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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. Yeah, I hope those things have been scaled... if not they're in pretty rough shape, not something I'd wanna eat. Have they been setting in a 5 gallon bucket in the hut all day???
  2. I like my RCs with a Moonpie (banana)!!!
  3. Y'all don't make me have to come up there and stomp-a-mudhole in all y'alls butts and walk it dry!!!
  4. How many more times are we goin' to have our noses rubbed in this??? Excellent reports and pics y'all!!! Y'all catch some very photogenic fish! It takes alot of time and dedication to catch big beautiful fish like that, and I appreciate your efforts! I also appreciate the time and effort that it takes to post these reports! Thank you!!! btw... I'd do an annual report, but all I got is a runt Pickeral and some Shark bait...
  5. An excellent end of season report Lew!!! Very nice fish and pics!!! Thanks for takin' the time to put that up! It was great to see you at Lakair this past June and I'm lookin' forward to seein ya next year!
  6. Looks like a fish catchin' machine to me!
  7. How many people wanna kick some ass???!!! Workout on that think for an hour a day and you'll feel and look better than you ever have in your like... you'll also be able to pound the snot out of anybody that says otherwise!
  8. ...
  9. Great report and pic!!!
  10. It's an invitation! ... do you actually think I'd rub in +26*C weather while y'all are up there freezin yer miserable arses off???
  11. Come on down! http://www.weather.com/outlook/recreation/...om=recentsearch
  12. Well it felt like Spring here today, it was +24 C only going down to a low of +16 C tonight.... gonna be +26 C tomorrow, and.... I know I know
  13. I love guessing games! Was it the Colonels secret blend?... no that's 11 herbs and spices... dammit!... I hate it when I loose!!!
  14. What do Catfish, Crabs, and Lobsters eat?
  15. could you find one with an audio that is just a little suckier so I can't understand it at all.. I don't get it?
  16. Sex sells better... but I don't think that's politically correct nowadays, what a shame.
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  18. Don't let Granny get her hands on one of those!!! The revenuers won't have a chance and won't know what hit them!!! btw... it would help if yer link worked Jedidiah!
  19. Excellent report and pics!!! Beautiful fish, love those Browns!!! Looks frigid!!!
  20. Why bother with the right one?... it's little more than water, and about the same buzz
  21. Lotsa ice and no fish?... what's up with that???
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