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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. I thought you were gonna fix that little jewel up???.. have you been spending too much time in the goat pen again? I hope you didn't pull the original 312 V8 out of her and replace it with on of those crappy 351's!... a 390 would be ok though!
  2. My goodness!... how many times is the "green-eyed monster" going to rear it's ugly head??? Jealousy is such an unbecoming emotion!
  3. I may be missing something here, but I think the real infraction was when they continued to tell Cliff they were all sold out until he gave a couple of people a good sobbing story and then all of a sudden they can go into to the back a magically find him 8 of the sold out lobsters... I don't know what they call that in other parts of the world... but down here in the Deep South we call it a Damn Lie!!!
  4. That's my favorite part of any sport!... "they're turnin' left!!!"
  5. IMHO, a steelhead would have to stand on it's momma's shoulders to be able to reach up high enough to kiss a brown trouts butt! Brownies Rule!!!
  6. I think there are more snowmobilers that go through the ice every year than anybody else any other way. I will post this one for them! Pay attention class, this could save your life!
  7. Does that surprise you?
  8. If you're going to be pretty... ya gotta be tough!
  9. Send Loblaws a link to this thread in your email Cliff, that may or may not get their attention.
  10. Listen to the kettle callin' the pot black would ya!
  11. John Deere Man!!! I've been wanting a floatation suit for a few years now and I finally found one at a price I could afford! This is the new Arctic Armor Plus suit by IDI I can't believe how light weight it is compared to the conventional floatation suits, it's like 1/8th the weight or something, and is machine washable in cold water! This suit will keep me warm dry and alive on the cold water! Here's a link to their web site. http://idigear.com/video-fox.php
  12. Sounds like lots of fun Pete!!! ... cold, but fun!
  13. If you're going to upload pics to photobucket, use the bulk uploader... it's faster and easier!
  14. Y'all can have my share of that Bubba Paul! Shouldn't you be outside taking pics with that new camera son?... or is there just so many pics you can take of snow? I can explain to you how to post them if you'd like... but who would want to admit that they're dumber than an ol' Possum eatin' Redneck?
  15. The URL that you paste from photobucket should look like this: [ IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v203/greencoachdog/DSC01933.jpg[/img ] I threw in a couple of extra spaces so it wouldn't be a pic. Paste it to a line by itself like I did here!
  16. I love the high test, but the bod won't let me do it anymore, I can't even drink more than one Pepsi a day unless it has alcohol mixed with it. That's my best excuse and I'm sticking with it!
  17. It is quite obvious that you've never drank a cup of Waffle House coffee... it's the Best!!!
  18. My coffee bill is $6 a month for a large jar of instant decaf.
  19. Nice fish!!! ... but I gotta say... Dang that looks cold!!!
  20. You're going to love that truck Lew!!!... what color did you get?
  21. Still no luck Vinni? Shoot me a PM if you need more help.
  22. I love the smell and slime of a fresh caught fish! It reminds me of something else... but Ican't rember what...
  23. I thought this thread was aboot trucks? Aren't Pilots and Ridgelines just slightly modified Oddessy minivans???
  24. What's a Whitefish???
  25. You should catch us a green trout so's I can remark on it!... oh!, that's right... green trout season is over for many months in most of the GWN.. so go catch us a perch and I'll think of somethin'.
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