Don't listen to this guy, he's a "hunter".. his tips are only good if you're going to shoot your fish!
Grab a rod and reel and show them how it's done tomorrow Brian....
.. unless of course yer chicken!
Bwauk Bwauk Bwauk!!!
Good luck to the rest of y'all... Paul and Joey, Bill, and Jose!!!
Y'all don't forget the camera's now.. ya heah?
That looks like a foul hooked fish!!!... hope it went back down the hole and you and Smitty didn't gorge yourselves on it for a shore lunch eh!!!
Real nice report and pics Lex!!!
You'll get their little -es next time Bubba!!!
That shelter has made you wimpy and weak!!!... drop and give me 20 (push ups) son!!!
As always, great report, pics, vids, and fish Simon!!!
I was hoping you were going to catch some more Burbot... but maybe next time!!!
Keep those reports coming!!!
You're exactly right!!!
If you launch every time you go fishing, you become very proficient at it!!!
I love watching the "once a year" guys... if I'm not waiting behind one of them. They're usually the ones that like to "take a swim" with their boat when they launch/trailer... if they'd go fishin' during the winter, they'd stop all that nonsense and launch/trailer like civilized human beings!!!
Don't listen to those others gal.. go for Perch!
Remember what happened when you were Perch fishin' last year?
.. you caught that Hugh Jass Carp!!!
What's it gonna be this year?... another Hugh Jass Carp?
... or maybe a Hugh Jass Poike!!!
... I'm tellin' ya, go for Perch!
No safe laker or whitey spots yet gal!... go fer Perch!!!
... your team needs a nice Perch!
Yup!... and nice 6 or 7" Perch, to post on the entry board... if we ever get an entry board that is...
Great reprot and pics!!! -style!!!
Looks like the kids had a great time!!!
Gotta ask though... how are you gonna get that big ol' net in the 3rd pic down that little ice hole???
I do the push off and jump on method too, but the bow rope is another popular method too... whichever works best for you!
You'll probably want to find an uncrowded launch for your first few times, or wait until everyone else has launched.
The more you do it, the better you'll become at it!
Here's a list if you don't know how to do a Google search:
... but I'd take Sinkers word for it, the boy knows Simcoe!
Cabelas has a few Lew!
I have the Salmo Maas Marauder in Starry Night and Orange:
... haven't caught anything on it yet... but one of these days...