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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. You got that right!!! Those kind of shenanigans can get you keel-hauled on my boat!!!
  2. I think you'd look real cute with one of them thar nose rings too Jed!
  3. Congrats Carole!!! Couldn't have happened to a more deserving gal!!!
  4. This one always makes me cry...
  5. All nice replies are appreciated!... and the idea of bringing the towel along to lay the fish on was a good one. If you're not whizzin' on folks reports, I wasn't talking about you. It's the PEANUT GALLERY that never has anything nice to say and is aways critical that I was talkin' about.
  6. Crappies are just skillet fodder anyway, so it doesn't matter how you hold them!!!
  7. Beenie Weenies, Cheetos, double Mounds bar, Pepsi, and water... or canned Sardines in mustard sauce with saltines and sno-balls snack cakes (the white ones) If Ol' Yeller goes we do the picnic thing with KFC and potato salad because she don't like no Beenie Weenies or Sardines in mustard sauce
  8. It's not Pickeral, it's Walleye!!!
  9. Pickeral guys are the worst!
  10. I just don't think it's fair for somebody's Report thread to be locked because of snide/rude comments born out of petty jealousy :angry:from the "PEANUT GALLERY!!! A Bull thread no problem, but somebody worked hard on that report and they deserve all of the positive comments. The percentage of members that actually do post reports on this board is pretty low in comparison to the overall membership... and afterall, isn't that what we're mainly here for? The "fishing Related" stuff? Maybe instead of turning a nice report thread into a whizzing contest by posting a counterstrike, hit the REPORT button on the offending replies and ask for them to be removed.
  11. Does it hurt the fish? I'm not sure, but I don't think it really helps them either. To be honest, a clean fish is much more photogenic than a dirty one. How much trouble is it to give the fish a couple swishes in the water to clean it off just before a pic? Or maybe just hold the fish out at arms length to take the pic so it doesn't have to flop around in the mud or grass? Bleeding fish can be cleaned up too, or maybe just not post that fish. Human blood on a fish however is most desireable, it shows the fish got a good lick in during the fight and landing process!!! I'm not condeming anybody for taking or posting these pics, I'm sure they have the fishes best interest at heart and just want to take a quick pic and get the fish back in the water as soon as possible. Instead of whizzing and moaning about something like this in a persons report, I don't reply at all. Remember! It takes time and effort to post a report and the people that take that time should be commended not whizzed on!!! I've also noticed that most of the people that do the whizzing, rarely if ever have posted a report... and to you I say "Shut the Hell up!!!
  12. Good morning Tom... now go get the fishin' gear out and catch us a Wall-ice!
  13. It'll never pass, how do y'all like your steaks?
  14. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Best Fishes to You!!!
  15. Those are beautiful Jack!!!
  16. How in the hell do you forget a camera???
  17. *still waitin' for Babes*
  18. Too manski brewski's Bubba??? Caught'cha afore ya edited!!!
  19. That's better... now where's the Babes?... Fatboy was hurtin' my eyes!!!
  20. That was nice and cuddly, if ya wanna fall asleep!... but I need something to punch through the alcohol stupor... like this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l4fN_shVm4s
  21. Very nice machine! I'm licensed to run all forklifts, but I've never run a turret type. I can also layout that building and ramrod that form crew. Those boys need to keep up with their impalement protection on those rebar dowels, especially in such tight quarters. Those mushroom caps aren't legal here for impalement protection only for scratch protection. If OSHA came up on a job like that down here it would be shut down and there would be some heavy fines.
  22. It also is for the consumer too! We squawk about the outrageous prices today, and the unions want more money for less work which drives the prices even higher... which makes the unions want more money for less work which drives the prices higher... Which makes China the worlds machine shop. We only have our selves to blame for this, take a look around your house and see how many things come from other countries. If we wouldn't buy foriegn products there wouldn't be a market for them... but you look at your wallet when you need something and then compare prices and our dollars buy more for less overseas.
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