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Everything posted by Fang

  1. Fishing a top water frog in BOQ years ago I had a 4ft water snake strike at the bait and get hooked. Had to grab hold of the head and work the hook out while the thing is squirming and hissing.
  2. Wow, this year is definitely jinxed. Had one of those dreaded calls last night from my buddy - Sorry man, new job and they just told me I can't get the time off for this years fly in trip. Normally have 6 or so in the group and this year it's down to 3 now. I know it's short notice but any self sufficient member(s) of the board interetsted on a fly in fishing trip here are the details Fly out of Temagami Tuesday July 3rd (10:30 am) short flight ~15 minutes into Diamond Lake fly out Sunday morning 10 am and head home Walleye, Bass, Pike and Lake Trout. We do pretty well each year and last few years seeing more walleye 5 lbs +. Trolling worm harnesses and jigging gets most fish $150 for flight + tax $75 per day per guy (5 days) + tax split all food costs (~$60 per guy) all you gotta bring is clothes, fishing stuff and booze PM me if you want more details. I have a recommended packing list
  3. http://www.fish-hawk.net/Map_project/map_L...ckhorn_Lake.php
  4. Daiwa SS 1300 can usually be picked up for right around $99 nowadays. I've had mine for almost 10 years - never let me down If BPS has any more of last years Pro Qualifiers left (PQS1500 or 2000's) they were being sold off at $69 each. Very nice reel for the price.
  5. I throw a bunch of similar baits as Smitty's - teddies, suicks, ... I bought a Fig Rig 7'6" Heavy action last year and love it. If I did it again I would probably go back and by med/Hvy as with some of the smaller 6" baits I like to throw it is a bit stiff. Not sure if JB's still carries them
  6. After what seems like the worst start to the season for me in a long time, I finally had today free and started working on the boat. After lunch it was cleaned up and full of gas and off to Bronte I headed. Pulled into the parking lot at 3 pm and hit a traffic jam. Parking lot full and 5 other boats waiting to launch. A quick turn around and down to 16 mile creek. No one there but a couple of jet skis and in 15 minutes was heading out to give the baot a good run. Burned through a 1/4 tank of gas to giove the motor some work and then set up in 150 FOW in front of Bronte. Very cool water temp for June 56.5F on surface. Set 2 lines 1 at 30 and 1 at 50. Within 10 minutes had first hit. Small 3 lb bow. Picked up a couple more small guys and 1 more decent one. 36.25" for Team 8. Took almost 20 minutes to get it in
  7. Oh man you are bad!!! The Tica Abyss - very nice I went back to Fishing World on Sunday afternoon to look at that reel and it was gone!!! Oh well, Thank Andrea for saving me some money. Action was the same down there on Sunday. Lots more shore splashing - Wish I had my bow with me. The guys on the rocks did get a few though. ! very big one. I guessed mid 20's or higher.
  8. Good going Cliff My son also loves to play around with the bait. Give an 8 year old boy a sling shot and a bucket of maize and watch out. Only problem is he never hits the same spot twice so baiting an area takes a long time and lots of bait. There's also just as much corn being shot behind us into the trees as on the water. My 5kg bag is disappearing very quickly. If you're ever down west end way pm me and we can head out. I'm sure a few other OFC would love to hooko up. Like the idea of a carp get together - maybe on Hamilton harbour. I've got an extra bite alarm and open spot always on the rod holder.
  9. Over the last 2 summers I have been carpin and must give a big thanks to an older European gentleman I met a couple summers ago at bronte harbour. It was the first time I saw a real rod pod and bite alarms. I was fishing with a slip sinker and corn and like CCMT holding the rod in my hand or at least resting it close by. Never did get his name and have not run into him since. Would sure like to get a chance to fish with him again. In Uncle Buck's report he mentioned a secret bait but it is no way mine. The older gent set me up with a wire feeder and gave me a hair rig and tons of information to go on. Here's his ground bait recipe that he got a kick out of sharing with me. I've modified it just a bit All the ingredients you'll find at the Bulk Barn and use their metal scoops to measure out the portions 12 grain cereal 3 parts (3 grain works well too) Seminola flour 1 part (Potato Flour also works well but it gets sticky) Bread Crumbs 1 part Corn Sugar 1 part Brown Flax seed 1-2 parts (this is the secret ingredient) Millet 1 part Koolaid flavor 1 pack ( I like strawberry, cherry) and I add 1 part Hemp seed (optional as this is expensive) You can add just about any other flavouring you want too. If you buy a full scoop this mix will cost you around $8 and should last many trips. 24 hours before fishing, mix 2 cups of ground bait with just enough water to make it like slightly wet playdough. The sugars will start to break down like cereal that has been in the bowl too long. A wet mix works well in a wire feeder. If you want to make it dry you can make small balls and chuck them out to chum the area. It has worked very well for me, Enjoy
  10. Way to go Goran Reminds me to send you that secret recipe. I'll have to hit the bulk barn to remind myself what the heck went into that mess. I should have stayed for a burger but you know I had strict instructions when to be home. Stopped by Fish on line today and picked up a couple extra flavours of boilies Maybe hit that spot 1 more time next weekend before changing over to chase salmon out on the big lake.
