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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. I have to admit that welded looks cleaner and sexier, but riveted is much stronger and Macho!
  2. I see there's a nice warming trend heading y'alls way... ... about sometime in June.
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  4. Big Cliff can give you some pointers on pier fishing there. I don't think there'll be many charters running at that time of the year, and even if there was... you'd be hard-pressed to find a calm enough day on the Atlantic in your time frame. You may have a better chance doing an inshore charter trip for Redfish and Saltwater Sheepshead in some of the bays. Let us know how you do and take lots of pics!!!
  5. Sorry Bossman, but with that temp reading in the 70s... it's real hard to think anbout ice fishin'... nice vid though!
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  7. Could y'all save some of that snow stuff and send it to me next August when I really need it?
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  10. The hell you say?... really???... on the internet?
  11. It just looks like somebody spilled their Pin'a Colada while basking in the sun to me Connie... and we're s'posed to feel sorry for them.
  12. That really doesn't look like too much snow for Canada Mike, actually it looks pretty meager. It needs to be about twice that deep to be picturesque.
  13. I thought you were talkin' about the this Mouse: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4eLt9Ng-LDE
  14. ... and let's not forget 1. Being dragged out of bed by yer nadz and 2.What's really in Dickey Lake???
  15. ... and that is exactly why I don't allow cameras around when i'm gettin' poop-faced!!!
  16. Nothing but a bunch of dinks I would think...
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  18. Glad to see you're back Tom Maybe one of these days in the near future you'll be able to get some sort of order back in your life and go fishin' , and write us some of those excellent Thunder Bay skunk reports you're famous for!!!
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  21. I don't blame ya a bit!!! Sushi? A little pressed rice jacket with dried Kelp Christmas Trees and a Pimento Santa Hat = quick and easy Holiday hor-d'oeuvres with a festive flair!
  22. ...
  23. Snow in Canada???... who'da thunk it???
  24. Every day Tom...
  25. Well! well! well! Look what the cat dragged in and the dog wouldn't eat!!!
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