Sorry to say, but all the Temagami reports I've ever seen always end up showing more scenery pics than fish pics for some reason... I wonder why that is?
Excellent report and pics!!!
Very handsome lookin' family!... and I hate Granny strapped it on yer butt with that Wall-ice! ... NOT!!!
Looks like Paradise to me, so it must be a Redneck Paradise!!!
Thunder and lightning storms usually spook the hell out of fish, they head for deep cover and just sit there. It usually takes them a day or 2 to get back to normal.
It may be just me, but it's not really a good idea to be on the water with a rod and reel in your hands during an electrical storm... it could be a SHOCKING experience!
If you could see the fish, they could see you. I'm serious about this, try wearing camoflage shirts and pants, hide behind a tree or bush and cast out and retrieve, crouch down to make yourself less visable. You may be pleasantly surprised.