  11. For those who know (or don't know) UB, That's a 30 lber he's holding Great morning Goran, have to do it again real soon. Thanks again for the coffee and the heads up about scorpion tackle
  12. I've been on the lake for 3-4 weeks a year since 1984. What I would suggest is to make your first stop in town. Hit DAD'S and make sure you pick up a shoal map and a camp site map. Head back south on #11 for 6 km and turn right on Lake Temagami Access Road. This is a semi-rough gravel road that will take you to the hub or central part of the lake. Saves a long boat ride from town, especially in a west wind it can get really bumpy. You can launch and park at the Manitou landing. Gas can be purchased at Boat Line Bay Marina and bait and tackle at Camp Adanac, both within a 5 minute ride from the landing. Fishing in August is good but lakers are very deep and can really only be reached with wire line or downriggers. In some of the deeper holes you can jig for them if the wind is down. DAD's will also have some fishing maps of Lake Temagami. Make sure to set up camp early in the day as you're in peak canoer season and it is first come first serve for campsites. The hub area is pretty active, lots of tourist lodges and boat traffic. Some areas within easy driving distance and decent fishing are spawning or kokoko bay, shiningwood, cross lake, gibson bay. Any beaver lodge will have some bass around - hook and worm works good, senkos also. Pike are less common and you'll need to troll a little deeper 20ft + for walleye in August. Worm harnesses will catch pike, walleye and bass. Do the searches and see if you can get any other fishing reports on Temagmi. There's also some stuff to do as a family, There's a nice hiking trail on Temgami island and a couple of sand beaches to spend the day. Top end of the lake is Ferguson bay which is like a mini version of Wasaga beach. Long drive but if your camping who cares. Another long drive area but nice camping and fishing is Obabika bay (NW corner ~ 15 miles from hub). All can be foound on a good lake map.
  13. Goran (or anyone else west end of the lake) I plan to be out on Sunday as well, Haven't picked a spot as yet. Maybe try something new. If you're want to hook up PM me. I'm loaded with ground bait and maize and have an extra bite alarm on the rod holder. Have tried Bronte for last few nights and wind has pushed the mud line back in the river and shut down any fishing.
  14. Wayne with that new boat and plan e you should be able to reach just about anywhere around Temagami now Spitzig lake (just off spawning bay) is just full of pike - loads of 4-8 lb fish and the far north end bay is loaded in the spring Far end of spawning bay is good in the grass flat just in front of the river that flows out of spawning lake. both shorelines in kokoko bay for 500 yrds past the last A frame cottage. and of course there's always the very far end of Shining wood bay. As you near the far end there is an island. Start on the north side of the island and troll back west out of the bay for 300 yrds. TRurn arouind and go back.
  15. Over the last week ther have been a few more caught around rivermouths - west end lake ontario. Would expect the harbour to be a little ahead of the main lake. Had 2 takes on Sunday but none landed.
  16. I have a rod and reel that I no longer use Shakespeare Beaulite and 8.5 7-8 Pflueger Medalist. Have just never gotten around to posting on the classifieds. Brand new rod and reel was over $200. Comes with DT7 but its old. PM me if interested. Your pocket book will dictate what you spend but put money in the rod and line, then the reel.
  17. Hey Huey you mention good on gas so that takes out my first 3 recommendations (ha-ha). I was recommended to a place on north service road in Burlington Autopark where you could see and test drive a number of different SUV's. I had no intention of buying as I had the doubts about a non dealership type of car lot. This place deals in 1-2 year lease vehicles but as I was told they stay away from anything classed as fleet - to many problems. I was very pleasantly suprised and ended up buying a used Ford Expedition from them which other than stopping evry block for gas I love. I wish I could remember my sales rep but he's an older gent with glasses. My truck came with all the old paper work. Was owned by a real estate agent in Vancouver who I emailed to ask about the truck. Anyways they have a web site that shows what's on the lot for SUV's. I spent 2 days test driving everything from the Buick Pacific to Chevs and Fords. He even let me take out a range rover. http://www.autopark.ca/
  18. Hey Bill, beauty looking river, Has been on my to do list for a while. maybe one day. The lamprey is most likely an American brook lamprey and the life cycle of the sea lamprey we all hate does not have any presence past 1" in freshwater rivers. I have seen these for years on the upper credit and took photos to an MNR office to make sure. These are harmless filter feeders that actually help to keep the gravel beds clean.
