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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. ... another skeerdy cat of a little needle!!!
  2. ... because it's much easier to blame the gummerments than it is to take a little needle in the arm!!!.. "I don't give a damn who I take down with me!!!" (friends, family, loved ones)... "I'm not going to get stuck with a hypodermic needle!!!"... most childish if you ask me!
  3. It would help if you'd stop stuffing the groth hormones in your mouth!!!... try leafy green vegetables instead!!!
  4. ... but they're scared of getting stuck with a little needle!!!
  5. That pic is pretty old, I recieved it in my email a couple of years ago... where have y'all been living?... Canada??? Here's some more pics I found with a 2 minute google search (bottom of page) http://www.saubier.com/forum/showthread.php?p=45582 Seems that marty from Hays Alberta has broken 900 in a season (5 mo.) twice!
  6. I suspect that some of the nay sayers may be Trypanophobics making up excuses for their fear. I used to suffer from it... it was probably the 21 rabies shots I recieved at the age of 3 that had something to do with it , but I know now that the little stick of a hypodermic needle is either going to help keep me from getting sick... or recover faster if I am sick! Suck it up and get the shot Candy -es!!!
  7. I just called to get mine... I can't get one, they're doing all the high risk folks around here first. I'm reasonably healthy so I can't get one right now. ... if any of the nonbelievers would like to mail me their dose, I'll pay the postage!!!
  8. I never would have guessed that. Congrats to you buddy on the 30 lber Fil!... that's a nice healthy looking fish!!! Let us know when you get that big'un eh!!!
  9. Excellent update report Dave!!! Looks like you got into the Killer Pike again this year! Looking forward to your upcoming reports!!! Thanks for taking the time to post!
  10. ... that's because you really really need to go fishing yanno!
  11. Trying to run away and from a canine predator and screaming is the absolute worst thing you can do!!! Stand your ground and pick up a stick or ball up your fists... they don't want any part of a fight!!!
  12. Uh... Holdie, you're waaay to old bubba!!!... the U.S and other countries stopped vaccinating against smallpox in 1972!!!... the world was declared smallpox free in 1980!... who says vaccinations/innoculations don't work???
  13. What the heck???. I just took a Kao-pectate enema!!!... but I'll try anyway!
  14. You should actually try going to a Doctor dumbass!!!... they have meds now that can cure that stuff in a matter of days!.. ever heard of Tamiflu? .. smoke another cigarette, that'll help!
  15. Does course =Chorus??? We're not quite that ignorant down here in the south... and feel we've been deprived of valuable "need to know" information!!!
  16. Mooses!!!... they're such a "killer" vegetarian species eh?!!! I guess they're fair game if you're too afraid to hunt wild hogs with a pocket knife! Canadian wussies glorifing killing mild mannered vegetarians... what's next???... Steelhead fishing???
  17. I understand aboot the magazine article/TV show guys not adding the date display to their articles/shows... it would add credibility eh! I'm also a fan of your hero/glory shots with the relatively easy to catch Bass!!! When can we expect to see a Mucksie report???... or does that take too much time?... or are the guides too expensive???
  18. Ha!... you forgot aboot these Monsewer Dustin!!! ... just to name a few, yes I am a multi-species angler... and I do have the date set to display on my camera so as not to try to dupe the board members into believing that I caught all of my fish in a multiple day outing, in a single day!... but that's just me eh!!!
  19. Great report and pics double F!!! I understand about the comradery thing making it all worth it!... there's nothing better than getting together with a bunch of friends and going fishing!!! .. and it is almost embarrassing when an old "trash fish" like a Sheepshead outfights the targeted species! ... but hey!... y'all pulled in a few nice "dirty wet diapers" and had some good yuks I'm sure!!!
  20. .. or you can just bait 4 and leave the other 2 bare!... 4 baited hook points or 6 hook points to a lure eh!!! ... or you can purchase the much stronger but more expensive 4 hook Hayabusa Sabiki rig!
  21. Ha!!!... I've got underwear older than that!!!
  22. Nice report, pics, and fissh Justin!!! .. just one question, do you ever target any other species?... or do you just fish for the Bass because they're the "Glory" fish and relatively easy to catch?
  23. See if you can "snitch" a couple dozen to use for live bait!
  24. Do yourself a favor and consider purchasing some of these! http://www.cabelas.com/cabelas/en/template...&hasJS=true I kill the Crappie with them and I know they'll catch Perch too!
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