the fishin' tackle at home!!!
  6. Reel the bugger in and make him say "cheeeeese" eh?
  7. I've been told there are Sturgeon in the "Larry".
  8. Camera angle is everything eh? .. and those folks with long arms!!!..........
  9. I guess temperature is relative eh Paul? The surface temp on the lakes around here are 88-90 degrees and we think that's really warm!
  10. Yeah, when I first saw the pic. I thought Whale Shark, and a fairly small one at that!
  11. Sheeeeeee-yiiiiiit!
  12. These also kill Bass in the weeds! http://www.culprit.com/html/tassliz.html
  13. Use bigger baits, Gobie imitations might be good.
  14. All excellent pics Dan!!! The last one reminds me of Christmas.
  15. Great report and pic!!!... but you do look a tad overdressed
  16. Great report and pics Joey!!! Those are some really nice pics! nice fingernails too!
  17. Great report and pics!!!
  18. Thunder and lightning storms usually spook the hell out of fish, they head for deep cover and just sit there. It usually takes them a day or 2 to get back to normal. It may be just me, but it's not really a good idea to be on the water with a rod and reel in your hands during an electrical storm... it could be a SHOCKING experience!
  19. Don't you need to go catch a Catfish or something?
  20. ...
  21. Those are beautiful pics! Have you ever thought about catching a fish and taking a picture of it?
  22. ...
  23. If you could see the fish, they could see you. I'm serious about this, try wearing camoflage shirts and pants, hide behind a tree or bush and cast out and retrieve, crouch down to make yourself less visable. You may be pleasantly surprised.
  24. ... and here's your hat Mr. Loser... er.... uh... I mean Mr. Lund owner.
  25. ...
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