  19. Lew a couple years back they opened up a store in Oakville, just west of Trafalgar on Cross. This has been my salvation store ever since. Staff could be more knowledgable about marine parts though they do try their best. Usually my questions are a bit off the wall trying to make a square peg fit in a round hole. If you need anything marine they usdually have the exact fitting, screw, bracket or whatever you need It sure saves having to always try and modify CTC or Home Depot stuff. As far as pricing goes I find it 50-50. I ended up buying my VHF connectors and antenna there total $ 105 and found the exact same at BPS for $25 cheaper. I know it would have cost me more than $20 in gas to go there. I'm a regular now dropping by about once a month just to wander through. Just bought a really neat 3lb fold-away anchor that will be perfect for back lakes and fly ins up in Temagami.
  20. Hit the same river I've fished opener for last 18 years now. With last few years being pretty dismal for fish I was hoping for a turnaround with cooler weather and recent rains. Sure was not disappointed Got to the parking lot at 5:30 and no cars???? Did I get my days wrong. Finally 1 other car pulls in. Hit the first pool not 100 yards from my truck and on the first drift hit a 24" male as silver as can be. Great fight and start to the day. When the sun finally came up I had gone 3 for 4, all smaller fish and all on worms. I could not get a sniff on roe. Picked up several more small silvers (2-4 lbs) and then moved up to the next pool. Still not another fishermen in sight. First drift through this pool turned a nice 28" male for Team 8 The river had good quantities of fish and perfect water color. Anywhere the drift slowed and was deep enough not to make out the bottom usually had trout. Tons of 6-10" trout in the river. Trying to keep these off the bait was tough. Was like having rock bass around while walleye fishing. As the sun got higher fish dropped to deeper pools and log jams. The last part of the morning was spent in one big nasty log jam. Every 10-15 minutes would produce a very good fish. Problem was landing them in that mess. Hit a couple that would be close to 8-10 but no chances landing those. A couple more of the nicer ones Actually lost count after landing the 12th. First time in a long time that has happened. All on worms and more bottom bouncing than under floats. Definitely looks like a mid week sick day.
  21. $7.99 each not bad will be at the Mississauga CTC at lunch looking for some more
  22. did you get the pm. seems to be some problem on my end still can't send Just under $500 but they did go up last fall a bit
  23. Mine is much higher maintenance than Malcolms. It's all in the personality. When I went to pick mine out, he opened the pen and this guy shot out almost knocked me over and then dove into a garbage can of food. I just couldn't say no. Rays has a very good mix of tricolors but if he has any check out his red/brown mixes They are very nice. I originally wanted a red but changed my mind when I got up there. Good luck and if you go to Rays don't howl at the dogs. He has an outside pen where the adults run around and they'll start at once. Drives his neighbour nuts!! Malcolm did it once. It was hilarious! I wish I could post a picture right now. He's laying beside me on the couch dreaming. Feet are going and he's barking in his sleep. Must be catching rabbits!!
  24. I know there's a few Lake Ontario hounds out there. DWC/GMAN haven't heard any posts yet guys ???? Was cruising through CTC tonight looking for scotchbrite pads and aluminum cleaner to fix up my pedastal bases when in the fishing section way down at the bottom I was suprised to see small 4" Pro Troll flashers with the Echips. If any of you salmon guys watched the US websites last year you know that the Echip flashers were absolutely deadly. I managed to give 1 a shot last year and did hook into some fish. On a US site from Eastern Ontario I found some information from several captains who were using the small 4" ProTroll Echip with a coho sized fly as a cheater line last year for bows. There success was very impressive. Just a quick FYI for anyone looking to add to the arsenal. They had at the Oakville strore, and I do mean HAD 2 colors to choose from. Silver/Silver tape and Silver/Watermelon
  25. Rays Beagles 13 inch size 781 Regional Road 21 2.5 km west of Manchester (just West on Borck RD and 7 - Port Perry) 905 985 9939 used to be able to find some contact info on the web but now he's more word of mouth. He sells pure hunting dogs Malcolm (on this board) and I bought last year. Great dogs but defintely higher maintenance than a regular house pet. Very reasonably priced compared to some of the other breeders I looked at last year. Mines on the left - male with big lungs. Hasn't shut up but who doesn't love the sound of a beagle!! Malcolm hunted his last year for deer and it did fantastic. This year mine goes too. close up of my buddy. Tricolor with nice head markings. Malcolms is a female all black and white with 1 blue eye. If he didn't pick her I would have
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