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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. Great report, pics, and fish Jim!!! Good lookin' family shot too!!!
  2. Great report and pics Mike!!! Looks like a great time was had by all!!!
  3. ...
  4. ...
  5. Great report, pics, and fish!!! ... if it was me... I'd be putting the fillet knife to that fish!
  6. I might be impressed if it was a Marlin...
  7. Good lookin' fish!
  8. They all sound sickening to me!
  9. Great report and pics!!! That first pic is priceless!!!
  10. Good report and pics!!!
  11. I'm really surprised you can't get them to work for you John! What with all the Mudpuppies and Salamanders up there! I like to work them slow, weightless, and rigged like shown in the pic in thick vegetation... or with a weighted hook on deep points and docks in the heat of the summer. Try them again now.
  12. Great report,pics, and fish!!!
  13. Great report, pics, and fish!!!
  14. When fishing for Largies I have 2 favorite lures. 1. Lunker Lure Flat Shad Buzzbait (white) 2. Culprit Tassel Lizard in Chili Pepper... the one in the pic is chartreuse pepper
  15. Well heck!!! It worked last night! A quick Google search of "Gobies eat Zebra Mussels" produced this though: Contaminants Transfer: On the positive side, round gobies eat large quantities of zebra mussels, another invader that is causing an increasingly large number of problems because of its huge reproductive output. As filter feeders, Zebra mussels, consume toxins that are found throughout the Great Lakes. Zebra mussels are an important component of the gobies' diet in their native range; and, in laboratory studies in North America, a single round goby can eat up to 78 zebra mussels a day. However, it is unlikely that gobies alone will have a detectable impact on zebra mussels. The round goby is expected to be one of several species (including ducks, crayfish, diseases, and other fish species) that eventually will reduce the abundance of zebra mussels. The concern about this fact is that Gobies are preyed upon by several sportfish species (e.g., smallmouth and rock bass, walleyes, yellow perch, and brown trout). Because the diet of round gobies consists predominately of zebra mussels, there may be a direct transfer of contaminants from gobies to sport fish, which could increase the health concerns about eating fish
  16. It turns out that the Gobies are sucking them down like a fat Redneck at an all you can eat 'Possum buffet! http://www.glwi.uwm.edu/people/jjanssen/pa.../mandypaper.pdf
  17. I missed that one some how Spiel.
  18. Nice multi species report and pics Cliff!!! Just because the fish aren't huge... it doesn't mean they aren't fun!!!
  19. Great report and pics Cliff!!!
  20. Did you catch a big'un Jeff?
  21. I personally like Humminbird brand, but that's just me. Most sonars are pretty much the same nowadays. What I would recommend is getting one with a wide beam transducer, triple or quadruple beam. It increases the amount of water you can "read" with the finder. A GPS will be much better for speed monitoring, especially for trolling!
  22. How about a nice Goby imitation like this one? http://shopping.canoe.ca/shop/product--cat...Id_5152329.html
  23. Want to catch Smallies in the Great Lakes??? Read this: http://proxy.espn.go.com/outdoors/bassmast...ea_Goby_BMM0607
  24. Maybe they should gill net the Gobies?
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